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    morally frases de exemplo


    1. The military was considered the only morally appropriate use of technology by some

    2. up there in the top ten morally wrong things one could possibly do

    3. I think it is obvious their ancestors were carried to this world long before they had evolved morally to what we are today with the birth of Jesus Christ

    4. They are victims of a faulty construction or a malfunction of their brain and therefore should not be held morally responsible for their behavior

    5. Lie morally, you can say

    6. “It may be cruel, but it’s effective and ensures a morally clean society

    7. levels of success because she believes that it is morally

    8. ‘A gift is morally better than something acquired from the proceeds of my followers

    9. ‘But military action as a show of our strength in the face of US hostility is justified, morally – and constitutionally

    10. Not only is it murder, but it’s morally reprehensible,” Roger said

    11. Again to collect a congregation of hyped up Jews protesting for what they believed was ethically and morally right

    12. The new plan of minimal intervention – an effort to restrict the extent of ‘cultural infection’ by allowing humans to act as protagonists in the resistance – seemed a morally dubious process

    13. That alone makes my generation morally guilty

    14. One of those wagons filled with food each day would have saved much suffering to the men at the front and to the refugees, for whose plight we were morally if not legally responsible

    15. A child‘s imagination, however, should be grounded on a mature understanding of what is reasonably attainable, morally wholesome and possible or desirable, for that matter, rather than irrational, spiritually harmful, far-fetched or unbecoming while operating within the prescribed limits of a balanced mindset; that is to say, the manner that child will one day be expected to interact with other people; that is to say, by providing in measure what is expected in kind

    16. Neither would a movement as such, for a variety of reasons; secure a moral consensus among the American People who would properly consider such designs as morally repugnant and offensive to a society‘s standard of decency

    17. It seems that our society‘s consummate pursuit of Material Things proportionate to its increasing indifference to Spiritual Things has sterilized our souls in a manner that has left many of us intellectually and morally barren and susceptible to whimsical notions of corporeal designs

    18. I am not speaking of income taxes, which every citizen is expected to pay his or her ―fair‖ share, however the (morally) insidious Estate or ―Death‖ tax, that truly constitutes a miscarriage of justice!

    19. It is often times, however, the result of self-destructive tendencies common to decaying cultures that have grown (morally) listless and (intellectually) indifferent to their (historic) traditions because of their (material) opulence, perhaps

    20. They left a desolate desert, a monument of ruin, despair, pestilence, and death, to the magnanimous victor morally pledged to stand sponsor to the Free Cuba that is to arise on the blood-soaked ashes of the Island

    21. This is too much! I must be spiritually and morally obtuse because these hackneyed storylines seldom seem to ―move‖ me

    22. The United States is morally pledged to give the Cubans independence

    23. I seriously considered it for I liked the idea of killing terrorists and could morally also justifies it by saying “Well, let us say we have a source in place and if we arrest the terrorist he will be blown

    24. increased considerably among socially and morally alienated young men and woman whose manners have seemingly lost all sense of proportion

    25. That it would employ its creative efforts in fulfilling its intended promise(s) by encouraging productive and self reliant attitudes rather than government dependency, such endeavors would go a long way in achieving a (morally) wholesome, more vibrant society

    26. Her theory is intellectually and morally shallow (because it doesn‘t probe deeper into the essential nature of ‖being‖), cynical (because of its disclaimer of kindly actions for their own sake), and mean (because of its negative constructions)

    27. Whether or not ―hate crimes‖ have increased in recent years as a matter of fact or (by definition) is not necessarily a function of diverse impressions, (although they might be) especially when there is nothing of material value to be gained other than the perverse enjoyment derived by inflicting harm on someone considered socially or morally offensive or inferior in some manner or for no other (apparent) reason than someone‘s race or ethnicity

    28. ―Truth‖ or Wisdom, in the conventional sense, is an approximation of Truth‘s essential designs, although an important starting-point in providing reasonable guidelines in the manner a morally, well-ordered society should properly conduct itself, however subjective such notions oftentimes appear

