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    mass-produce frases de exemplo


    1. they were called, genetically mass-produced men and women born of test tubes to

    2. Sickly-sweet squares of pink and white mass-produced sponge surrounded by thick marzipan

    3. That was what they were called, genetically mass-produced men and women born of test tubes to augment man’s thinly veiled hold on the outer edges of the galaxy

    4. Unappreciated at the time, and costing as little as the cheapest mass-produced furniture, my purchase of these apparently odd items had marked me out as eccentric After the restoration process that came with these purchases, they were appreciated by everyone else and approached the category of antiques

    5. They have created a machine to mass-produce

    6. The items you received in return would have been mostly mass-produced in cities by magically assisted means, and so they were much cheaper

    7. The cold steel of his mass-produced helmet pressed into the back of his neck in discomfort as he watched the dark malevolent mass of men approach

    8. Nah, Amy would defecate emerald-colored mass-produced synthetic-cream-filled sponge cakes to arrive home and find the kitchen turned into a chem

    9. The company had always been on the leading edge of new technology and inventions, but when it incorporated the hydrogen engine and the German "People's Car" together in one mass-produced automobile, the company soared into international prominence

    10. � Steps have already been taken to mass-produce the new rifles at the Enfield factories

    11. An original but mass-produced oil painting of a seascape hung on the wall across from Wickland, flanked on either side by two hurricane lamps, the candles of which had never been burned

    12. Mattel had seen car-race games in arcades and wanted to mass-produce something similar, but a video-game version would have been too costly

    13. As for the rather plain, mass-produced glass hand mirrors sold at eight copper oboles a piece, it was still twenty times less expensive than the poorly reflecting contemporary Carolingian hand mirrors made of polished metal

    14. Most of today's mass-produced foods are seriously depleted of nutrients and are highly chemicalized with additives

    15. And after DDT was banned only as a pesticide on mass-produced agricultural plants… Not in homes, or roach sprays, or garden pesticides used by homeowners; just commercially, industrially and in farms… The Scientific community very carefully and quietly… with the full collaboration of the governments and corporations and Universities all around the world… banned all further research and study of all the other deadlier pesticides that the scientific laboratories have been inventing and spewing out, and selling to the chemical corporations, who sell them to the agro-corporations, who use them in all of the industrial pesticides and chemical fertilizers they sell to all of the farmers around the world… So: for over seventy years and still counting… There has been no research on the effects of pesticides on humans at all

    16. Everything is becoming standardized: everything that is mass-produced steadily loses any diversity and becomes increasingly identical, mediocre and boring

    17. Is there anything in your surroundings that is not mass-produced? Is there anything around you that has not been mass-packaged, mass-sold, or mass-bought, or mass-consumed? A few unchanging dead, art objects?… that inevitably become boring to look at? After looking at the same painting a million times over and over: without seeing anything different? Oh

    18. Then every corporation stupid enough to mass-produce anything would go bankrupt

    19. Then every corporation stupid enough to even try to mass-produce anything would have to figure out how to get rid of every single waste they produce and create in their entire production phase and packaging phase

    20. Then any mass-produced consumer product would become so expensive: no consumer on Earth would be able to afford a $200 bottle of nail polish, or a $200,000 mass-produced car

    21. The true cost of whatever is mass-produced never shows up on the initial price tag

    22. Reducing all the food plants in the world to a handful of mass-produced, genetically altered seeds is begging for trouble in the long run

    23. The idea of trying to mass-produce an identical operating system that is supposed to satisfy every person on earth has forced Microsoft to make a product that is so complex, so complicated, has so many bugs in it that nobody understands it, and everyone hates it

    24. It would completely destroy the urge to mass-produce anything

    25. Then you could go down to your local mechanic, tell him what kind of car you want, and three weeks later it would be ready for you as specified… custom built from top to bottom… by components easily fitted and installed; because you would have no huge corporation twisting their chassis so they are different from other models of mass-produced cars

    26. Generations identify any commercial mass-produced product they have been brainwashed into wanting and buying with sex

    27. Until the government learned to improve the quality of the mass-produced chemicalized poison called food that they fed their killers with

    28. Then spices were mass-produced for the lower classes

    29. In short: whatever could be mass-produced, or mass-picked, or mass-caught and is processed so it can be preserved

    30. The only difference between a corn kernel and a 40,000 yr-old mass-produced bead made by a human: is the hole in the bead and its color

    31. Even mass-produced cars can exhibit identical symptoms, yet their mechanical illness can be caused by different things in each car

    32. How can you expect this kind of mass-produced system of mass-diagnosis based upon two absolutes, and the assumption of identicality… to work effectively and accurately? It can’t

    33. Then they branded their mass-produced products; as being made, and owned by them so these branded products could not be stolen by someone else and sold illegally

