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    no sooner frases de exemplo

    no sooner

    1. he thought, that no sooner had his wife mentioned the old girl, than she had

    2. I let it go to voice-mail but the phone was no sooner silenced and back in my pocket than it was vibrating again

    3. He took off his shoes outside on the porch and had no sooner walked inside then the twins grabbed them and took off tossing them into the air, barking

    4. At four in the morning it was like waking into a dream and no sooner was I through customs and onto the concourse that I tried to let Auntie know I'd arrived safely but in between the crackles on the mobile I couldn't get a word in edgeways

    5. Yiannis was merciless, grunting and thrashing and shouting at his opponent, but no sooner had he hammered home his death blow than he leaped aboard his chariot and licked his lips, 'OK, my friend, so you want to go to Stephanos main town, yes?'

    6. He no sooner got thru his door than he keyed in the address of Ava's lab

    7. They had no sooner re-entered the trees than they were cut down without ever seeing their enemy

    8. “At first when I tried to keep my shoulders back for example, I'd no sooner think of something else and when next I remembered about them, they had long since drooped

    9. She’d no sooner nodded her head to agree, when Jim popped his head into the room from the front hall, he stood there for a minute, glaring at her

    10. As with every time before, her foot no sooner touched the front porch, with Jim on her mind, and his old beat up black truck approached from the direction of the barns

    11. Her feet had no sooner hit the ground, before she whirled herself against his chest

    12. No sooner had we gone to sleep when we were awake and in the cloned bodies of director Lan Trant and his wife Lyn

    13. Then he shouted for someone to get the Doc, the words had no sooner escaped his mouth, when Todd appeared at the door

    14. He’d no sooner pulled her back under the rail when they both realized there commotion had drawn the attention of Old Johnny

    15. No sooner had the question left his lips then a door was thrust open before him, engulfing him in a wave of warm yellow light while filling his ears with laughter and the shrill notes of a flute

    16. No sooner had they made it to the head of the line, then one of the interrogators in red-stained armor pulled them aside

    17. No sooner had Alec noticed the shifting forest than an arrow arced into the sky

    18. No sooner had he made it to his feet, then the gurgling voice ended in silence and once more the black silhouette was coming at him

    19. An army of ants could no sooner remove the sands from the desert world Er'Konis than the defenders could strike down every last one of the undead

    20. Lemoss was looking, looking very closely at Dai, but no sooner had ‘West’ been said that Dai, Fred and Clarabelle were gone

    21. No sooner had the Reaper turned to regard her than a pair of orchid blades slipped beneath his breast plate, one on each side of his body

    22. No sooner was a castle spotted, than the boat

    23. No sooner had it settled, then another pod emerged

    24. No sooner had Dr

    25. No sooner had they adjusted to the sensation of movement than they were there and all was calm again

    26. No sooner had he thought that than he appeared in the realm itself

    27. Rex had no sooner shut the door when he

    28. No sooner than Hans finished speaking, a dozen demons came up over the hill, pouncing on them all

    29. She was crying, and no sooner did he see the first tear run down her cheek than she faded once more, replaced by the Elusiver

    30. No sooner had he thought it than the Globe responded

    31. No sooner was the cap gone than every soul in the hall saw him

    32. Scrabbling about at the base of a bush, Brock was eventually rewarded with a plump worm, but no sooner had he put it in his mouth than he was violently sick

    33. No sooner had I sat down when I heard a door slam shut and a car screeching down the road, tyres spinning as it revved loudly

    34. No sooner had she completed her thought, when gazing down at her odometer, she observed the number 666

    35. What a dumb-ass idea that was, but that was exactly what she’d told him to do! So then, he goes and does it and no sooner does he walk in the door from dumping the two in San Jose, than she starts in hollering all over again, this time calling him an Irish Mick ‘cause he let ‘em go! “Now what are you bitching about?” he’d asked

    36. No sooner were those delicate negotiations complete then Alfredo called to say that his tests went well: a horse could easily contain a small fortune’s worth of cocaine for ample time enough to pass through customs

    37. He applied through the Costa Rican consulate for residency and, as it turned out, the timing was perfect: no sooner had a certified clean bill of health from the Vancouver police been submitted than his ship began to sink

    38. No sooner had I gotten rid of the witch doctor, when there was yet another visitor

    39. He had no sooner managed to navigate himself to the small open parking lot off to the front and side of Mia"s apartment building than she was jumping back into the car with yet another large straw bag filled with God knew what

    40. Then along comes Caroline, a broad he really digs, and what happens? No sooner does fancy-ass Brian Walston start strutting his stuff than she fucking takes off and goes with him! Bitch! Well, he’d given her a taste of something to think about

    41. The pressure and added heat of bodily contact had speeded the spasm on through, but no sooner had she seemed to relax than another was upon her, and then another

    42. 11 This was no sooner spoken of him, but others of the king's friends, being maliciously set against Judas, did

    43. 44 No sooner did Jared begin to pray than the elder fled with his companions; for they could not abide in a place of prayer

    44. "Yes, said Monica, "no sooner had I yelled 'Watch out!' then the truck smacked into us

    45. I was given the title Senior Contract Administrator; whereas, she had sought a “rookie” whom she could boss around, Even though I was overworked, leaving each night no sooner that 6pm because of my legal duties and handling of my own half of the contracts, Maria made the humiliation complete by giving me all of her filing and copying to do

    46. 12 No sooner had Adam said this than an angel from God appeared to him in the cave who said to him "O Adam fear not

    47. No sooner had she said this than John took a few hasty steps forward and turned, pulling out his gun and pointing it at Yania

    48. 11 This was no sooner spoken of him but others of the king's friends being maliciously set against Judas did more incense Demetrius

    49. It was not until ten years after the death of Stephen that the second martyrdom took place; for no sooner had Herod Agrippa been appointed governor of Judea than with a view to ingratiate himself with them he raised a sharp persecution against the Christians and determined to make an effectual blow by striking at their leaders

    50. No sooner had he given in to his body's screaming demand for rest, than he was jolted back to

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