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mismanagement frases de exemplo
1. An eminent French author, of great knowledge in matters of political economy, the Abbe Morellet, gives a list of fifty-five joint-stock companies for foreign trade, which have been established in different parts of Europe since the year 1600, and which, according to him, have all failed from mismanagement, notwithstanding they had exclusive privileges
2. The servants of the most careless private person are, perhaps, more under the eye of their master than those of the most careful prince; and a public revenue, which was paid in kind, would suffer so much from the mismanagement of the collectors, that a very small part of what was levied upon the people would ever arrive at the treasury of the prince
3. Designed to provide a safety net for fiscal mismanagement, this egregious measure undermines financial planning while deflating tax payer morale
4. The whole story of his life was one of mismanagement by the courts for he was arrested and sentenced for the same crimes before and he should never have been around to commit these crimes
5. She laughed and made light of the frustrations she suffered with her son’s mismanagement
6. mismanagement, falsifying minutes and so on within the RCMP? We were
7. Not mincing his words, Roger castigated Castro for his mismanagement of the Cuban economy through hit-and-miss policies, for his relentless persecution of people who dared to disagree with him, and for his ill-advised and damaging adventurism with Cuban soldiers into world conflicts thousands of miles away from Cuban soil
8. were losing tens of billions of dollars annually to fraud, abuse and mismanagement of federal agencies, prompting House hearings to
9. Yet, in spite of mismanagement, those incentives often were still paid, even though the companies faced bankruptcy, like Enron
10. The managing directors are citing mismanagement of funds as the cause
11. nature by your greed for power and the total mismanagement of your resources
12. mismanagement of the tools has been rampant over the last few years, with no sign of improvement
13. Perhaps I misjudge him and it was misfortune rather than mismanagement, but whatever the cause, by the beginning of the Nineteen-sixties we had very little left of the considerable sum realised by the sale of the properties
14. Unfortunately this crisis resulted in a double dose of mismanagement
15. From my knowledge of the future about Vietnam, I can tell you in passing that a communist government would only bring economic ruin and financial mismanagement to Vietnam for decades to come
16. Not only can EVA reveal the mismanagement of equity, but it can
17. mismanagement of the economy resulted in the death of up to five million people from starvation in the 1930’s
18. growing phenomena of selfish desire to buy re-election from everybody with their hand out, to contribute to the current state of gross fiduciary mismanagement of criminal proportions
19. No more! As well, local customs and so-called religious rules and traditions will no longer be accepted as excuses not to deal with uncontrolled population growth, pollution and mismanagement of resources
20. Unfortunately, the political leaders of those two regions used that misery and famine to build up popular hatred against the Northern Alliance and the Spacers League, blaming them for the population’s hardships while hiding their own mismanagement and corruption
21. The rundown state of the Southern Federation, allied with its chronic mismanagement of resources and its bureaucratic incompetence and corruption, had prevented the rebuilding of those space surveillance radars, even though Mobutu understood well their importance and had pushed for the funds and resources for them to be made available
22. Priya could only contrast this with bitterness to the disaster that local food production had become in her old town in India, with pollution, lack of water and mismanagement resulting in not enough food being produced even for local consumption
23. There has been widespread corruption and mismanagement of
24. Sandra went on a bit longer about the rest of the changes and reiterated a policy of transparency to prevent mismanagement of city funds
25. A closed system with an insatiable predator has a limited existence due to conspicuous mismanagement, i
26. mismanagement of the people’s resources, their actions have forced me to
27. doors because of the United States government’s negligent mismanagement?
28. This whole project like the housing “boom” in Greece was an expensive, reckless, and shortsighted mismanagement of finances
29. That?s why there is so much chaos and mismanagement in
30. If the Universe would still not comply with Newton the Newtonian mentors create and fabricate ark, unseen, undetectable, untraceable and non-existing dark matter to get the Universe to comply with Newton’s outrageous mismanagement of physics
31. Beyond that, he did nothing except set everybody else at odds with each other inside the Nazi regime, creating a chaos of mismanagement that was totally hidden from the public
32. "To the eye it is fair enough, here; but seen in its integrity, under the sky, and by the daylight, it is a crumbling tower of waste, mismanagement, extortion, debt, mortgage, oppression, hunger, nakedness, and suffering
33. If they got the `job' it often showed such a small margin of profit that Rushton used to grumble at him and suggest mismanagement
34. But there were no The mismanagement of the state road especially infuriated the taxpayers for, out of
35. resentment of the people at the bad light in which the governor represented them in the But far and above their anger at the waste and mismanagement and graft was the
36. What people do who go into politics I can't think: it drives me almost mad to see mismanagement over only a few hundred acres
37. The financial troubles of electric and gas utilities in the 1930s were traceable almost 100% to financial excesses and mismanagement, which left their imprint clearly on the companies’ capitalization structures
38. Had the Russian army been alone without any allies, it might perhaps have been a long time before this consciousness of mismanagement became a general conviction, but as it was, the disorder was readily and naturally attributed to the stupid
39. The stock market is like a giant mirror that reflects basic conditions, political management (or mismanagement), and the psychology of the country
40. She might scruple to make use of the words, but she must and did feel that her mother was a partial, ill-judging parent, a dawdle, a slattern, who neither taught nor restrained her children, whose house was the scene of mismanagement and discomfort from beginning to end, and who had no talent, no conversation, no affection towards herself; no curiosity to know her better, no desire of her friendship, and no inclination for her company that could lessen her sense of such feelings
41. Here had been grievous mismanagement; but, bad as it was, he gradually grew to feel that it had not been the most direful mistake in his plan of education
42. Had the Russian army been alone without any allies, it might perhaps have been a long time before this consciousness of mismanagement became a general conviction, but as it was, the disorder was readily and naturally attributed to the stupid Germans, and everyone was convinced that a dangerous muddle had been occasioned by the sausage eaters
43. As an instance of this general mismanagement of naval affairs, Marryat, who had been sent to join the Impérieuse frigate as a young middy, thus writes in his private log—
44. Or, if for such a violation of its fundamental law, or any mismanagement of the institution to the public injury, its charter be not forthwith taken away, the State may refuse to renew it
45. Watt enjoyed the benefits of the patent he had obtained; and, at a later period, this preference was increased by an accident which happened to Trevethick's engine, though caused by gross mismanagement, that would have been equally fatal to any other
46. , it appears that in every instance the accident was fairly attributable to neglect or mismanagement