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modulation frases de exemplo
1. The nuclear generator’s maximum output had been factored in with any variable modulation of the TE device distribution nodes, which were now vibrating at an imperceptible rate
2. of my inaugural lover’s breath, the shape of his lips and the modulation of his laugh have
3. “You see, raga nuances and tonal modulation while rendering them in various speeds are unique to the music
4. " Friedlander was sure MACV J-2 Ops knew that FM, Frequency Modulation, was in the 30
5. And let's not forget the Type X shielding on the Harbinger, it has a customizable repeating pattern, it's impossible to predict and penetrate via modulation
6. particles would show up as a daily sidereal time modulation of dark matter particle counting rates in
7. in addition to any annual modulation in the counting rate [2]
8. that come around the region each year, the annual modulation or seasonal
9. Communications, or information transmission, of radio and television programming requires a medium such as cable, an electrical carrier wave, and a modulation of that wave into bits of information
10. Our speech can be seen as containing all three, air is the transmission medium, air pressure through the lips is the carrier wave, and varying vibrations from the vocal chords gives the modulation
11. modulation by psychosocial stressors and/or interventions can lead to major health problems
12. modulation of the HMG-CoA reductase enzyme, a rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis
13. The young woman manipulated the Cloud Modulation band on her car’s radio
14. All that happens in the receiver is just a frequency modulation of radio waves, a manifestation of specific properties of electromagnetic induction in space
15. In such cases, the dynamics of FDR of SFUURMM-Forms (that structure another Formo-Type or even several different Formo-Types), whose VVU-Configurations perfectly coexist “inside” the slloogrent structures of one and the same conglomerate of Formo-copies, when reprojecting from factor Axes of one “personality” (or several “personalities”) that “died” long ago into factor Axes of “a personality” that lives “now” (usually this happens automatically at the moment of a very strong stress, for example, during a very cruel violent “Death”), can periodically coincide, due to identical frequencies of their typical VVU-Information, with the dynamics of FDR of SFUURMM-Forms of the conglomerates of UU-VVU-copies activated “at present”; as a result, there is an effect of doubling or amplification of the frequency (modulation) in the general dynamics of the quantum-holographous process of “unpacking-unfolding” of VVU-Information from the temporal ethereal constituent and there is a “fragmentary” manifestation (in the Self-Consciousness of this “personality”) of the VVU-Information typical of “someone else’s” UU-VVU-copies used by “the personality” that “died” (but simultaneously continues to live) several centuries “ago”
16. So, along with energy and mass characteristics of elementary particles and waves, their information parameters, such as polarization, character of the leading edge and “decline” of a wave, amplitude modulation and frequency modulation of a signal, spin, color, scent, energy level of manifestation, play a great role
17. The study is titled “MicroRNA Modulation in Obesity and Periodontitis” and it was published in the Journal of Dental Research
18. "I am very glad to hear it," said Dorothea, laughing out her words in a bird-like modulation, and looking at Will with playful gratitude in her eyes
19. • Data/Service Field This region is scrambled and the encoding and data rates vary, along with the modulation
20. This signaling scheme is called Pulse Amplitude Modulation 5 (PAM-5)
21. in agreement with observations that modulation of alcohol intake is sensitive to
22. mGluRs and modulation of glutamate release, could facilitate the reinforcing
23. receptor show negative modulation of reward, presumably depending on activation
24. Orexin peptides have been implicated in the modulation of
25. pharmacological evidence of a role for GABA(B) receptors in the modulation of anxiety- and
26. attentional modulation of sensory processing
27. to modulation of responses to environmental stimuli as well as internal triggers
28. integration, learning, modulation of affect, motivation, and social behavior, which
29. The two young men were the only talkers, but they, standing by the fire, talked over the too common neglect of the qualification, the total inattention to it, in the ordinary school-system for boys, the consequently natural, yet in some instances almost unnatural, degree of ignorance and uncouthness of men, of sensible and well-informed men, when suddenly called to the necessity of reading aloud, which had fallen within their notice, giving instances of blunders, and failures with their secondary causes, the want of management of the voice, of proper modulation and emphasis, of foresight and judgment, all proceeding from the first cause: want of early attention and habit; and Fanny was listening again with great entertainment
30. Their peculiar hooting invariably preceded feeding; it had no modulation, and was, I believe, in no sense a signal, but merely the expiration of air preparatory to the suctional operation
31. She did so evidently feeling there was a charm in the exaggerated, honeyed modulation of the syllables