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    Use "not a single" em uma frase

    not a single frases de exemplo

    not a single

    1. coming of the Savior, that not a single book was penned by a woman!

    2. No, not a single stutter

    3. Not a single mistake did she make, but told the truth in every detail

    4. As far as he could tell, not a single one of them even had a chance to strike at the demon before they died

    5. he does? And if at school he realizes there is not a single

    6. Not a single square metre is free

    7. there is not a single pigeon there

    8. The gold and silver money which circulates in any country may very properly be compared to a highway, which, while it circulates and carries to market all the grass and corn of the country, produces itself not a single pile of either

    9. And during her near month at his farm, not a single person had visited

    10. In Romanian television, there is not a single news

    11. Weeping not a single tear, bearing not a single warm thought, not one solemn shred of reverence

    12. The Hebrew language having no connection with classical learning, and, except the Holy Scriptures, being the language of not a single book in any esteem the study of it did not commonly commence till after that of philosophy, and when the student had entered upon the study of theology

    13. there is not a single person to be found

    14. miraculously, not a single bullet struck home

    15. No one had to suspect a thing, not a single anomaly

    16. Not a single molecule

    17. dresses, in order to prepare them for bed, not a single costume would

    18. I checked my old bedroom, it was empty, really empty as there was not a single bit of furniture in it

    19. There was not a single fish to be seen, just the spray flecked aftermath of their activities

    20. We lost the war if not a single battle, and we knew it was the end of the road

    21. It was still dark as the winter sun rose much later in the mornings, and there was not a single person about

    22. Out of the many dozens of people who actually tried to kill a celebrity or public official not a single one made a threat to do so beforehand

    23. He finished with 18% of the popular vote and not a single state

    24. Within a few weeks Shan’s armies seemed to have been lost, and no message of the war had reached Pyr; not a single messenger sent from Pyr ever returned

    25. When I was woken by Rosie thumping my shoulder, there was no Singh and not a single blowfly in my mouth

    26. It seemed to be made out of a dull gray, not a single ray of light reflected off its surface

    27. It could all just be the effects of wearing down his body, having walked constantly for half a day or more with just a couple of mouthfuls of water and not a single bite of food

    28. They were all he must think about! Not a single backward glance could be allowed

    29. There was not a single ainatunari amongst them

    30. There is not a single correct answer

    31. What did Noah do when he was in pain? Hummed commercial jingles? She tried to think of jingles, but not a single one would come to mind

    32. There was not a single cloud in the sky, it could be the height

    33. Not a single murmur was heard in the room

    34. In his opinion Warren cited as the basis of his decision not a single provision of the Constitution or its Amendments (other than the equal protection clause itself), or even past decisions of the Court

    35. Here is a successful man with not a single blot in his copybook throughout his years

    36. Then suddenly, out of the blue, he’s diagnosed with schizophrenia, commits attempted murder and receives not a single visitor for the whole three months he’s been with us

    37. She had managed to claw her way through the crowd and stared back at him with not a single feeling of compassion left inside of her

    38. 115 Many experiencers also noted there was not a single moment of loss of

    39. “Not a single word from you!” I shouted, “I have nothing to say to you

    40. There was not a single soul in sight on the road

    41. Despite the din, however, not a single person reacts to our presence

    42. But even with all his bellowing, not a single scientist glances in our direction

    43. for more than three hours and not a single car has gone by

    44. This was after 20 years in business and not a single case of botulism reported against McCurdy

    45. However, not a single state received an A for the quality of teaching, for which the average score was

    46. Also, it is not a single issue organization

    47. Not a single day more

    48. Not a single frond remained on them, leaving the emasculated trunks looking like natural obelisks marching down each side of the river

    49. ’ There is not a single Sylvan or a dragon of Serminak who could resist trying to steal the stone under those circumstances

    50. Within Moshe's view of the riverbank and beyond, not a single swarm of the insect pests could

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