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migrant frases de exemplo
1. I did a sabbatical in the wilds, hiked all the way up to the ruins of Numidor, did the monastery scene and then became a migrant field hand for thousands of fertile-prairie miles out east somewhere or other and wound up in Hrrst decades later
2. US bases make up most of the island, and US servicemen and Filipino migrant workers almost outnumber Chamorros
3. He spent the time reviewing the conversation he’d had with the charming Nicaraguan woman he’d met while nursing his first drink at Cabañas Arrecifes, and whom he’d invited to join him for dinner – at least she had every right to claim she was Nicaraguan: as the child of a migrant farm hand working abroad when she was born in Costa Rica, she was definitely entitled to citizenship
4. Migrant smugglers charge thousands of dollars per passenger
5. The smugglers try to evade federal officials because the punishments for migrant smuggling and trying to escape arrest are not as severe as is the case for drug smugglers
6. First I studied some of the issues facing the migrant populations in Indian cities
7. Ephraim and others categorized the migrant Nepalese into three generations as it
8. migrant workers to have an account in a bank branch in India
9. 75 Since couple of years Nepalese migrant workers were caught in involvement of crime
10. The migrant families" health is also at risk
11. He was born in a family of migrant farm worker
12. My first book was Empty Cradles by Margaret Humphries the story of how she uncovered the child migrant scandal
13. Tafferel shook his head for a moment then walked out to the old barn with the migrant worker and showed him the old flat bed truck
14. The migrant worker took the truck from the barn and drove across the fields and stopped by the structure
15. A story is told of a flock of migrant
16. They had primarily been designed for transients, such as seasonal railroad and agriculture workers and even migrant lumberjacks
17. Squatters and wartime migrant workers had taken over the houses of the deported Japanese-Americans, living in them but not caring for them
18. ‘Even migrant workers from diamond factories in Surat came home and told their community members stories of how Gujarat was prospering under Modi,’ says Bansal
19. More, Not a Kilkenny Less, his novel about an Irish migrant who made a fortune in the US and named a
20. historical migrations into India caused amalgamation of migrant
21. What singular experience, rule, proscription, singularity could there be for a ubiquitous now, except a universal ethic of love that wills a joyful celebration to all that is, wherever it finds itself in the is that it is becoming? Who would call the blessings of cooperatively and sharefully growing a renewing Eartheart work and not play, call it serfdom and not the fortune of creative being? To pick apples in heaven, who would call themselves migrant labor? This is heaven: celebrating the joy you grow
22. Here people commit heinous acts against one another for a chance to be a migrant farm worker – to be that close to food again
23. food as if they were migrant workers without money, stretching every penny
24. The plumber, one of the numerous migrant
25. Migrant workers are often overworked and underpaid, in
26. Inside was a small living area, probably where, in later years, migrant workers stayed
27. Migrant workers pruned the trees late in the winter and returned to pick the crop in midsummer
28. They arrived twenty minutes later, at this run down part of the town that contained mostly Albanians and migrant workers
29. Such acts of police brutality were actually quite common on migrant workers and immigrants, so this was nothing novel
30. Just a few months ago, the police had shot dead a hundred migrant workers on a farm after they protested with the owner over unpaid wages
31. What are factories but places where people are trained to function only as machines? Why are migrant workers and illegal aliens from Mexico called Braseros or Arms without human bodies or souls? What are armies but people dehumanized and trained to function only as machines… to destroy and kill other humans? Today, we call this kind of tool-enslavement: technology
32. In 1968 it was ascertained that the Stern foundation was promoting dissatisfaction among migrant workers in the King Ranch area of Texas
33. I was a migrant farmworker for a year
34. Migrant minds, capable of roosting in wired machines
35. 183 [It was Christmas on the Island] Steinbeck was much interested in the migrant workers’ songs
36. They were not farm men any more, but migrant men
37. But along the highway the cars of the migrant people crawled out like bugs, and the narrow concrete miles stretched ahead
38. The sheriffs swore in new deputies and ordered new rifles; and the comfortable people in tight houses felt pity at first, and then distaste, and finally hatred for the migrant people