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    Use "not guilty" em uma frase

    not guilty frases de exemplo

    not guilty

    1. JUDGE: This is the time and place for the trial of Erick Folsom, who has pleaded not guilty to the charge of rape of Samantha Perez on April 12 of the past year

    2. JUDGE: The jury has found Eric Folsom not guilty as charged

    3. ERICK: The jury found me not guilty

    4. But the priests are not guilty only for these

    5. she is not guilty; she has not another possibility

    6. Although he is not guilty as charged of fiddling while Rome burned, I have it on good authority that during the burning he did sing his heart out

    7. “He pleads not guilty Sir on both counts”, the Lieutenant looked quite pleased with himself

    8. flock of the slaughter; 5 Whose possessors kill them, and hold themselves not guilty, and those who sell them say, blessed is the Lord;

    9. When the judge called the case, Reginald Rutherford entered a plea of not guilty

    10. But there is one there, one which is not guilty of anything

    11. Elena: If you give Mikael’s soul up I shall give you the power to change your own rules so that you never get another soul that is not guilty in here

    12. Let me help you make those responsible pay, but free all those not guilty

    13. In verse 27 Paul shows that no one can boast that they are not guilty of sin, and sinfulness

    14. You murdered your own not guilty son

    15. It was a simple hearing, Harry, on the pained insistence from John had pleaded not guilty to all charges which only left the court date to be determined

    16. “Lieutenant James, it is my duty as president of this court to inform you that the court in closed session and upon secret and written ballot has found you not guilty of all specifications and charges

    17. Our association will be about wrongful convictions BUT everyone must understand that sometimes a person is guilty of murder but not guilty of capital murder

    18. the prosecution's case the jury found him not guilty

    19. “Since Michael was tried and found not guilty, the police have

    20. fortunately found not guilty

    21. has already been tried and found not guilty

    22. My verdict, not guilty

    23. We were convicted of these charges but plead not guilty and fought every step of the way on principle of what this case really was

    24. The law eventually caught up with him but ironically he was found not guilty because he had purchased items that cost so little

    25. I pleaded not guilty and eventually got a suspended sentence a year or two later

    26. “Then you have no basis for the charge of sedition do you?” Before the Captain could answer, Commodore McGuire turned to the tribunal and said, “Your honors, I request a directed verdict of not guilty to the charge of sedition

    27. Commodore McGuire has demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that Cadet Solomon may have spoken out of turn, but she is not guilty of the crimes of which she has been accused

    28. Ava felt a bit guilty for avoiding Georgie and her parents, but not guilty enough to make Nicolas wait

    29. found not guilty by reason of insanity and was committed to the

    30. innocent, young, and beautiful, not guilty of the verdict that was being given to her, not

    31. not guilty verdict was cast

    32. The not guilty plea was based on a

    33. or is found not guilty in a court of law

    34. A man accused of trading pictures of child pornography over the Internet pleaded not guilty to several charges Friday

    35. Those involved are a Mississippi State Supreme Court Justice, who was wrongly accused of crimes more than once and found not guilty in each case; a nineteen-year old woman who was gang-raped in Iraq by fellow soldiers and spent over four years in the court system without any compensation; a couple from Nebraska who could have avoided being in the movie had only a doctor followed the oath which says, I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone

    36. But if the river prove that the accused is not guilty, and he escape unhurt, then he who had brought the accusation shall be put to death, while he who leaped into the river shall take possession of the house that had belonged to his accuser

    37. With the wedding behind him Phil Rudolph was down to earth with the trial in the high court predicted to take many weeks with two defendants pleading not guilty

    38. video records supplied to us by the Iotian government, this preliminary investigation finds you not guilty for the death of Lenar, since both of you were acting in accordance to your conscience and duty

    39. Victoria was outraged when he was found not guilty by reason of insanity,but was so pleased by the many expressions of loyalty after the attack that she said it was "worth being shot at—to see how much one is love

    40. ‘Am I not guilty in abetting his love with my flirtation, even though unwittingly?’ she thought about her own contribution to his woes

    41. Once he expressed his anger he, too, let go of his investment and changed his vote to not guilty

    42. all his reasoning power to establish that his client is not guilty

    43. Not guilty! Womankind places the emphasis on the last syllable—KIND

    44. But what brand not guilty of the simplest human rights violations? All clothing finds its roots in some body's slavery, in some country, not your own, in some neighborhood, but NIMBY

    45. What recreational activity not guilty of playing the game of trading lives for minerals? How young the hands forced to vein the ores for titanium rackets, or younger still those holding Made in the USA guns guarding the mines where our championship trophies are stripped from flesh and blood? For what? To reward, to celebrate, to idolize the blood, sweat and tears of our warrior athletes for giving all they got to win the hard fought battle on perfectly trimmed greens and courts

    46. “Laeron is not guilty of anything

    47. pleaded not guilty; not here

    48. After listening most carefully to what they had to say, he was convinced of the son’s innocence and he said, ‘If what you have told me about this is true, then your son is not responsible, and certainly not guilty!’

    49. For this reason Antigone is not guilty, nor is Ulysses guilty for having opposed the maternal law represented by Poseidon

    50. Frank not guilty, and he left within a month

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