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motive power frases de exemplo
motive power
1. Beyond sleep, Danton, grizzly Danton, the bear, the motive power behind the
2. Beyond sleep, Danton, grizzly Danton, the bear, the motive power behind the revolution, prowled the corridors of La Force Nouveau
3. Motive power is lost, the slightest motion producing complete fatigue
4. About one quarter is use in industry for process use and motive power and the re-mainder for appliances and other miscellaneous uses
5. the motive power which supplies the energies necessary to the achievement of the purpose
6. A dozen of the prisoners had hatched it before they came aboard, Prendergast was the leader, and his money was the motive power
7. The bees, of course, no more knowing that they swept their spheres at one particular distance from each other, than they know what are the several angles of the hexagonal prisms and of the basal rhombic plates; the motive power of the process of natural selection having been the construction of cells of due strength and of the proper size and shape for the larvae, this being effected with the greatest possible economy of labour and wax; that individual swarm which thus made the best cells with least labour, and least waste of honey in the secretion of wax, having succeeded best, and having transmitted their newly-acquired economical instincts to new swarms, which in their turn will have had the best chance of succeeding in the struggle for existence
8. That my motive power is hate, I do not attempt to conceal
9. To some, thinking is a kind of mental game; they treat their reason as if it were a fly-wheel without a connecting strap, and are guided in their actions by other people’s ideas, by custom or laws; while others look upon their own ideas as the chief motive power of all their actions, and always listen to the dictates of their own reason and submit to it, accepting other people’s opinions only on rare occasions and after weighing them critically
10. He knows how to calculate the highest mathematical arch of a bridge, how to calculate the force and transfer of the motive power, and so on; but he is confounded by the simplest questions of a peasant: how to improve a plough or a cart, or how to make irrigating canals
11. The motive power of his life is personal enjoyment
12. The motive power of his life is glory
13. “They are crazily afraid of everything in the shape of a conveyance run by its own motive power, from a threshing machine to an automobile
14. In the consideration of such a book the motive power, the plot, is hardly of moment—it is the workmanship, and what one might term the self-conviction of the novelist, that counts