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    martyrdom frases de exemplo


    1. How many of the souls on this ship had sacrificed their mortal lives in martyrdom for Talstan? He looked it up and found it to be thirteen percent of the crew

    2. Martyrdom is not merely in death, but a lifestyle

    3. "What kind of martyrdom is that?" Yarin asked

    4. to them was martyrdom, they paid gladly the price

    5. Rome’s claim rested largely upon the Apostle Peter’s martyrdom there, along with the biblically based claim that Jesus had chosen him to head His Church

    6. 1 When he too had undergone blessed martyrdom and died in the caldron into which he had been thrown the seventh the youngest of all came forward: 2 whom the tyrant pitying though he had been dreadfully reproached by his brethren 3 Seeing him already encompassed with chains had him brought nearer and endeavoured to counsel him saying 4 You see the end of the madness of your brethren for they have died in torture through disobedience and you if disobedient having been miserably tormented will yourself perish prematurely

    7. " "About two thousand Christians also with Nicanor one of the seven deacons suffered martyrdom during the persecution that arose about Stephen"

    8. It was not until ten years after the death of Stephen that the second martyrdom took place; for no sooner had Herod Agrippa been appointed governor of Judea than with a view to ingratiate himself with them he raised a sharp persecution against the Christians and determined to make an effectual blow by striking at their leaders

    9. The account given us by an eminent primitive writer Clemens Alexandrinus ought not to be overlooked; that as James was led to the place of martyrdom his accuser was brought to repent of his conduct by the apostle's extraordinary courage and undauntedness and fell down at his feet to request his pardon professing himself a Christian and resolving that James should not receive the crown of martyrdom alone

    10. Timon and Parmenas suffered martyrdom about the same time; the one at Philippi and the other in Macedonia

    11. The scene of his labors was Parthia and Ethiopia in which latter country he suffered martyrdom being killed with a halberd in the city of Nadabah A

    12. His martyrdom grieves all of us

    13. They see his death as the martyrdom to a great cause

    14. conviction of asceticism and martyrdom

    15. martyrdom, or the day of fal ing asleep in the Lord, was considered a birthday

    16. Where martyrs are concerned, the day of martyrdom is the day of their very first commemoration, and

    17. constant martyrdom of love and witnessing by giving, as exemplified by al the saints

    18. Some rushed to the battlefields hoping for martyrdom, others escaped from the country to safety or were executed by the Islamists

    19. And as concerns James, it was literally true -- he did drink the cup with the Master, seeing that he was the first of the apostles to experience martyrdom, being early put to death with the sword by Herod Agrippa

    20. 12 Several years after the martyrdom of James, John married his brother's widow

    21. His face was saturated with depression, as if in the midst of his martyrdom he had lost his faith

    22. “No achievement in the world is higher than martyrdom

    23. In a culture driven by Jihad and martyrdom, obsessed with death and destruction, love couldn’t grow

    24. 'She lives! Oh, Krallides, your martyrdom was not in vain! They have her locked in that dungeon! Oh, Ishtar, if you love true men, aid me now!'

    25. Amaran-ta, however, whose hardness of heart frightened her, whose concentrated bitterness made her bitter, suddenly became clear to her in the final analysis as the most tender woman who had ever existed, and she understood with pitying clarity that the unjust tortures to which she had submitted Pietro Crespi had not been dictated by a desire for vengeance, as everyone had thought, nor had the slow martyrdom with which she had frustrated the life of Colonel Gerineldo Márquez been determined by the gall of her bitterness, as everyone had thought, but that both actions had been a mortal struggle between a measureless love and an invincible cowardice, and that the irrational fear that Amaranta had always had of her own tormented heart had triumphed in the end

    26. Then she asked Úrsula for a mirror and for the first time in more than forty years she saw her face, devastated by age and martyrdom, and she was surprised at how much she resembled the mental image that she had of herself

