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    male nurse frases de exemplo

    male nurse

    1. The physician arrived at last, out of breath, together with two male nurses carrying a litter

    2. In the midst of Bob doing his head spins, an austere looking male nurse with a dildo demeanor walked into our “break-room,” and gave us a stink face

    3. As the ambulance pulled up they could see Hamish sitting in his wheel chair, as Chandelle put on a brave face she could feel her stomach turning over and then Hamish was there before her giving her a great big smile, it’s sure good to be home again and looking at Hans he said I can see by the way you are dressed; my dear friend here had the hindsight to employ a male nurse

    4. Hamish had only been home from hospital for about ten days but already everyone could see the difference in him, he looked healthier than he ever had and even shared a joke or two with Hans, getting a male nurse for him had been the best decision Jock could have ever made

    5. That night, the Hispanic male nurse came into my room

    6. Burmese guy, and all the second shift techs, and a male nurse

    7. What we also discovered during this time is that the male nurse

    8. Just to testify about the male nurse that treated me that night

    9. ‗Guapo said there were only male nurses,‘ Con said quietly

    10. ‗Showing what? Terrified male nurses and surgeons working under stress

    11. “A male nurse” she corrected him, “and a very noble vocation at that”

    12. One of the female nurses then stared at Miriam’s face

    13. � Major Nancy Laplante, Special Military Advisor to the Prime Minister, was part of the raiding force, along with a Canadian Army female nurse

    14. He introduced her to Maley, another female nurse, and told her that Maley would be her supervisor

    15. An Indian female nurse opens the door and says, “Doctor Stone, the patient Diane Denise Brown and her family are back

    16. I had been in the hospital before, and have had female nurses undress me and give me sponge baths when I was truly unable to move or respond, so I knew the routine

    17. ” A young man who looked to be chemically tranquilized sat next to a male nurse in whites

    18. A number of beds lined the walls on both sides of the building, with several male and female nurses in attendance

    19. “Now a days there are lots of female doctors and male nurses as well, times have changed a lot since you were a child

    20. Despite the complications it might cause and the already overburdened state it was in, the agency agreed to assign their own male nurse to the job

    21. The hospital reported that he’d been discharged just before noon, along with a male nurse to help him settle in

    22. It took three male nurses to force Tony into an ambulance, and it was only after Dr

    23. At home, I became Lizzie"s male nurse

    24. little group waded into the water with their shoes and clothes on and the doctor and Anna gingerly laid us on the stretcher, which was held by the two male nurses

    25. “What is it with the chewing?” I asked the male nurse, who replaced the female and now stood at the door

    26. I picked up Marie Croal and a male nurse I had never seen before

    27. Osborne when he built a school for training female nurses at Bellevue College

    28. Only those who have passed through a lingering and dangerous illness can rate at their true value the care, skill, and attendance of trained female nurses

    29. baths,' I suggested, pointing towards the vacant lower floor of the Male Nurses Quarters

    30. Have you seen a male nurse called Laden?” A pause for about fifteen seconds, then Tara continues, “So do you know where he is now?” Another pause… “Can you tell me what they were arguing about?" She pauses for a few seconds

    31. “There wasn't any hot male nurses at the hospital

    32. Accompanying them were seventy internes and surgeons from the staffs of the hospitals, and more than 125 male and female nurses

    33. 'And no more weeks in hospital, being ordered about by female nurses, Toad,' added the Mole, turning the key on him

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