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    Use "meteor" em uma frase

    meteor frases de exemplo


    1. It was moving too slowly to be a meteor, but he knew it looked like that only because of its tremendous size

    2. doostEr was also already off the rockosaur's seat as Tahlmute said, "If you can see a meteor before it hits you, it missed, you have no chance of getting out of its way

    3. They could see the object approaching, but it was not really coming at them as fast as a meteor

    4. Estwig had stopped running, if it was a meteor it would have landed long ago

    5. This plume here has the signature of a meteor trail

    6. "I suspect you won't find any reports of a meteor strike," he said, "because this picture was taken the following Garibivlast using the weather scope

    7. The weather scope had nowhere near the magnification that had allowed them to analyze the meteor plume, but the image was consistent with what he was about to say

    8. From what she knew, Hartford was the largest urban center in North America that had not been slagged by a meteor, Syracuse was next, then Scranton

    9. Since they were in the 2341 echo of Atlantis, it had not been destroyed by a meteor in the war, but the year was still 2384, or 5713 as they called it here

    10. “It’s a meteor shower

    11. reminded him of Heather and how they had watched the meteor shower down on

    12. “We could obliterate that whole village with a meteor strike

    13. Crackling as they wove through the air, the threads of light closed in on the meteor, diving into its fiery tail

    14. meteor blast guns above the NASA base

    15. All we needed now was a meteor shower

    16. William was telling me that the meteor was going to hit the Earth, and we were all going to die, and there was no way that they could build a big enough nuclear weapon to, ‘vaporize it,’ in his words, and that’s when I put on my little thinking cap

    17. I had to explain it again a couple of times, about little puff-balls of smoke or gases all lined up in a row ahead of the meteor, and how the thing would arrive in Earth’s vicinity as just a big clump of steam; without enough kinetic energy to cause any harm or penetrate the atmosphere, et cetera

    18. Mars so when that comet or meteor does

    19. when that comet or meteor does hit, they can

    20. He said, “Computer, locate the nearest meteor cluster

    21. meteor in our galaxy of stars

    22. Being transported into a solid rather than vaporous medium would result not in a sonic boom but an explosion similar to a meteor strike, with obvious deleterious effects upon those transported

    23. dramatically: these are termed "meteor showers"

    24. Meteor showers are usually named after a star or constellation which is

    25. Many of the meteor showers are associated with comets

    26. This hand and arm hung down into space, and far below him the glowing body of the monster was rushing downward like a meteor

    27. It was forged of a meteor which flashed through the sky like a flaming arrow and fell in a far valley

    28. It’s now speculated that it was NOT a meteor

    29. Mysaep’s Moon had a breathable atmosphere, but the rare thing called life had not touched its meteor beaten surface, except for the pilgrimages that arrived a few times a year

    30. He had continued on as a pilot and was scheduled to fly with the new 444 Squadron that was to be the first in Canada to use the new Meteor jets from England

    31. meteor the size of Texas crashed through the ceiling and landed directly on top of Sky’s head

    32. Misty honoi dispersed and vanished from the crater, revealing the Human meteor that had fallen from the heavens

    33. As he lay there gazing up at the whole of the dark sky filled with stars, a meteor shower stretched across the sky in brilliant hues of blue and green and he wept

    34. Two days later, Old Chippy arrived in Kreplon City train station; a grandiose looking place, if that was what one could call all the rusty looking colossal metal arches above with their glass roves punctured with holes like a meteor hit not too long ago

    35. Do stars clean themselves with meteor showers?

    36. exist in the ocean floors, and the fact that the geological surface of the earth can also be seen to have these meteor and asteroid impacts

    37. There is further evidence to suggest that a meteor type of impact that has occurred in Egypt before may have been

    38. The meteor would have super-exploded just above the earth’s sur-

    39. Jo suggested “Most probably a meteor strike like the one in

    40. Aerith, the Cetra who had brought about Holy to save the world from Meteor and had died in the doing, still remained as a ghost in the Lifestream that would appear when she was needed by the Planet to impart a thing, or to make certain things went as they should

    41. Both of them remembered cleaning up after Meteor

    42. He had watched Reno be affected by being able to feel as Meteor killed the ones who got caught out in its effects

    43. � After a minute or so, the powerful Rolls-Royce Meteor engine came to life in a low rumble

    44. The fly in the ointment had been a small, possibly marble-sized, meteor that had collided with the reflector at the last minute, changing the target area from the arctic to Hanford

    45. even slightly put out was when a huge meteor had plopped out of the sky and

    46. Only the British Gloster METEOR jet fighters, which are in service in limited numbers and are reserved for the defense of London and of the East Coast, have realistic chances of intercepting them

    47. Nearly every Spacer living in fixed installations did so in habitats buried under the ice of their host worlds, with that thick layer of ice protecting them from space radiations and from small meteor strikes

    48. Biblical scholars agree that this is a meteor which falls from the sky

    49. describes this meteor as Wormwood, meaning bitter, because after the

    50. to stop a meteor shower from hitting the Earth?”

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    meteor meteoroid shooting star