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    no doubt frases de exemplo

    no doubt

    1. No doubt he was already grumpy because she hadn't been down to breakfast

    2. No doubt Herndon would want to push on today, if she could keep him from cruising wide open she would be content

    3. No doubt that was the effect of the poor relations with Jorma and the reaction to his attitude

    4. Jorma went dashing off after him, no doubt more afraid of the ghoul-woman from YingolNeerie than interested in helping them find Venna

    5. 'There's no doubt in my mind that she's innocent

    6. He had no doubt that he could probably overpower her

    7. He says he left for the rehearsal just after seven and that she was alive then … there is no doubt that he stayed in view of someone the whole time he was at the rehearsal and that Joanna was lying in the garden when he returned home

    8. Something Stephen said over breakfast gave me the impression that he has been liaising with Paul pretty closely over the past few days and I have no doubt that Paul has been passing any information he has received to Emma

    9. No doubt the other kedas kidded him for it and said his egg mother was a thonga

    10. "No doubt, I've met some who are better than me but somehow I bet Juleel is not one of them and neither were the two we met

    11. Or at least his fellow prisoners thought so and I would have no doubt that they are correct

    12. This castle was a clan home no doubt, everyone related by blood and enterprise, many of these clans had patriarchs older than Christ who still sat at the heads of tables in their great and echoing crystal halls

    13. Where before she had no qualms, no doubts, no goals, no obstacles, where she had been free and easy and almost always happy, almost always laughing, now she felt incomplete, that she couldn't rest without a plan

    14. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is

    15. No doubt he will land when no one is looking also, so there is no sense staying up staring at him

    16. There was no doubt that the shuttlecraft was on course to reach Narrulla's Tear, and could couple with the old lock on the Lula in as little as two hours

    17. " That was no doubt a dusty pitted hulk for it was over two and a half centuries old by now, built of bulk aluminum and steel using big bolts

    18. No doubt Moamar knew as well as the Haadij that the virus would infect any of their seed they set in this ground

    19. No doubt he and the Haadij had already argued about it many times in the fifty years they had been on this expedition together

    20. No doubt whoever had him in this box saw what he was going to do, because after he had climbed another hour and worked his way up another fifteen feet, he dropped the rope

    21. No, there was no doubt, this mission was never meant as anything more than a missile

    22. No doubt there were hushed meetings where the trend of its position was noticed even now and debates over who would be first to publish

    23. No doubt many of them have children already that have never heard of Brasil

    24. No doubt about it now, this person knew about Alan! If this one knew, the teacher, the one he was closer to, undoubtedly did also

    25. "No doubt he wouldn't," his teacher friend said

    26. But what should he do with the Theology hearing coming up this Sunday? No doubt it wouldn't be up to him, this was all recorded, it was in in-boxes already

    27. "No doubt they would, but I think this gives us a more immediate problem

    28. "No doubt Luray has told you how I love this?" His hands were finding more of her skin

    29. As for JJ, I see what you mean about there being no doubt of his family connection

    30. ’ Berndt’s influence no doubt

    31. No doubt he wouldn't be reporting in now

    32. No doubt they wouldn't be tracking his signal

    33. The resort towns on the north shore of the upper lake would all be gone now, this 'wild range' would get wetter and brushier til there was no doubt it was swamp if they went in that direction

    34. There could now be no doubt that he was telling the truth about YingolNeerie so he certainly WAS from a different culture

    35. I certainly have no doubt; from what I have seen of Caderl we can trust him – he seems a pretty solid reliable sort of man

    36. She is extremely quiet … no doubt thinking much as I am of the risks which could lie ahead

    37. “I think it was so romantic! My God, how sexy can you get!” said Susan, a rather good looking blonde with an ample figure that left no doubt about its availability

    38. Steve looked at Ashley, and she at him, blushing, there was no doubt about the love that passed between them

    39. There was no doubt as to the leaders of this group

    40. I realise Athens too has its unfair share of insidious tourist traps just like Cornwall and no doubt the traffic is nightmare and yes, it's a sprawling jumble of concrete and marble, of ancient and modern, of the implausible and the miraculous, but then they say Athens teems with spectacular sights, superb cafes, and much more that you just won't find in any modern city

    41. That she had saved their lives, there was no doubt

    42. "I see," Byia said, "No doubt several would

    43. She caught her staring at him one day, and there was no doubt about that look

    44. Desa had a yaag problem when she first lived in her house in Dos and no doubt she would have that problem several times again before she was twenty two centuries old

    45. No doubt they know all about it in the village

    46. But the community chain was fragile, of that there was no doubt, and without successors it would break

    47. Alan had no doubt where his difficulties lay

    48. No doubt because of the impactors

    49. Collin and the White will take care of the Black bull, have no doubt about that

    50. He must not have, no doubt that had been a painful time for him

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