    27. At that same instant, in Fernanda’s bed, his twin brother came to the end of the prolonged and terrible martyrdom of the steel crabs that were eating his throat away

    28. people, the results of which will lead many of the converted into martyrdom

    29. However, even with this information, the hawks still adamantly opposed surrender, claiming the Japanese would keep fighting to the bitter end for the Emperor in the faith that they shall find martyrdom and eternal life

    30. martyrdom related here was suffered by someone against whom no

    31. sacrifice YOUR life in martyrdom to the faith

    32. martyrdom earned by forcing Christianity on others with the sword or

    33. paradise—Shahid: martyrdom in the cause of Allah

    34. responsible for the martyrdom of Christians in the past and during the

    35. 6) Is directly and indirectly responsible for the martyrdom of

    36. While the martyrdom of Christians certainly angers God, the straw that

    37. martyrdom that will be waged against anyone who is a follower of

    38. Spare me the martyrdom

    39. He had even considered hypnotism in the hope that he could convince the Grand Wizard that martyrdom would be a good career move, but had given up on the idea when he found out that it involved swinging a timepiece in front of the eyes of the intended victim

    40. To teach these doctrines was his one object from his conversion till his martyrdom

    41. The outspoken, courageous words of old Latimer, before the faggots were lighted, in the day of his martyrdom, in Broad Street, Oxford, are not forgotten to this very day

    42. Thus, he inspired Muhammad to inculcate the spirit of martyrdom amongst the Musalmans for raising a die-hard group in the service of him and Islam -“Hast thou not seen those unto whom it was said: Withhold your hands, establish worship and pay the poor-due, but when fighting was prescribed for them behold! a party of them fear mankind even as their fear of Allah or with greater fear, and say: Our Lord! Why hast thou ordained fighting for us? If only Thou wouldst give us respite yet a while! Say (unto them, O Muhammad): The comfort of this world is scant; the Hereafter will be better for him who wardeth off (evil); and ye will not be wronged the down upon a date -stone

    43. But we aren't about martyrdom operations

    44. However, the temper of the Tamilians ensured a hostile reception to his missionary zeal, and his persistence to proselytize them regardless had ended in his martyrdom for the Christianity

    45. After all, isn’t martyrdom too tempting a proposition for the shahid what with the promised company of all those black-eyed virgins? Lest there should be any doubt in the minds of the prospective martyrs about the capacity of man to enjoy so many women, lo, the Quran had clarified that their own virility increaseth a hundred fold to be able to have them all! Oh, Muhammad! The uniqueness of the Mohammedan faith is that the belief enables the believer to endure the hassles of Islamic dogma ‘here’ while conditioning himself to sacrifice his life, if need be, for the rewards of ‘the hereafter’ guaranteed for the martyrs

    46. It would be an idea to know how the parents of all those children whom Ayatollah Khomeini, in his fight against Saddam Hussein, consigned to martyrdom by promising Paradise

    47. ” But instead of divining the irony of the Islamic martyrdom that the cartoon highlighted, the Musalmans the world over reacted in a way that validates the Persian adage - Ba Khuda diwaana basho, Ba Muhammad hoshiar, which means, Were it about ‘the God’, rant as thou want, Weigh thy words if it comes to Muhammad

    48. It might be that God would grant me martyrdom

    49. It is a psychological possibility to work on the subconscious guilt of those youth, who have strayed from the Straight Path, to induce a conscious desire for martyrdom to atone for their past sins as the ideologues of Al-Qaeda had demonstrated; didn’t Osama’s plane loads that struck the ‘Satanic Towers’ on 9/11, as the world watched in awe, came from this deceptive source

    50. But, how were they to hide the inimical ayats that incite hatred towards the infidels from their kids that might put them on the path of fanaticism or worse, martyrdom? Why only the Quran, even the hadith and the sunna, not to speak of sharia seem to play no less a role in shaping the separatist, intolerant and aggressive Islamic ethos of the Musalmans

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