    29. It is therefore the responsibility of thoughtful parenting to establish a (morally) structural foundation autonomous within definable guidelines

    30. After decades of power they were as corrupt morally and physically as any other African leader whom they pointed their fat fingers at

    31. He soon discovered that, during his uncertain absence, the people had morally corrupted themselves (of their own volition) by pledging their allegiance to Baal

    32. Any number of individuals, as indicated above, enjoying equal rights and privileges consonant with the legal requirements of a free society, may differ in a variety of ways; materially, intellectually, physically, morally, spiritually, by temperament, motivation, its expectancies, the list is endless

    33. A foundation that is (intellectually) hollow or (morally) unsound must weaken its structural integrity

    34. A wholesome environment, that is morally and spiritually instructive, guides and directs the activities of an individual

    35. and the legitimacy of rendered opinions (morally) non-binding to the sensibilities of affected establishments

    36. Witness the ―re-emergence‖ of the Roman Catholic Church amidst the rubble and ashes of a morally decadent Soviet Regime

    37. For example, that the needy are morally elevated while the wealthy are morally debased

    38. A society in the throes of a Cultural War (or a War of Ideas), whose socially transmitted customs are under assault, is never quite apparent to the uninitiated, (unlike the attendant violence of civil wars, for example, whose apparent destruction of person and property, not to mention its deleterious effect on the economy, are much easier to assess), and whose consequential impact on that society‘s traditions (usually) take longer for an non-engaging or morally indifferent society to absorb

    39. The morally and intellectually constant are oftentimes prepared to assume the mantle of leadership in sharp contrast with other individuals who, lacking courage or insight, are likely to dismiss such opportunities that Chance has otherwise occasioned

    40. Whenever legal revisions are inconsonant with the underlying assumptions of Original Intent, such modifications are improperly considered and, in some instances, morally objectionable (Abortion) once their conceptual designs have been improperly

    41. ‖ Instead, Evil has acquired a subjective meaning; that is to say, lacking certitude or prone to conventional (or essential) assumptions whose questionable propositions render formal interpretations problematical, if not (morally or ethically) judgmental because of their underlying ―uncertainty,‖ thereby raising the question: what constitutes Good, for that matter? Plato argued that ―which we call evil is merely ignorance and that good is that which everyone desires‖

    42. I seriously considered it for I liked the idea of killing terrorists and could morally also justifies it by saying “well, let us say we have an asset in place and if we arrest the terrorist he will be blown

    43. ” Unlike the Chaplains he did not only shook his head in disbelief but gave me a long lecture on natural justice and that it would be morally wrong

    44. Neither are these models necessarily intended to encourage ―appropriate‖ conduct that should otherwise be left to Free Will to decide but reflect upon, rather, what is expected from a ―right thinking‖ individual who is morally evolving

    45. Nevertheless, such morally reprehensible behavior, that should otherwise offend the sensibilities of any civilized nation, requires a sober assessment of what actually occurred and placing this event in its proper perspective; meting appropriate punishment if warranted

    46. This unfortunate event— unfortunate because it was morally repugnant—has generated convulsions among antiwar protestors and professional agitators alike who have never properly supported the war effort to begin with

    47. What sets our Nickelodeon Generation apart (in some manner) from prior generations is a troubling disregard for parental authenticity; a legacy passed down to them by their emotionally and morally stunted Boomer Parents whose puerile adolescence and (the) mixed messages conveyed to their offsprings have all but erased the traditional boundaries that formerly defined the (proper) role(s) of parent and child

    48. These (morally) languishing and (personally)

    49. Were there other tactics that could have been used, not only more effective but not horrific and morally reprehensible? Japan is an island nation, one with no oil or iron ore

    50. So called “dependence on government” may be argued to be morally right, or harmful

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    Sinônimos para "morally"

    morally virtuously honourably justly properly scrupulously conscientiously purely virtually probably substantially in essence implicitly