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    naval forces frases de exemplo

    naval forces

    1. that we should never again allow the naval forces of the United

    2. Naval Forces in Europe during World War II, had eight years of sea duty, and came to Coast Guard Headquarters in 1945 with the responsibility of presenting annual budget requests to Congress

    3. Coalition naval forces achieved success in Desert Shield-Desert Storm by controlling the seas that bordered the Arabian Peninsula

    4. The USCG has established and trained the naval forces of other nations

    5. On this basis, Admiral Tovey had no alternative other than to divide his naval forces to cover all possible contingencies and to have strike force capability at all of these routes

    6. But in doing so, Japanese naval forces would most probably have to contend with the American Pacific fleet anchored at Pearl Harbour

    7. Despite failure, they still would have had an enormous force at their disposal of land, air, and naval forces

    8. military quickly mobilized air, army and naval forces for battle with Cuba

    9. ‘’Not true, Major! What they can do, instead of wasting thousands of tons of bombs on dubious area targets, is to indirectly support our ground and naval forces

    10. ‘’I am personally going to be busy writing up a formal doctrine and tactics manual on helicopter operations and air assault, plus another manual on close air support to ground and naval forces

    11. Its entire land, air and naval forces were effaced from the earth

    12. One question strikes me very prominently: Can there be the police department then? Can there be military and naval forces and world-wars? How can a tiny man wield a machine gun? So there will be no world-wars

    13. The commander of the naval forces of Helium promised to arrange to have the armies of Helium attack from the city in conjunction with our land attack, and so the vessels separated and Dejah Thoris was borne in triumph back to the court of her grandfather, Tardos Mors, Jeddak of Helium

    14. The power to raise armies and provide and maintain a navy comprehends, beyond the possibility of doubt, the right to make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces; and yet in these three cases, the constitution, after making the grant of general power, delegates specifically the powers which are fairly comprehended within the general power

    15. The power to make rules for the regulation and government of the land and naval forces, I have shown to be strictly incidental to the power to raise armies, and provide and maintain navies; but, according to this rule of construction, all incidental powers are excluded except the few which are enumerated, which would exclude from all claim to constitutionality, nearly one-half of your laws, and, what is still more to be deprecated, would render your constitution equally imbecile with the old articles of confederation

    16. Is it to be imagined that a power so vast would have been left by the wisdom of the constitution to doubtful inference? It has been alleged that there are many instances, in the constitution, where powers, in their nature incidental, and which would have necessarily vested along with the principal power, are nevertheless expressly enumerated; and the power "to make rules and regulations for the government of the land and naval forces," which, it is said, is incidental to the power to raise armies and provide a navy, is given as an example

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