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    mental disturbance frases de exemplo

    mental disturbance

    1. Is it a realistic interpretation to believe that a multitude of poisonous snakes suddenly and unaccountably appeared en masse in a desert environment where scarce resources should have naturally limited their numbers? According to some accounts, the plagues of Moses, followed by the Exodus, could have been brought on by an environmental disturbance

    2. Will there be more? Will there be additional genetic “insights” that will lead to other areas of acceleration? Or is this all that there is? What about environmental dislocations that are suspected to have been a spur in past ages? (In an earlier chapter there was mention of a catastrophic environmental disturbance (flood) which seems to have taken place, 5,700+ years ago, approximately consistent with the ASPM “gift

    3. Any environmental disturbance that disrupted this stability would erase in a generation any incremental size advantage so gained

    4. In the past, it appears to have taken an environmental disturbance or catastrophe to bring forth their expression or increase in activity

    5. She attributed her mental disturbance on her consumption of drugs

    6. At the height of her mental disturbance, her art is blooming

    7. And I also am feeling some unpleasant consequences of too much mental disturbance," said Mr

    8. It was evident that he was undergoing some process of mental disturbance, and knowing how his past moods had interpreted things seemingly foreign to himself, I thought I would enter into his mind as well as I could and go with him

    9. He has practically been blamed for his patient’s mental disturbances, as if there was no chance she might have been genetically predisposed to such problems

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