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    more detailed frases de exemplo

    more detailed

    1. By triangulating the times and apparent directions of our transfers, and using Menachem’s more detailed knowledge of the country, we decided that we must be somewhere to the west of London, probably the Thames Valley

    2. She used her antique phone to dash off a quick note of thanks to the guys at the DOCA, and a longer and more detailed note to Yellelle

    3. He did ask a few people about the address, and got more detailed descriptions that agreed with the snack seller’s

    4. carry out a more detailed search

    5. He was manoeuvring around it now, and as he got even nearer the grid pattern became more detailed, until finally a highlighted rectangle emerged amid the complexity of lines

    6. Linking to related sites with more detailed descriptions, it became clear that this was a place where they would indulge in wild debauchery

    7. She let the thought sink in and said nothing other than buttering Kevin up for more detailed information but, just about then, his idiots friends came over, grabbed him by the wrists and ankles and threw him in the pool and the conversation was over

    8. I’m sure that you could explain them in a much more detailed fashion, but before you do that, I have to ask your help

    9. The Parable of the Prodigal Son suggests that there is a better way, and by searching the more detailed wording of the parable story we may gain a more complete understanding of the background in which the story of Cain and Abel is told

    10. Some time after that, something encouraged me to look for more detailed information

    11. This closely relates to the buyer’s personas but a more detailed

    12. This chapter is a more detailed prophecy of what will occur during the Second

    13. The nanoscanners are able to move much faster and give information that is more detailed

    14. Twitter Advanced Search enables you to perform a more detailed search by excluding certain words or phrases, do a local search, and search for tweets to and from a specific person

    15. Introductions were made, and the young couple offered kind words to those who waited for more detailed word on the condition of the wounded

    16. became more detailed, and the amount of time that I spent

    17. lites orbiting the Earth and more detailed calculations

    18. It was fashioned after his memory bag; its labyrinth was smaller but more detailed than his

    19. more detailed than at other times but it always

    20. closer and more detailed observation

    21. However, the more detailed your written and signed contracts, the more likely you can have the financial and personal relationship with your child that you’d like

    22. 4 After discussing these matters for several hours and in response to the rich man's request for further and more detailed instruction, Jesus went on to amplify his advice, in substance saying: "While I offer further suggestions concerning your attitude toward wealth, I would admonish you to receive my counsel as given only to you and for your personal guidance

    23. Read the following links for more detailed information about teaching Business English:

    24. ” Xin was about to give a more detailed account when she abruptly stopped in mid-sentence

    25. I trust you will give me more detailed reports than the mere outlines you sent home

    26. He suspected that if his mother had encountered a ground based force she could not overwhelm, she would have retreated and sought help in a more detailed manner

    27. That Nancy was herself a war correspondent and thus was well known by her foreign colleagues just made the articles about her more detailed and voluminous

    28. worth going into more detailed calculations with

    29. All unit commanders are to report immediately to the command complex for more detailed instructions

    30.  More detailed prescriptions will include directions for safe use such as a wearing schedule, whether lens are for daily or

    31. then proceeded with a more thorough, more detailed study of the injured

    32. He thus stamped her passport and gave her a blue customs ticket, which would get her a bit more detailed baggage search than usual but not the full treatment reserved for truly suspicious travelers

    33. A more detailed look revealed to Erik a second armed guard, also dressed in black coveralls, watching the access gangway and the quay next to the ship

    34. Later, after a lot of research on the findings, more detailed books could be written

    35. and how much more detailed and colorful the newly restored picture is

    36. 1st dimensional solid awareness (we don‘t have this) For those who relate to the fourfold model of the mind as understood in Yoga psychology, allow me to relate it to the more detailed explanation above

    37. If they ask for more detailed information,

    38. company and start building the connections for more detailed discussions

    39. that a more relaxed itinerary would have allowed a more detailed impression of this

    40. I could provide more detailed

    41. The impacts of industrial restructuring and energy efficiency changes cannot be entirely separated because this would require more detailed information than is available

    42. Again, much more detailed information on

    43. 1 A more detailed account of the Fifth Dalai Lama’s

    44. A syringe is attached to the end of the needle and a small sample of bone marrow fluid is drawn out-this is used to obtain a small core of bone marrow which will provide more detailed information about the structure of the bone marrow and bone-this is known as a ‘bone marrow trephine’ removing a circular area of Tissue

    45. For a more detailed comparison between this life and the Hereafter, we can say that the Hereafter is better than this life in that its bliss is more intensive and more extensive

    46. They talked business for more than an hour, with Norah giving him a more far more detailed description of her plan to promote rural tourism in Wishful than the sketch she’d given him in their last conversation, breaking things down into logical phases

    47. To give a more detailed comparison between this life and the Hereafter, we can say that the Hereafter is better than this life in that its bliss is more intensive and more extensive

    48. uncertainty clouds any more detailed aspect of human colonization history

    49. To read a more detailed report about how eBook Pro 6

    50. confidentiality clause was much, much more detailed and went so far as to

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