    34. And the masses gobble this up, and walk around proudly with the logos of their owners and enslavers and manipulators on their chests: as proud mass-produced tokens of their upwardly exclusive lifestyles

    35. I have a unique mass identity, by wearing a unique mass-produced item; that sets me apart from other consumers who buy mass-produced items

    36. Their mass-produced items are not as special, or as unique, or a expensive, or as good as mine are

    37. I shall ignore the fact that now there are thousands-millions of the same ‘unique’ mass-produced logo-product

    38. I shall pretend it is only a small exclusive clique that wear these mass-produced items…

    39. She knew Miranda would be unlikely to wear mass-produced chain-store clothes; she would dress expensively, in clothes that would be much more easily traced

    40. Can anyone find one sane reason why humans with the most primitive toolkit suddenly began to mass-produce useless objects that were not even tools and were not even ornamental? Imagine yourself on a deserted island with only a few simple stone tools

    41. Mass-produced deaths heads dated 43,000 years old: have been found in caves in Turkey

    42. As a poisoned, watered down, idealized, sentimentalized, mass-produced, copied, boring, bullshit token of actual fun

    43. How long will we be doomed to re-enact the past; without understanding the re-enactments? Until there are as many accumulated, mass-produced baseballs on the Earth today; as the accumulating number of human dead; killed by other humans? Until there are more baseballs, than there are kernels of corn? Until baseballs replace corn kernels; as the subconscious bean-counter of the human races subconscious obsession with the head counting of how many of our own species we have killed so far? Until the obsession with counting money becomes an even worse insanity than counting death’s-heads for 30,000 years

