Use "muffler" em uma frase
muffler frases de exemplo
1. “Do you have a hole in your muffler?” Roman about yelled the words
2. He was not wearing an overcoat, but his jacket was pulled close around his neck, and a black and white checked muffler covered his throat
3. burning the inside of my ankle on the piping hot muffler
4. I rode on the back of a motorcycle, touched the muffler with
5. He dropped down from the bottom side of the car landing on his feet, but springing forward from the impact and banging his head on the car's all but shiny muffler
6. ” And when she returned he stuffed them in the pillow case of the muffler which he discarded to use as a seat for the body
7. The muffler popped loudly
8. Besides the riding-whip with its silver-gilt handle, Rodolphe had received a seal with the motto Amor nel cor* furthermore, a scarf for a muffler, and, finally, a cigar-case exactly like the Viscount's, that Charles had formerly picked up in the road, and that Emma had kept
9. The newcomer took off his cap and his big woollen muffler
10. Gabriel coloured, as if he felt he had made a mistake and, without looking at her, kicked off his goloshes and flicked actively with his muffler at his patent-leather shoes
11. His blued feet out of turnedup trousers slapped the clammy sand, a dull brick muffler strangling his unshaven neck
12. THE CITIZEN: (Choked with emotion, brushes aside a tear in his emerald muffler)
13. THE CITIZEN: (With a huge emerald muffler and shillelagh, calls)
14. there you are like it or lump it he thinks nothing can happen without him knowing he hadnt an idea about my mother till we were engaged otherwise hed never have got me so cheap as he did he was lo times worse himself anyhow begging me to give him a tiny bit cut off my drawers that was the evening coming along Kenilworth square he kissed me in the eye of my glove and I had to take it off asking me questions is it permitted to enquire the shape of my bedroom so I let him keep it as if I forgot it to think of me when I saw him slip it into his pocket of course hes mad on the subject of drawers thats plain to be seen always skeezing at those brazenfaced things on the bicycles with their skirts blowing up to their navels even when Milly and I were out with him at the open air fete that one in the cream muslin standing right against the sun so he could see every atom she had on when he saw me from behind following in the rain I saw him before he saw me however standing at the corner of the Harolds cross road with a new raincoat on him with the muffler in the Zingari colours to show off his complexion and the brown hat looking slyboots as usual what was he doing there where hed no business they can go and get whatever they like from anything at all with a skirt on it and were not to ask any questions but they want to know where were you where are you going I could feel him coming along skulking after me his eyes on my neck he had been keeping away from the house he felt it was getting too warm for him so I halfturned and stopped then he pestered me to say yes till I took off my glove slowly watching him he said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the rain anything for an excuse to put his hand anear me drawers drawers the whole blessed time till I promised to give him the pair off my doll to carry about in his waistcoat pocket O Maria Santisima he did look a big fool dreeping in the rain splendid set of teeth he had made me hungry to look at them and beseeched of me to lift the orange petticoat I had on with the sunray pleats that there was nobody he said hed kneel down in the wet if I didnt so persevering he would too and ruin his new raincoat you never know what freak theyd take alone with you theyre so savage for it if anyone was passing so I lifted them a bit and touched his trousers outside the way I used to Gardner after with my ring hand to keep him from doing worse where it was too public I was dying to find out was he circumcised he was shaking like a jelly all over they want to do everything too quick take all the pleasure out of it and father waiting all the time for his dinner he told me to say I left my purse in the butchers and had to go back for it what a Deceiver then he wrote me that letter with all those words in it how could he have the face to any woman after his company manners making it so awkward after when we met asking me have I offended you with my eyelids down of course he saw I wasnt he had a few brains not like that other fool Henny Doyle he was always breaking or tearing something in the charades I hate an unlucky man and if I knew what it meant of course I had to say no for form sake dont understand you I said and wasnt it natural so it is of course it used to be written up with a picture of a womans on that wall in Gibraltar with that word I couldnt find anywhere only for children seeing it too young then writing every morning a letter sometimes twice a day I liked the way he made love then he knew the way to take a woman when he sent me the 8 big poppies because mine was the 8th then I wrote the night he kissed my heart at Dolphins barn I couldnt describe it simply it makes you feel like nothing on earth but he never knew how to embrace well like
15. Which means that it has a device on the end of the barrel that suppresses muzzle flash and reduces the sound of bullet as it leaves the gun, much like a muffler on a car
16. He followed them up and down the lake in his launch, wrapped in an overcoat and muffler, bellowing at them through his megaphone
17. He grimaced at the thought, although the expression was fortuitously hidden by the thick, triple-knitted Angora lizard wool muffler which swathed his face to the eyes
18. Sahmantha Gorjah had knitted that muffler for him, and she’d personally wrapped it around his neck and tucked its ends down inside his parka before letting him out of Tairys, escort or no escort
19. His lips quirked under the muffler as he remembered the way Byrk Raimahn had applied that noun to him the previous April
20. In this space lay a large and heavy flagstone with a rusted iron ring in the centre to which a thick shepherd's-check muffler was attached
21. It was a far cry from his own warm coat and the fleece-lined gloves and thick, knitted muffler his mother had sent him
22. The area had undergone decline when, during city government’s crusade to greatly ramp up the quaintness of the downtown streets, non-quaint enterprises like muffler shops and tire stores and pawn shops were forced to relocate to Jack Flats
23. white muffler fluttering untidily at his throat, a cloth cap pulled low on his forehead, his face white and lined, his nose coloured by the cold; the tears which gathered in his eyes came not from emotion but from the east wind; he breathed heavily
24. Cara tucked in the end of his muffler and whispered something to him
25. They took off his coat and cap and muffler and the kind of leather jerkin which he wore under them; thus stripped he seemed more than ever wasted but more elegant; he had cast the shabbiness of extreme fatigue
26. There was another car a few spaces over, its muffler exhaling fog, but the strip of trackless skin exposed when William hiked his motorcycle jacket over his head to keep dry felt again like Mercer’s alone
27. Her striped muffler was off casually to one side
28. At three in the morning, Lord Kilgotten still sat sleepless in his library, alone among empty walls, before a fireless hearth, a muffler about his thin neck, a glass of brandy in his faintly trembling hand
29. ’ He put on a jacket and a muffler and looked enormous in the heap of clothing he wore
30. Somehow or other he pulls on his shirt, fumbling for the sleeves, hastily gets on his trousers, wraps his feet in the rags he uses for stockings, pulls on his boots, hunts for his muffler and cap, tucks his sheepskin coat under his arm, and is escorted to that part of the hall which is fenced off by a bench, where the recruits who have been admitted are placed