Though a house, therefore, may yield a revenue to its proprietor, and thereby serve in the function of a capital to him, it cannot yield any to the public, nor serve in the function of a capital to it, and the revenue of the whole body of the people can never be in the smallest degree increased by it
However,” and she looked each of her officers briefly in the eye, “that path will not yield the intelligence we will surely need going forward---Even if we could somehow insure the safety of the conscripts who don't have a dog in this fight that we know of, other than the obvious
The rest of its defenders were lowly farmers, herders, artisans and traders that had not yielded shield, spear or sword for once in their lives
task in hand, the trained will that does not yield to
The forensic analysis of the skin samples did not yield any intact molecules
joy which pleasure cannot yield, for the simple reason that ac-
The objects of pleasure cannot yield
20 And your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits
20 And your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither sh all the trees of the land yield
will not yield to negative and critical thinking, or complaining
sible, consistently with their learning utility, and not yield to its refined
The Genie was disconsolate and frightened, clung with both hands to the rails trying to move them, but these have not yielded
That will produce scenarios which cannot yield results as planned
During the earlier months, when Matthew knew his presence among them was more or less of a trial, he was strongly tempted to let them know that his funds often supplied them with their daily bread, but he did not yield
She was small and tenacious and would not yield
But the older son would not yield to his father's persuasion
or kicked the door, it would not yield to her molestations
does not yield truth
“You will not yield this foolish idea of release?”
The power welled up in Aesa's hands and began to course through his veins as he unspelled until it became painful to go on, but he would not yield to the enchanter
He would not yield
The Lord has loved us so much that we need not yield to the enticing of the evil because of our flesh
Rule with justice among people and do not yield to inclination
I'll not yield an inch
But she was not yielding
will not yield to the power of your mind
But one folder was highly protected and did not yield to any password tricks Cleo played on it
But on folder was highly protected and did not yield to any password tricks Cleo played on it
So if they will not yield to his will and wish, they must yield to his will in the judicial execution of his law
"That is the truth," replied Anselmo, "and relying upon that I will tell thee, friend Lothario, that the desire which harasses me is that of knowing whether my wife Camilla is as good and as perfect as I think her to be; and I cannot satisfy myself of the truth on this point except by testing her in such a way that the trial may prove the purity of her virtue as the fire proves that of gold; because I am persuaded, my friend, that a woman is virtuous only in proportion as she is or is not tempted; and that she alone is strong who does not yield to the promises, gifts, tears, and importunities of earnest lovers; for what thanks does a woman deserve for being good if no one urges her to be bad, and what wonder is it that she is reserved and circumspect to whom no opportunity is given of going wrong and who knows she has a husband that will take her life the first time he detects her in an impropriety? I do not therefore hold her who is virtuous through fear or want of opportunity in the same estimation as her who comes out of temptation and trial with a crown of victory; and so, for these reasons and many others that I could give thee to justify and support the opinion I hold, I am desirous that my wife Camilla should pass this crisis, and be refined and tested by the fire of finding herself wooed and by one worthy to set his affections upon her; and if she comes out, as I know she will, victorious from this struggle, I shall look upon my good fortune as unequalled, I shall be able to say that the cup of my desire is full, and that the virtuous woman of whom the sage says 'Who shall find her?' has fallen to my lot
For to try to persuade anybody that Amadis, and all the other knights-adventurers with whom the books are filled, never existed, would be like trying to persuade him that the sun does not yield light, or ice cold, or earth nourishment
what would be the use? To write to her father—it was too late; and perhaps, she began to repent now that she had not yielded to that other, when she heard the trot of a horse in the alley
There was something he would not yield
conversation would not yield the acquiescence of the pastor the three got up and
Now an attempt to take his blood pressure has not yielded a systolic reading, meaning that his heart is barely pumping
"To-morrow, my dear friend," said Edmond, desirous of not yielding to the old man's
I wished that Wemmick had not met me, or that I had not yielded to him and gone with him, so that, of all days in the year on this
" The general looked around him with slight uneasiness; however he did not yield, but calling up all his fortitude, said,—"I will not swear
For years the Corporation had been borrowing money for necessary public works and improvements, and as the indebtedness of the town increased the rates rose in proportion, because the only works and services undertaken by the Council were such as did not yield revenue
"Listen to me, mother, and do not yield too much to agitation
Had the war continued, and the nation to prosper thereby as it did, nobody can doubt that a great source of wealth and income was opened to the town; but when peace came round, and our prosperity began to fall off, the traffic on the bridge grew less and less, insomuch that the toll, as I now understand, (for since my resignation, I meddle not with public concerns,) does not yield enough to pay the five per cent on the prime cost of the bridge, by which my successors suffer much molestation in raising the needful money to do the same
use? To write to her father—it was too late; and perhaps, she began to repent now that she had not yielded to that other, when she heard the trot of a horse in the alley
He thrust and pushed at the block, and he threw himself against it, but it did not yield
repaid my trust; for if Elrond had not yielded to me, neither of you would
And yet their wills did not yield, and they struggled on
Suffice it to say that as the Witches were telling of their Work in the previous Week and their Work in the Days to come, as they consulted with the Chief and the Maiden about various Herbal Receipts they had tried, new Members they had sought to recruit, and Illnesses which would not yield to the usual Remedies, I took care to hide my Head behind Isobel’s Shoulder, praying not to catch the awful Eye of the Grandmaster
