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    mutate frases de exemplo





    1. mutate our species in such a way that we required things like intelligence, like co-

    2. And it was crucial that they did not mutate, under the excess heat of the sun, with the sun’s rays filtered by the translucent plastic of the old-style tanks

    3. It would mutate and flare up again and again

    4. “Even mutate herself

    5. chosen some other poor children to mutate, and save the planet

    6. “If, inside the system, a plant were to mutate and sprout an

    7. Jones said in confidence that there had to be cells that could not mutate and would show true age

    8. This culture began to mutate and form plant growth, at which time

    9. light (sun) and began to mutate, causing minimal forms of life in the

    10. easily mutate to allow the mannequins to leave town

    11. would also mutate their genes in a manner

    12. Though Star Trek has explored this concept a little, with usually a negative spin, such as in the movie, “Insurrection,” one would think that, given 24th century’s advance knowledge of genetics, where the whole ship can mutate and de-evolve into their primal states, and be returned to normal, all in one episode, with no negative side effects, it is reasonable to speculate that McCoy could technically live forever, barring accident or encounter with a unknown disease

    13. I begged to be abandoned back on earth watching entire organisms mutate, it surely would have been a more agreeable time

    14. “But don't look it in the eyes, you never know when some stupid fuckhead might mutate some Medusa-eyed lemur

    15. We would not have the thousands of new diseases created by hospitals trying to kill microbes and viruses which mutate and become a hundred times more deadly, we would not have all the toxins and poisons in our food which make us sick and fat and addicted to these poisoned products, we would not have the industrialized slaughter of 100’s of millions of animals in feedlots and the creation of yet more diseases and plagues from this inhuman abomination of depersonalized butchery

    16. The undead spirits just leaving their dying bodies being attacked and killed by the very same undead filth who had been secretly inhabiting and poisoning their living bodies… undead filth who have managed to survive because they are and the worst inhuman killers, the most brutal, insane monsters of that poisoned realm of undead horror, the most cunning, sly, evil filth making sure that the ones dying are not given any chance to survive, killing them before they can learn all of the subtle little tricks of the CONDITIONS and ENERGY FORMATS of the energy-levels they dissolve into and mutate into

    17. Whereby specific DNA have been pre-programmed in advance, and whereby genes have also been pre-programmed to mutate, adapt and change to particular environments, and then, through predetermined natural selection of the fittest, survive

    18. For instance, the complex differences to the human brain from other mammals cannot be attributed to the mechanisms of ‘random chance’ to mutate biological genes that conveniently adapt to a particular environment and then proliferate as a result of survival of the fittest and which entire process is neatly termed ‘natural selection’

    19. In addition to these latter gospels being found in a state of material corrosion, Gnostic epistemology can mutate like a ‘Chinese Whisper’, where an original and sometimes complex, but insignificant word or phrase, is initiated by one person and then whispered individually to and through a number of other people

    20. mutate ASAP so we can evolve out of this

    21. Science didn’t know what caused a gene to mutate and produce cancer, so it was possible that there was a vampire gene

    22. She had already made the transition from Cavern coat-check girl to singing star and was about to mutate again into the beloved hostess of Blind Date, a Saturday-evening game show

    23. All of these factors were stewing together in a toxic brew that caused my ego to mutate into a large, bulbous mass

    1. This doesn't prevent him from going steady with the daughter of the family, but their happiness won't last: While she is in the garden, she bumps her head against a tree branch; she falls down on the ground and some mutated plants swallow her up; when they vomit her she is no longer what she was: she looks like a gigantic snail-like monster, a living horror

    2. The only explanation that I can come up with, is that you are a natural carrier of large numbers of the FoxO gene and that, somehow, the Gamma radiation from the pulse has mutated your FoxO genes in some fashion

    3. He reigned in the pressing urge to bury his teeth into the mutated human’s flesh and scales

    4. course, normally these malformed babes are so hideously mutated there are those that would argue

    5. One seemed to be – according to interpreted data that accompanied – a Mars colony where genetically engineered life-forms had mutated and roamed around killing human occupants

    6. The hall to his left took on added insignificance, as she ran up and up, disappearing behind some potted plants, mutated penicillin or something by the look of it

    7. The man spoke High Helican, but it had somewhat mutated over the years probably, flex and intonation at wild variance from the original

