Use "neutron" em uma frase
neutron frases de exemplo
1. Kulai kept a bottle of scientific in his bookcase, a brand called Aurora Neutron
2. Yet the majority of its weight was due to an effective arsenal of lethal weapons, filling the various pockets: guns, neutron grenades that could eliminate any living being within a kilometre radius, the largest of which: no bigger than his hand
3. So he removed a neutron grenade from his utility belt, primed its remote detonator; threw it towards the main building, then ran towards the B'tari craft
4. The other side were now poised to strike with the big one – and who could question their entitlement to do just that? Smaller Russian defence installations had already been targeted, with much loss of small-scale hardware, including stealth fighter drones, and neutron warheads
5. “Our next jump will be in thirteen hours, as we have to coast by this neutron field before we can jump again
6. the atom is a particle called a neutron, that consists of three quarks
7. It’s known that Neutron Stars can
8. a neutron star as its core that after dispels its
9. energy in a nebula? And as this neutron star
10. fast moving neutron star within would still
11. Depending on the size of the neutron, the more
12. Dead is dead, whether it is from crooked wooden spears or a neutron bomb
13. The interpretation would apply even to an electrically neutral particle such as the neutron, because the neutron, at the most fundamental level, is thought to be made up of smaller particles called quarks, which do carry electric charge
14. tion arising in condensates The interior of a neutron star, which contains
15. neutron stars, some of which have a radius of only about 6 miles (10
16. new nucleus therefore consists of a proton and a neutron -- a
17. nucleus, which consists of two protons and one neutron
18. Neutron stars have initial temperatures of 10 million K, but they are so
19. If the giant star leaves behind a neutron star or a black hole instead of
20. When this matter strikes the surface of the neutron star or is pulled
21. But midway through the migration back north, hardly a fifth of the people had come back when the rest left behind in the southern or equatorial regions were destroyed by nuclear weapons, neutron bombs, and nerve gas
22. Neutron star pulsars and nebulous nebulae fly by at 0
23. In other words, they received the neutron codes, but couldn’t do anything with them
24. It appears to be a variant on the neutron bomb
25. “It was for a couple of years until a new variant of the neutron bomb became available,”
26. A neutron consists of a proton and an electron
27. compared to one neutron
28. To create a neutron,
29. reasonable to assume that the anti neutron was also created in this way,
30. The neutron is also stable, as long as it exists in the atom
31. stable, then it is reasonable to assume that this should make the neutron
32. When it came to the neutron bomb, I may be wrong, but it wasn’t tested
33. as an electron (and a neutron about 1839 times),
34. waves and standing neutron waves (neutrons
35. electron, proton, neutron etc
36. To avoid affecting the sensitive electronics on the aircraft, the fuel rods were stripped down and packed in light weight, neutron damping layers for the long journey ahead
37. In a nuclear reaction that catalyst would be a neutron which initiates a split of, say a Uranium atom
38. reflector was placed around the plutonium core to intensify the neutron chain reaction
39. Hugo consulted a screen, one with a marching graph, red arrows appearing and disappearing as they drew his attention to neutron levels, thermal outputs and risk of meltdown
40. Take note on this issue; the entire Universe was the size of a neutron they say
41. size of one neutron in radii distance and with the factor that such a distance produces, it must promote
42. With the entire Universe being as big as a Neutron, the Universe was the
43. The Universe comes from a point the size of a Neutron
44. With the entire Universe being as big as a Neutron, the Universe was the size of an atom
45. For instance the proton is dimensionless to the neutron, yet it is fluid to singularity allowing heat to flow
46. In relation to the neutron the proton is a solid but in relation to singularity the proton is liquid
47. In relation to the electron the neutron is a solid but in relation to the proton the neutron is liquid
48. In relation to outer space the electron is a solid but in relation to the neutron the electron is liquid
49. The neutron is solid in appearance yet it is fluid allowing dimensions to concentrate
50. Through this the neutron (which is matter) holds Π2Π as a factor