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    Use "not far" em uma frase

    not far frases de exemplo

    not far

    1. Emma and Adrian live in a modern detached house on the outskirts of a village not far from Bridgwater

    2. He owns a largish property a bit further down the motorway – it’s not far from here

    3. America was still officially a nation at the time, though Washington was in ruins and the new capital at Dallas not far behind

    4. ‘There’s his mother – she lives not far away

    5. She recalled that the house was not far from the river, the river she had apparently come to see for no apparent reason

    6. She landed not far from where Raleigh drifted limp

    7. In fact, it is not far-fetched to state that man is incomplete without woman and woman is incomplete without man!

    8. They soon caught a whiff of the reason, more thongas were passing thru the brush not far to the southeast

    9. The thought hits me that winter is not far off … if I am going to finish my quest, I had better get moving

    10. Not far away large black eyes kept pace with the lovers

    11. Two men suddenly spring into our field of vision, cutting into the bushes not far from where Joris is hiding

    12. ‘A little village not far from the sea, it’s called Banswell

    13. ‘I believe there’s a small stream not far ahead where we can draw some water - both for us and the ggs, Lintze

    14. I cast my mind back to the time I came here with Tom … from what I remember, the Well was in a largish clearing in a bit of woodland not far from the road

    15. There was a hospital not far from his town, and with Daniel’s help he would make it a point to get it up and running again

    16. It was not far down the road to a little town or village

    17. She lives out Larkhall way, not far from where I grew up

    18. we'd only been married a short time and I don't remember what it was we argued about, but by the end of it, she was in tears in one room and I was not far off in another

    19. not far from the common where they had met

    20. ” The grocer nodded in agreement, muttered something about 'probably should make sure,' put his keys in his vest pocket and shuffled quickly toward his own home not far away

    21. The canteen is in the basement of the hospital, not far from the mortuary

    22. aware of the men not far away, and the water below them

    23. The next morning, in a field overgrown with weeds not far

    24. Spelman who led the way to a pleasant restaurant on Kings Road, not far from the rail station, which would allow them to board a train to Birmingham, with connections to Redditch, Malvern, and Stratford

    25. My thought of hell was not far off the mark

    26. Perhaps I can send something to you for Christmas program if this place is not far from yours

    27. ‘This one was found dead in the woods not far from

    28. He rolled with the momentum, but even so, it was a violent roll, and though the ground was sand-covered, a layer of hardened silica was not far beneath

    29. God is not far away, as many think, but he is right here, and he invites us to walk with him and to know him

    30. wasn’t there before, but I suddenly realized He was there, not far

    31. I found Jesus! He was not far away on a dark,

    32. ‘Lived in a small village not far away

    33. It was shady over there, but not far from the water

    34. The houses were large but not far from the road

    35. Not far away, the shepherd had fallen

    36. It had taken place not far from Smyrna

    37. ‘Not far to go now, Bella

    38. Not far behind the trio, the rest of Adros’ children followed – a small, but highly skilled army of elves

    39. is not far away

    40. “Not far north of Jeremos's farm, there’s a small cave on the slope of Neriton

    41. The rain had not yet returned, but the smell on the wind told her it was not far behind

    42. No doubt that he was not far away, for there were still clients with empty bellies to feed at least for a few more hours

    43. She was in luck, because the lane she traveled came to a large cave not far from the brook

    44. She turned back around and tried to crawl to her blade, which though it lay in the snow not far from her, it still seemed like hundreds of yards in these feverish moments

    45. It was quite fortunate for her that Mercer was not far behind and was looking down rather than up: Penelope nearly walked off the side of the very narrow stretch of land over a very steep course of rushing water

    46. And somewhere, someplace not far off, I - or my ghost - shall be laughing my damned arse off

    47. the moon near the lunar south pole, not far

    48. he could see not far away

    49. Elijah picked a good spot not far from where the field kitchen had set up and we dumped our kit and got our entrenching tools out

    50. “Listen mate were not far from the Turkish trenches so we have to get out of here before the sun comes up again

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