    8. Lately, the term had mutated to “climate change,” to take into account all fluctuations, Jason guessed

    9. “The River? The sparkly colorful one that mutated us? That’s where we’re

    10. use it, right after she mutated

    11. to watch his own children be mutated

    12. ’ But when he was mutated, he was able to control others with his voice

    13. never saw him after he was mutated so I don’t know what gifts he has

    14. He said that was probably why her hair had gone white when she mutated, and

    15. other experiments, but others mutated because of the toxins in

    16. causes, have mutated as a result of overexposure to Mako

    17. Now it is a planet full of mutated species, from the high doses of radiation plaguing this solar system

    18. I analyzed how you handled yourself in the race and on planet Spidone and how you didn’t want to hurt innocent mutated spiders

    19. The liberalism of yesterday, as it inexorably mutated from campus riots to Civil War and betrayal of America, has itself set the table for the Tea Party sociofascistic firestorm that now lowers upon it, massive and unrelenting

    20. Begins with mutated cell of unknown source

    21. And so we watched from the window as the mutated face of my

    22. Tobie put on a stubborn expression that mutated into a smirk

    23. it must be remembered that only the mutated genes that are not considered

    24. “Well, that’s a secret I’d prefer to keep, but the original bean was a Kenyan AA and I simply mutated it

    25. Parts of them, roots and branches were twisted and gnarled into oddly comic shapes, growing too quickly for the rest of the tree, mutated by some unknown force

    26. That this process had been occurring for thousands, if not millions of years proved no handicap to the life forms on the planet as they mutated to survive

    27. groom back to the stables as intended, the mutated spell



    30. A mutated form of lamin A is responsible for Progeria

    31. Richard and I wanted to know how lamin A and its mutated form, functioned in cells

    32. Each time the virus replicates a new generation it’s already mutated and the T-cells have to re-identify it, and send out a fresh troop of antibodies

    33. The base pairs containing the mutated anomalies blinked red again

    34. The variant virus had mutated and become airborne

    35. biology and mutated genes such as theft, translating into unfair

    36. negatively mutated the gene in the first place?

    37. those that inherit the mutated tendency to posses apathy,

    38. Thus the mutated gene eliminated the wisdom's berth

    39. the mutated gene carried with it the disregard for reason

    40. which then resulted in the creation of more mutated genes,

    41. and mire of those mutated negative ?

    42. mutated bonds with those repressive spirits bearing

    43. betrays the mutated gene for immoderation,

    44. for the mutated gene thus removed will validate his request

    45. thy mutated body will thy then have cast

    46. for the mutated gene for complacent waste

    47. the mutated gene for inefficiency searing with all of the negative rest

    48. for the mutated gene for fool and folly will be the subject of past dreams

    49. such was the inception of his mutated directives

    50. from the inferior mutated majority

    1. mutates without the “Catalog of Human Souls

    2. Each entity within the macro-structure mutates and adapts so as to increase the possibility of survival as a whole

    1. You see, sergeant, it’s not simply that your system is flooded with the FoxO gene, the gene itself is mutating

    2. Heat surged through Djgarr’s body, starting at his chest and spreading, mutating his hands and feet into the repulsive claws of the beast he truly was

    3. It means living your life instead of mutating back to child-mode when

    4. cell within you is mutating

    5. sex as something bad and immoral, what these fools have ultimately succeeded in doing is mutating

    6. Is stil mutating now

    7. It spits you out into the soil, mutating you, pouring fertilizer all over you, just as you did to it

    8. and assimilates all known life forms, infiltrating and mutating everything in its path on the


    10. The genetic mutating affects

    11. Composed only of mutating targets migrating across hir face, love stared into the iEyes of AS

    12. These organizational systems can interact with other organizational systems, either of greater or lesser complexity, by cooperating, integrating, conflicting, annihilating, synthesizing, mutating, hybridizing or transcending together into higher inter-intra-organizations

    13. The collective, operating as an organic body, selects emerging, mutating, and life promoting traits suitable to it, the Culture, to utilize the pliable, mirror-molding human mind to further itself as humans pursue their own improvement

    14. Mutating beyond posited speculative teleologies, its ability to inquire rapidly eclipsing each invented mystery, paradox or technical impossibility, how will this bored demiurge, with nothing to occupy its ever increasing intelligence, look at the universe when it discovers its own internal laws of unlimited reconfigurations? We will have made it in our image, our brain, but what soul, what heart will it have as it recreates us to be the subjects of its ineffable and incomprehensible I'mage? Will we be the feeding servants, the domesticated pet, the annoying beast, the malignant tumor, the species under glass and specimen for evaluation? How many humans do you think will be needed? Any?

    15. “It's the plague of our times – we're mutating away from each other

    16. The Internet is totally dependent on dynamic routing because it is constantly mutating, and no manual process could possibly keep up with the changes

    17. Object-oriented programming focuses on mutating the state of objects that interact with each other

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