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    Use "nightmarish" em uma frase

    nightmarish frases de exemplo


    1. His sessions with the Keeper had been particularly nightmarish

    2. It gave her the same cold, venomous stare she had seen just before from the man in the nightmarish vision

    3. This is especially true in highly congested (urban) areas where commuter travel has assumed nightmarish proportions

    4. But still more of them came, the nightmarish vanguard of the terror that was to be unleashed

    5. Even on a Saturday afternoon, midtown San José traffic was a nightmarish crush of gridlock and boiling Latin tempers

    6. Also, she has just informed me that her doctor has told her beyond a shadow of doubt that she is pregnant! In ordinary circumstances, this would be the most wonderful news, although it somehow is now overshadowed by the nightmarish situation in which I find myself

    7. even the most nightmarish of his memories of the tragedy at

    8. spoke of nightmarish vision of the man who wore a face that was covered in blood so, it looked more

    9. Rising to his feet with a nightmarish grin on his face he started to run

    10. stuck in the middle of a nightmarish

    11. Here and there a dim cresset cast a faint nightmarish twilight

    12. Kitty, I’ve heard nightmarish stories about dogs, cats, and

    13. Who could beat the title of the world's last catch? Then again, who could shake the infamy? I think Fishmael is motivated by both the dream-like and nightmarish qualities of our mission, the mad old dog

    14. Two men wearing breathing apparatus went down the stairs and lit up the powerful electric arc lamps they had brought along, revealing a nightmarish scene: close to sixty bodies, all burned beyond recognition, filled the small basement room

    15. Britta turned pale as her Assemblage Point centered her awareness amid decades of nightmarish dreams, vividly playing them back in micro-bursts that confirmed the reality behind them

    16. He’d heard too many nightmarish stories about

    17. It truly was nightmarish to all who watched

    18. Harold raised his sword, and hacked the nightmarish insect in half

    19. Ann Morton lowered her head as nightmarish visions came back to her

    20. If there was a prospect more nightmarish than Kejriwal for the business world, it was the revival of a khichdi sarkar

    21. Aided by her resolve to bury the past, Roopa soon enough got over that nightmarish experience

    22. The nightmarish reality is that masses of our children are being “raised” in one over-crowded homeless shelter after another—just like one mother and her five, from 2-years-old to 11, that I saw crammed into a room with another mom and her three

    23. Believing the court was real during his nightmarish dementia, Roger

    24. he’d been told and what he’d scene this nightmarish day

    25. Together they bespoke the nightmarish, nauseous hours he had spent on the hard ground

    26. He had nightmarish visions of having to carpool the men home to their various locations and drag them all in to their beds

    27. It was a nightmarish black and gray pallor, as if it had been stitched together from the skin of long deceased corpses

    28. filled her head with nightmarish visions

    29. would all of this nightmarish crap end?

    30. believed the spirit was the nightmarish Windigo of

    31. Called the Seated Bather, this painting again shows a nightmarish, distorted figure, with pincer-like jaws and sharp teeth

    32. Nightmarish days of unending problems and nightmarish nights without nightmares, without a sign of sleep

    33. After a nightmarish Saturday when I could not make ends meet and desperately phoned Magdi at his home and could not locate him, he appeared nonchalantly at noon

    34. absence during those nightmarish days of the operation

    35. All I know is that I had this beautiful couple I fell in love with and since they left, these last few days were nightmarish

    36. This piece of news ushered a couple of nightmarish weeks for Robbie

    37. Even as the unreality of the here and now occurred dazed memories of having her near to me and the sound of her voice calming away the nightmarish events of my past, occurred as if in slow motion slides placed over the current focus of my vision

    38. Colt twitched and shook as he was held in the grip of a vision from the past that had crossed over into a nightmarish fantasy jacked on steroids

    39. She hadn’t entirely awoken to our nightmarish situation in the camp, and a surreal look of happiness crossed her face as the water hit its mark

    40. hesitated and then turned to look in the mirror, vowing to get Margaret fired for this nightmarish

    41. Liberals! The words one knows so well have a nightmarish meaning in this country

    42. However, this pretty memory will be forever crowded out by that of the nightmarish kin who lived beneath us, a family, whom I later named “Macbeth” in a song, consisting of an unmarried brother and sister who lived with their aged mother

    43. I think this melodrama was partly inspired by watching Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train, which contains a nightmarish carousel scene

    44. Market went into a sudden, nightmarish depression

    45. Orenthaler’s nightmarish predictions were coming true

    46. , but a nightmarish fear had taken firm hold—you could see it on every face inside the overcrowded room

    47. One of them, Vietnam, was the scene for America’s twentieth-century nightmarish war

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    bloodcurdling hair-raising nightmarish