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    manage to frases de exemplo

    manage to

    1. By dint of her breathing in a lot and me tugging hard, we manage to get her into it

    2. ’ I manage to enunciate at the second try

    3. With their cuteness, tricks, tears, mischief, as well as with their endless demands, they manage to keep their parents always busy -especially their mother

    4. Then I fly out of the window and along Nereid st; black dogs get in my way as I fly towards the playground, yet I manage to leave them behind

    5. That explains it: I have heard about certain persons lately who, although they are illiterate, have become successful travelling salesmen and earn up to 700,000 drachmas per month! Taking into account that a salesman's commission is no higher than 10%, how do they manage to make sales of 7,000,000 drachmas every month? What do they really sell? Encyclopedias? Come on now! Nowadays you can find cheap and voluminous encyclopedias in bookstores or, even, on offer in newspapers! Why would anyone pay dearly a commercial traveller? Unless they sell other things, other ''services'', instead of books

    6. Even so, she did manage to drag the subject round to Abery

    7. Despite anticipating that the sound of the water flowing past my head as I sleep in the cabin bed allotted to me would awaken memories that would prevent me sleeping, I do manage to drop off and woke to find myself in a different world; the flat lowlands have been replaced by rolling hills which, even though the plants and animals show the ubiquitous signs of malaise I have seen elsewhere, is lovely to behold

    8. It takes a while to get my belongings organised as I want them, but I still manage to be up on deck before the boat casts off

    9. By dint of sheer willpower and a certain amount of gritting of the teeth against the pain, I manage to get dressed and pack up my bags again

    10. With an effort, I manage to throw one arm round her neck, swallowing a fair amount of water in the process, but once there, it means she can support me as she swims strongly towards land

    11. How they manage to avoid hitting each other I do not know, but I have to say that, although most cars sport some sort of scratch or dent, I didn’t see a single accident

    12. They were going to rape her but found they were still too young, though they did manage to get her clothes off

    13. After lunch, I manage to get started on Bunty again but am interrupted just after three by the arrival of a woman in reception who wants to talk to someone about an article in the last edition

    14. I stagger to the door and, at the third try, manage to open it

    15. “How did the Internal Revenue Service manage to let this slip by them? And why would she use a false number to start with? And if she's not Amanda, who the hell is she?”

    16. Taking one arm each they manage to heave Billy to his feet and half drag, half carry him into the house

    17. It worked, but sadly the imp did manage to tear off some of poor Lucy’s hair

    18. Was that a question, or a statement? "What?” was all she could manage to say, Beth knew her better than any other person, she’d probably read her tears and knew of her dilemma even before she’d spoke

    19. Jesse took a seat at the kitchen table and asked, "So did you manage to convince him to move?" catching her off guard

    20. " Who was she trying to convince, them? They could see it from the outside, and even if she couldn't, they could see a separation occurring, but the battle did manage to change the subject

    21. Security DEMANDS that you kill her, and a real soldier certainly would, but we now know a sniveling little rodent like you couldn't manage to kill a healthy young woman even if you had the backbone to try

    22. ‘But how did you manage to stop the triggering of the machine?’

    23. Mike was too far out of it to answer any of her questions, although he did manage to assist her quite well, in getting into the house

    24. you manage to ask the question, how on earth are you

    25. Grenades if they’ve manage to find any

    26. If you manage to repel them they will do the same again the next night

    27. All I could manage to say through a few broken sentences was

    28. did not manage to leave for London

    29. Monk-Key 1 responded, “The cross wiring of the random Emotions sets forth new considerations of word relations Which while not communicating in standard idiom still Manage to produce idioms randomly to the accommodation Of sustained communication without linear deliberation—

    30. This time she would dodge the strike and manage to plunge the blade into the cat’s side

    31. He’d have Hesper roast it, but she’d usually manage to burn the cursed thing

    32. And hoped and prayed as hard as he could that she would manage to steer clear of such characters on her journey to his camp

    33. The latter glanced back and forth nervously, wondering if he could manage to talk his parent into finally leaving the establishment to return home and sleep off the ale

    34. Winking Skeever with perhaps more questions than he had entered with, he felt like all he could manage to do at least for the current time was to sit down

    35. The boy's thought-form did manage to enter my mind

    36. about these Laws and still manage to create success

    37. Yes there are those few high achievers who manage to

    38. you are more productive and manage to stay on course

    39. “Rebecca, how is Elizabeth? At her age, how did she manage to survive such harsh living conditions?”

    40. That last day as we crossed the Plain it was almost more than I could manage to harness my impatience

    41. The vegetation is sparse, but they manage to eat tufts of grass growing between rocks

    42. But somehow he still manage to be completely shocked when she says that she doesn't want to have sex (after spending zero time building sexual tension)

    43. “Or something Felix did,” which was all I could manage to say, as I swerved and merged

    44. Shortly after they’d settled in Cuba, Sheena explained that she was worried about what Gonzalez’s employers might do with her research should they manage to recover the files from the hard drive he’d stolen from her laptop

    45. Later on we did manage to steal night vision from the Army but it was not in common use

    46. How did you manage to find your mother at her present age?”

    47. Our nation‘s short-term memory and its unwillingness to address this (very) important matter will prove troubling for future generations of Americans in the coming years unless we somehow manage to get a firm handle on this thing

    48. How, for example, are future generations expected to balance diminishing global resources and job opportunities between ―ageless‖ populations and its younger claimants? How would arithmetic market growth manage to keep pace with the

    49. Thorne directed medical procedures from his home? It was absurd, but I couldn’t manage to be surprised about anything he might do

    50. Then if he did manage to settle down who would he put in danger

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