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    mortal enemy frases de exemplo

    mortal enemy

    1. He told me that the great bear was my mortal enemy and I must kill all I see

    2. Yeshua may effectively have humiliated the High Priest and his greedy associates but he also just made himself a mortal enemy

    3. Neither could Graschev send his weapons to a Lebanese port: the pro-Iranian Shia Muslim Hezbollah militia, a mortal enemy of ISIS, either controlled or tightly watched all the ports on the Lebanese coast that could receive a cargo ship the size of the MV Heraklion

    4. After they no longer had a common mortal enemy: they reverted back to their older cultural-racist-ethnic hatreds

    5. But dare to mention this logical truth to these tribes: and they will hate you and see you are their mortal enemy

    6. Undead human scum entities are the mortal enemy of all living humans

    7. He was lured into the temptation of SEX: not love: with the sexiest woman they could find who was his mortal enemy

    8. Will living humans ever come together to fight off their only true, common mortal enemy: the undead hidden within themselves?

    9. They are your mortal enemy and they hate all living things on earth… If you wasted your life on earth: if the only life you had to love and live: and instead you hated and killed… and then were doomed to watch as a bystander; the lives of other living creatures for millions of years: wouldn’t you develop a blind hatred for all living things that are not as dead and not as evil as you are? The evil of the undead is not a fucking fairytale: it is not hard to understand why they are evil, and it is not hard to understand how they are evil

    10. Once you learn this: you will become the mortal enemy of all unseen undead evil spirits

    11. Every living human who has any love in their heart: understand that these dead filth are you mortal enemy; they are enemies of Love

    12. The fact that America helped in the construction of the Soviet Union’s industrial power: the Soviet Union! It’s mortal enemy! The only super-power strong enough to be a mortal danger to American Capitalism, being AIDED by the American govt and American bankers? This seems to be totally inexplicable and insane… that is, until you factor in the presence of undead evil corrupting and controlling those at the very top of political power

    13. Here it was, he told me, that he saw for the first time that mortal enemy of the human race, and here, too, for the first time he declared to her his passion, as

    14. "Know, friend Sancho," answered Don Quixote, "that the life of knights-errant is subject to a thousand dangers and reverses, and neither more nor less is it within immediate possibility for knights-errant to become kings and emperors, as experience has shown in the case of many different knights with whose histories I am thoroughly acquainted; and I could tell thee now, if the pain would let me, of some who simply by might of arm have risen to the high stations I have mentioned; and those same, both before and after, experienced divers misfortunes and miseries; for the valiant Amadis of Gaul found himself in the power of his mortal enemy Arcalaus the magician, who, it is positively asserted, holding him captive, gave him more than two hundred lashes with the reins of his horse while tied to one of the pillars of a court; and moreover there is a certain recondite author of no small authority who says that the Knight of Phoebus, being caught in a certain pitfall, which opened under his feet in a certain castle, on falling found himself bound hand and foot in a deep pit underground, where they administered to him one of those things they call clysters, of sand and snow-water, that well-nigh finished him; and if he had not been succoured in that sore extremity by a sage, a great friend of his, it would have gone very hard with the poor knight; so I may well suffer in company with such worthy folk, for greater were the indignities which they had to suffer than those which we suffer

    15. He bribed all the household, he gave and offered gifts and presents to my parents; every day was like a holiday or a merry-making in our street; by night no one could sleep for the music; the love letters that used to come to my hand, no one knew how, were innumerable, full of tender pleadings and pledges, containing more promises and oaths than there were letters in them; all which not only did not soften me, but hardened my heart against him, as if he had been my mortal enemy, and as if everything he did to make me yield were done with the opposite intention

    16. 'Yes' uttered by which Luscinda owned herself his betrothed: I am he who had not courage enough to see how her fainting fit ended, or what came of the paper that was found in her bosom, because my heart had not the fortitude to endure so many strokes of ill-fortune at once; and so losing patience I quitted the house, and leaving a letter with my host, which I entreated him to place in Luscinda's hands, I betook myself to these solitudes, resolved to end here the life I hated as if it were my mortal enemy

    17. "If thou dost confess that," returned Camilla, "mortal enemy of all that rightly deserves to be loved, with what face dost thou dare to come before one whom thou knowest to be the mirror wherein he is reflected on whom thou shouldst look to see how unworthily thou him? But, woe is me, I now comprehend what has made thee give so little heed to what thou owest to thyself; it must have been some freedom of mine, for I will not call it immodesty, as it did not proceed from any deliberate intention, but from some heedlessness such as women are guilty of through inadvertence when they think they have no occasion for reserve

    18. Then another cart came by at the same pace, but the occupant of the throne was not old like the others, but a man stalwart and robust, and of a forbidding countenance, who as he came up said in a voice far hoarser and more devilish, "I am the enchanter Archelaus, the mortal enemy of Amadis of Gaul and all his kindred," and then passed on

    19. You know that Saouy is my mortal enemy

    20. of pleasure; they considered it accordingly as their mortal enemy, and

    21. Any other person would, perhaps, have been overcome by such an intoxicating draught of praise; but he feared to make for himself a mortal enemy of the police minister, although he saw that Dandre was irrevocably lost

    22. my young men? Who is the mortal enemy of my Great Father?"

    23. "A man who holds a sword in his hand, and sees a mortal enemy within reach of that

    24. Clear sky, swift-flitting boats, and brilliant sunshine disappeared; the heavens were hung with black, and the gigantic structure of the Chateau d'If seemed like the phantom of a mortal enemy

    25. They assured me that I was so perfectly to their taste, as to have but one fault against me, which I might easily be cured of, and that was my modesty: this, they observed, might pass for a beauty the more with those who wanted it for a heigh tener; but their maxim was, that it was an impertinent mixture, and dashed the cup so as to spoil the sincere draught of pleasure; they considered it accordingly as their mortal enemy, and gave it no quarter wherever they met with it

    26. The light's my mortal enemy

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