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    mass media frases de exemplo

    mass media

    1. The biggest mass media is magazines and there are tens of millions of titles and none that print more than a few million copies

    2. adding a Phrase here and there… sometimes just barely thinking a word, or just About to say it, before it would occur externally on the mass media

    3. There was an irony here, as Monk-Key 1 saw Itself as more humane and self-conscious then the humans It viewed in the mass media—and was very curious about The lives it would intervene with in the future

    4. The accounts of anarchy, killing, and raping in the Superdome, as reported by the Mass Media, not only were fictional, but they actually impaired the relief efforts

    5. Stop the constant bombardment day in and day out of all the negative mass media news

    6. The citizens don"t question what is printed or broadcast through the mass media

    7. Starting to realize that what the mass media celebrities

    8. Music, painting, and sculpture, as well as situation comedies and other material in the mass media, have all been infected

    9. A man with his long and broad experience in all forms of mass media wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t stress the vital importance of black rather than red ink on a ledger and what must be done to make a profit and stay in business

    10. The post-modernist belief in the relativism of truth, coupled to the clicker culture of the mass media where attention spans are nonexistent, leaves us with bewildering claims packaged in convenient shiny infotainment units

    11. Another good source of material is the coverage of the mass media, in all its

    12. Any mass media suspected of carrying the views and values of its owner, or any one sided view, rather than reporting the truth on everything (with equal time for differing unproven opinions), will be subject to review for monopolistic practices

    13. The mass media gave coverage of the forthcoming World Summit and GM food topped the bill, and Charles was often in the media headlines, which surprisingly gave a balanced account based on fact

    14. The list consists of four areas of language use – Mass Media,

    15. already done the Mass Media area you will have rather few difficulties about

    16. Moreover, those of the readers who reach out to people via mass media platforms, such as books (fiction or non-fiction), radio broadcasts, films, articles in newspapers, magazines or online portals, or the likes, can incorporate these contentions so as to dispel the prejudices enumerated in the book (it is necessary to specifically bring out the prejudiced notions and have them rebutted on the basis of facts and logic as has been done in this book; it is not sufficient to just have a Muslim character in a story who is a nice person from the point of view of changing mindsets of those strongly prejudiced against Muslims)

    17. I’ll preface this section by saying that it will help if you have an open mind and accept that some of these facts are a slap in the face to politically correct nutrition in this day and age where fats are admonished by many well intentioned, but mislead health professionals, doctors, the mass media, etc

    18. • The fat in organically raised, free-range animals: This is one area where most people have been misinformed by the mass media

    19. Subsequent SFUURMM-Forms originate on the basis of the incessant Information which we are force-fed every day by mass media, movies, and videos;, by which we are persuaded in school, assured by lecturers at an institute, and by parents; which is formed by self-education and self-disciplining activities and hobbies; which fills various types of literature and art that depicts our Reality: philosophical, religious, esoteric, political, economic, professional, and of course belles-lettres with all of its genres, from poems to anecdotes

    20. Their manifestation may be absent in your Self-Consciousness or your actions, that is, they don’t have any “karmic” result, as it usually happens to all sorts of data, theories, knowledge and other, as if unessential (for you), Information, which is projected into your system of Perception from commercials, TV, mass media, Internet and is perceived by your Formo-Creators of the brain as useless, without being retained or processed in any way for a second

    21. If some VVU-Information is just potentially present (not manifested) in the Formo-system of Worlds, then we cannot anyhow perceive it, properly evaluate it and react to it without a corresponding Experience (synthesized Aspects of Qualities) in our individual ODS, the information carrier of which is a certain UU-VVU-copy that has been previously included into the information space of our Self-Consciousness (by our choices, parents, school, society, books, films, Internet, mass media, and so on)

    22. In modern times, this has been developed into what is known as mass media

    23. When there are no gas stations, no cars, no grocery stores, when there is no money, no global trade, no mass media, no oil, no electricity, no heated homes, no stores, no mass produced products, no jobs, no government, no centralized power, no higher authority to tell them what to do and how to live: when all their gods and idols and icons are smashed into pieces and are dead and destroyed: they will die simply because their purpose on earth is finished: poisoned humans who are controlled by undead things have no will of their own to live: when undead remove themselves from these drones: they die

    24. The gratuitous violence of mass media mirrors the violence civilization is wreaking upon the living earth

    25. What people call consumer culture is simply the inundation of mass media and mass marketing trying to sell you something

    26. By simply the barrage of paid mass media, consumerism has displaced other cultural norms until it has become the dominant culture throughout the world

    27. Mass media by its very existence effectively destroys any alternative source of information except what it provides

    28. In effect: mass media functions not to disseminate information, but to funnel only one piece of information and ram it down the minds of billions of viewers who blindly accept whatever they are exposed to

    29. Mass Media has the huge power of telling people what is important

    30. The fact remains that Mass Media is responsible for psychically wounding and damaging its viewers by obsessing on violence, destruction and death

    31. The point is; mass media news does not cover, and does not deal with the news that its mass viewership needs and should have: the news about their immediate surroundings, the latest breaking news about their family, their work and the neighbourhoods they live in

    32. The perceptual distortion of mass media and its attempt to duplicate human experience by having everybody watch the same thing can only be understood if you look at what people are not doing rather than what they are doing

    33. Especially when it is multiplied, magnified, reflected and re-reflected through the distortive lens of mass media

    34. Here are some effects of mass media

    35. Any single focus or viewpoint that is duplicated and multiplied by the dynamic of mass media, pyramidal focus, and the mindless, reactive conformity of spectators destroys perspective

    36. The Culture of Mass Media

    37. So what has mass media done to fill this need for the masses to worship a class that is higher than they are? It has sold fictitious lies about every profession that has power, authority, or status

    38. That is one problem with the mass media and mass brainwashing of today

    39. Mass media used by the rich to brainwash the poor by treating them as dogs instead of treating them as the oppressed ignorant slaves they once were and still are

    40. The brainwashing tactics and strategies that the new emerging mass medias afforded were just beginning to be honed and used by the Rich elite and the Robber Barons

    41. The entire Nation was successfully brainwashed by a polio cripple, a wealthy son of a wealthy Robber Baron, into ignoring the actual state of affairs and escaping into the fantasy escapism of mass media

    42. They control the masses through mass manufacturing, mass media, mass propaganda, mass advertizing, mass news, mass entertainment, mass brainwashing, mass affluence, mass terrorization, governments, corporations, secret organizations, secret alliances, secret conspiracies, secret plans, secret agendas

    43. The point is: Russia had no quarrel with that; so why did the other two members of the Triple entente become so enraged as to declare war on Germany and not on Russia? Russia was just as guilty of invading Poland as Germany was, so why didn’t France and England declare war on Stalin’s USSR? The list of hypocrisies and bullshit rationalizations and propaganda bullshit spewed by the western mass media trying to claim and explain and prove that the Allies were in the ‘right’ and Germany and Hitler was in the ‘wrong’ is easily exposed and debunked

    44. All mass humor in all mass media is based upon this principle

    45. Why is this important? His confession is important because he was the best of his breed, he was the best of the entertainment industry and mass media

    46. But mass media uses sex to sell things

    47. But I believed it all of my adult life, simply because I did not question what was presented on mass media and in books, and I did not dig deeper and do my own research until much later in my life

    48. He did it without any mass media coverage

    49. Moreover… if all the workers in the media also do not show up… then you cannot have any mass media brainwashing the masses… with their one-sided lies and distortions and bullshit

    50. America has become a Nation of such arrant social cowards; that its own mass media censors itself

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    Sinônimos para "mass media"

    journalism broadcasting television radio