Use "midweek" em uma frase
midweek frases de exemplo
1. I wonder if Rob and Trish could get away from the hotel … perhaps we should have it midweek – Saturdays are their busiest day
2. No strong-arming was required, within minutes she was on the road, and didn't return until midweek
3. One midweek afternoon, a couple of weeks after the funeral, I was sorting out the filter on Martha’s washing machine when she received a visitor
4. Midweek practice was over but the new mass we’d been learning sounded inside us still
5. Waterfalls were still swollen from the midweek rains and in some places splashed out onto the road
6. midweek for old guys who reckon it‘s too noisy at weekends
7. Midweek would be the best time as he is more liable to be at home then
8. The meeting was set for midweek
9. Because it was midweek, the streets weren’t crowded, and though it was still warm, the northerly breeze hinted at the possibility of cooler temperatures in the weeks ahead
10. A heavy, midweek rain drained into the rivers and streams of Curry County, and Yellow Creek was high enough for kayaking
11. She always dropped in midweek if she was “in her car,” which was her way of making the thirty-mile drive out to the farm seem like just part of a day’s errands