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    Use "mix-up" em uma frase

    mix-up frases de exemplo


    1. "I'm real sorry guys," he said to the people he was with, "I'm sure you've figured out there was a really big mix-up here

    2. I know it’s a mix-up

    3. With the defense out of position, Reilly found his Tight End all alone in a defensive mix-up for another 25 yards

    4. Doug was very nice, and he went on to say that there seemed to be some miscommunication and that since there was a mix-up Mahoney Patrick would not be charging us anything

    5. There was a mix-up at the lab over your blood type but at the moment I can see it’s red!” she gave a little smirk, she had seen it all in her career

    6. Even as recent as in Sitka, I can remember a somewhat embarrassing mix-up as a result of me not recognizing the double meaning of an English word

    7. Xavier was already in Riker’s now awaiting trial by the time we caught the mix-up

    8. He also mentioned that there had been a bit of a mix-up with the

    9. That mix-up brought on so many difficulties that just to get the plane back might take two years

    10. Linda calls the bank, explains the mix-up and

    11. What interests one person may not interest another, so mix-up the promotions, your subject lines and the products you are promoting

    12. Won’t that further delay his darshan? Moreover, a mix-up would leave them stranded at the doorsteps

    13. ‘How dare he force the letter on me? What made him think that he could have his way with me? Did I give him any cause for hope? But obsessed as I’m with my Raja, how could I have coalesced with him? Well, it looks like there was a mix-up between my love for Raja and liking for Prasad in my interaction with the latter

    14. There had surely been some sort of mix-up in his jewelry box

    15. It seems that Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barney Frank, and a host of other Massachusetts Democratic dignitaries were attempting to reach me and explain to me that what happened was a complete mix-up

    16. It had been a stupid mix-up

    17. If only there had not been the mix-up with Eve at the airport

    18. Grimes had seen that it was the bottle he had laced with Thalium, earmarked for Mophi, it was the only bottle of that particular brand, to avoid any mix-ups

    19. Why does the semantic mix-up of ownership and possession still exist in every human language? In English; the difference between these, them, their, and theirs; is confusing as hell

    20. No, he should never have come to this lethal place, he should have ignored the mischievous fax and stayed at his desk, getting on with his work while the Under Manager sorted out the little mix-up about the unpleasant things he was supposed to have done

    21. This may become necessary if once you show up in person there has been some mix-up as far as travel arrangements

    22. “Everyone will have forgotten that silly mix-up on orientation day

    23. ‘There I was, off with another woman, and you discovered us, and somehow, in all the mix-up, I got shot or something

    24. In any case, this is how Roberts recollected it, and therefore many people have chosen to view the Payne Whitney chapter in Marilyn’s life as just a tremendous mix-up, or a misdiagnosis from an incompetent doctor

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    Sinônimos para "mix-up"

    mess muddle mess-up botch commotion turmoil misunderstanding