    44. Heads of social organizations, institutions, the concept of a Supreme head-being: God, the making of bread by cutting off the heads of grain, the head of a bed, the head of a burning cigar or cigarette: knocked of as ashes: getting ‘ahead’, the concept of progress as the most important thing in life, competition: getting ahead of your competition, the concept of competitive elimination: ‘heads will fall’, ‘if you are not up to snuff’, snuff: sneezing your head off by taking a pinch of snuff to clear your head, giving ‘head’ sexually, warheads, bombs, firearms, bullets, artillery: any weapon that shoots something: slingshots, arrows, spears, rocks, the heading of a page, a header in grammar, the heading on a page, the heading on a sentence, the heading on a paragraph, somersaults, head-over-heels, crowns, the crowns of Corinthian pillars, pillars do not have heads: all pillars are decapitated, all segments of pillars: all decapitated columns, the idea of decapitating pillars of the community, the idea of dethroning kings, the eating of fruit like grapes, apples, etc; all edible things like coconuts, papaya,, unpeeling the head of a banana and eating it, all vegetables in the shape of a head like onions, cabbage, lettuce, the picking of leaves, the picking of fruits, the picking of beans: all drug foods the picking of spices: creating every single drug we call food, ice cream cones, all ice cream in the shape of a decapitated head, all food portions in the shape of a head, all toppings on all food, decapitated flowers, the Rose Parade: hundreds of millions of decapitated heads of flowers, all fire with flames that are decapitated, all fireworks, the crushing of spices, the picking of decapitated heads like mushrooms, eating nuts, cracking their shell, eggs, corks and bungs used to seal barrels and bottles, the tops of bottles, the sealing and taking off the tops of bottles, jars; all tools that have a head, the head of a hammer, nails, the head of a nail, pounding the head of a nail, the cutting off of the heads of large trees before decapitating them, cutting off the heads of animals to kill them and eat them, all mathematics: the counting of heads, or I’s and adding them up, the using of tools to create decapitated segments, all sports, all balls used in sports, the hitting of all balls, ping-pong, badminton, bowling, bowling pins: the decapitation of bowling pins by a bowling ball, kingpins, kings, jewelry, stickpins with diamond heads on them, canes, walking sticks with metal heads, staffs, any artifact denoting being the head of something, scepters, globes, flyswatters, turbans, musical instruments that blare out sound: decapitating it; using holes in wood and brass instruments to decapitate the natural sound into a shorter wavelength, all fretted and unfretted musical instruments, pressing on a fret to make the note shorter, like a violin or guitar, drums, drumsticks, cymbals, the heads of shoelaces, the detached mentality called the ego: decapitated and disconnected from all the other needs and energy flows of a human being, the concept of life after death as a detached form of spirit, the structure of all hierarchy, all capitalist companies and corporate bodies being ruled and controlled by detached heads of business, the capitalization of letters at the head of a word or sentence or paragraph: especially in ancient sacred Christian texts: where the first capital letter is huge, the eating of fish by decapitating them first, the use of all drugs, narcotics wine, coffee, pills: to create a disconnection between the brain and the rest of the human being, the concept of anesthesia, using drugs to numb the brain or prevent it from feeling the body’s pain, all cultures that value stoicism, macho pigs who cannot love, the concept of the hero as a stone face refusing to face the truth, refusing to feel love, refusing to feel any emotion whatsoever, refusing to cry, the stone carvings of all the ancient Kings, the decapitated carvings of all Kings on coins, the insane idea of all kings ruling by only using their decapitated heads as decapitated coins to spread their authority, all stone busts, plaster busts, the stone faces of all heroes in modern media who refuse to feel human emotion, ping-pong, the computer game: pong, King Kong: the King cut off from State: King Kong falling off the Empire State building: all the video games that are based upon decapitated heads decapitating other heads, which are all based on the old arcade pinball machines that shot decapitated heads that bounced around scoring points hitting and scoring on as many stationary targets of decapitated heads as possible, the decapitation of hair… haircuts, shaving daily, cutting your nails, the idea of assassination as a political tool, the concept of character assassination used in all human societies to cut off people who are thought too uppity or stick out too much, and do not conform… the detached form of observation that only use instruments for the eye: microscopes, telescopes, star-gazing, stamp collecting, the collections of anything from bric-a-brac to gold coins, portraits, still pictures of decapitated heads, cameos, brooches, belt buckles, shoe buckles, still photographs of decapitated heads, talking heads, heads on celluloid talking, heads on screens, moving pictures of talking heads, the idea of a leader as a talking head, all pictures on money of decapitated heads, mouthpieces, microphones, the idea of one person speaking for another, speechwriters, lawyers, politicians, amplified music coming out of a loudspeaker, amplifiers of singing-talking heads, the idea of doing nothing but talking as being the only form of social activity allowed in polite societies, the heads of shoelaces, all knots, topknots, tying hair into knots, the idea of cutting up sounds into words, into letters, into decapitated abstract symbols of meaning separated from thee body of the meaning by segmentation, all segmented forms of tool-use, all tools that segment things into decapitated heads, all decapitated forms of awareness-thinking-feeling, all forms of specialization, all segmented ways of living-doing-seeing, decapitating the natural order of things into decapitated insane pieces: decapitating a family into age groups, decapitating a community into alienated isolated individuals, all mass butchery of living animals by cutting off their heads, morse code, ticker tape, all digitalization of signals into meaningless decapitated codes, the invention of the glass tube: the first decapitated head that could mechanically receive and send energy through nerves called wires, the invention of the transistor: the first sold decapitated head that could send and receive signals, the invention of microchips: tiny decapitated heads with their own tiny brain circuits that could perform more complicated functions than the first huge glass-blown giants called vacuum tubes: because there was nothing inside them, all glass blowing, blowing up molten glass with hot air and then decapitating it to make a glass vase or bottle, all containers from bottles, jars, gourds, ladles, to pitchers and teapots with decapitated lids, all containers, chests, holding treasure, wealth, valuables, all spices and decapitated herbs, all furniture made from decapitating trees, all houses made into decapitated heads where the people living inside them only use their heads and not their hearts or bodies, the steam engine: decapitating steam to explode out in puffs of decapitated destroyed power, all wheels, all round wheels used in machines, all watches, with dials pointing at the decapitated numbers of a disconnected circle, the decapitation of all circles into wedges, pie slices, the invention of the wedge, the invention of the axe as a metal decapitated head to stick on a wooden decapitated piece of branch, all idols, all icons, all figureheads, all abstract symbols representing the head, the pinnacle, the top, the apex, the height of anything, all hierarchical awareness and structures that deem the head as the most valuable, the best, the most noble, etc; Jack-in the Box, all boxes, everything that is put into a box or container, FedEx: the obsession of transporting boxes and parcels, the song; ‘Pop goes the Weasel’, all mass-produced goods that are boxed and shipped, the detachment of specialized labor and work, the creation of holes, digging, all mining, piston heads, engine heads, everything that is called the ‘head’ of something, the froth on the top of a glass of beer,: to be blown away, the use of all zeros and ones: as in Japanese Zeros decapitating American ships, zeros and ones being created and then decapitated inside computers, the use of all zeros and ones in mathematics, scalping, the taking of heads, the shrinking of heads: which the computer microchip is the latest evolution of, …

    45. The insane idea that you can spread happiness commercially as an identical mass-produced opiate for the masses

    46. The endless washing of all mass-produced vegetables

    47. So children could get addicted to the sweetness of sugar water: replacing the sweetness of human love with mass-produced black poison sweetness; that rots your teeth, and rots your health, and destroys your appetite

    48. The eating of mass-produced sausages, the new level of eating slaughtered meat to poison the millions of industrialized slaves living in cities: animals slaughtered en masse by the thousands and hundreds of thousands: and then turning this dynamic of industrialized death around, and reversing it: slaughtering the slaughterers instead… what’s good for the goose should be good for the gander

    49. It seemed utterly impossible that the EDA had managed to reverse-engineer vastly superior communication, propulsion, and weapons technology in just a few years while concealing this endeavor from the whole world—let alone mass-produce it into millions of drones

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