I’faith, Smellie seem’d to be in a Battle with the unborn Babe, angry that it did not yield to his Secret Implements, for he mutter’d and snarl’d ’neath his Breath e’en as he prob’d me, and he curst the Babe that would make a Mockery of all his Reputation and make him seem a Liar in his Predictions that ’twould be born ere Midnight
My Interviews with the Unfortunates of London were not yielding the Treasure I so earnestly desir’d
The following table details how the DATESTYLE is chosen if the DATESTYLE option in effect does not yield a valid SAS date value
Security analysis is also an art; and it, too, will not yield satisfactory results unless the analyst has ability as well as knowledge
But the same strip of options does not yield a constant exposure to volatility
Do not ask hypothetical questions, such as, “What would you do if you were confronted with a certain problem?” The answers to these questions do not yield many insights because what managers think they will do is often different than what they will actually do
After his first visit Boris said to himself that Natasha attracted him just as much as ever, but that he must not yield to that feeling, because to marry her, a girl almost without fortune, would mean ruin to his career, while to renew their former relations without intending to marry her would be dishonorable
It was impossible first because- as experience shows that a three-mile movement of columns on a battlefield never coincides with the plans-the probability of Chichagov, Kutuzov, and Wittgenstein effecting a junction on time at an appointed place was so remote as to be tantamount to impossibility, as in fact thought Kutuzov, who when he received the plan remarked that diversions planned over great distances do not yield the desired results
He could not yield to the evidence of what was going on within him
He had not yielded to this sort of first summons; he had just made every possible effort to continue the journey; he had loyally and scrupulously exhausted all means; he had been deterred neither by the season, nor fatigue, nor by the expense; he had nothing with which to reproach himself
He did not bend, he did not yield; this was no more a characteristic of his physical than of
Certainly, and we insist upon this point, he had not yielded without resistance to that monster, to that infamous angel, to that hideous hero, who enraged almost as much as he amazed him
“Then you will not yield?”
The same varieties of the cabbage do not yield abundant and nutritious foliage and a copious supply of oil-bearing seeds
Again, as in making reciprocal crosses between the same two species, there is occasionally a great difference in the result, so the same thing occurs with trimorphic plants; for instance, the mid-styled form of Lythrum salicaria was illegitimately fertilised with the greatest ease by pollen from the longer stamens of the short-styled form, and yielded many seeds; but the latter form did not yield a single seed when fertilised by the longer stamens of the mid-styled form
When this is done, there is no apparent reason why they should not yield as many seeds as did their parents when legitimately fertilised
They are all infertile, in various degrees; some being so utterly and incurably sterile that they did not yield during four seasons a single seed or even seed-capsule
On this doctrine of the extermination of an infinitude of connecting links, between the living and extinct inhabitants of the world, and at each successive period between the extinct and still older species, why is not every geological formation charged with such links? Why does not every collection of fossil remains afford plain evidence of the gradation and mutation of the forms of life? Although geological research has undoubtedly revealed the former existence of many links, bringing numerous forms of life much closer together, it does not yield the infinitely many fine gradations between past and present species required on the theory, and this is the most obvious of the many objections which may be urged against it
The fruits do not yield their true flavor to the purchaser of them, nor to him who raises them for the market
The woods do not yield another such a gem
But to this their leader as fiercely objected, reserving that priority for himself; particularly as his two comrades would not yield, the one to the other, in the matter; and both of them could not be first, for the ladder would but admit one man at a time
“But in the course of his heated speech my esteemed opponent (and he was my opponent before I opened my lips) exclaimed several times, ‘Oh, I will not yield the defense of the prisoner to the lawyer who has come down from Petersburg
The point was that I had attained my object, I had kept up my dignity, I had not yielded a step, and had put myself publicly on an equal social footing with him
He would not yield to the feeling of repentance which spoke within him
But she did not yield—she would not yield
" "No, I shall not yield," thought Nekhludoff, and came to
She was sorry that she had missed the opportunity of telling him again that she knew him, and would not yield to him; that she would not allow him to take advantage of her spiritually as he had done corporeally; that she would not allow him to make her the subject of his magnanimity
All these excellent men, like Francis of Assisi and Francis de Sales, Tichon Zadònsky, Thomas à Kempis, and others, were good men, even though they served a cause hostile to Christianity; and they would have been still more charitable and more exemplary had they not yielded obedience to false doctrines
But England cannot yield its supremacy on the seas to any one
The little devil accordingly overflowed the meadow with muddy water, and, when Ivan went at dawn next morning with his scythe set and sharpened and tried to mow the grass, he found that it resisted all his efforts and would not yield to the implement as usual
If you do not plow at the proper time and sow at the proper time mother earth will not yield up her products, and you and your children will be left destitute
After his first visit Borís said to himself that Natásha attracted him just as much as ever, but that he must not yield to that feeling, because to marry her, a girl almost without fortune, would mean ruin to his career, while to renew their former relations without intending to marry her would be dishonorable
It was impossible first because—as experience shows that a three-mile movement of columns on a battlefield never coincides with the plans—the probability of Chichagóv, Kutúzov, and Wittgenstein effecting a junction on time at an appointed place was so remote as to be tantamount to impossibility, as in fact thought Kutúzov, who when he received the plan remarked that diversions planned over great distances do not yield the desired results
And brave the foe that does not yield,
The Legislature stands out, and the Governor will not yield, and eventually you may, perhaps, have to decide the question of territorial property by the sword
And let me tell that honorable gentleman, that I would not yield the honor of representing such men, to be the Representative of all the growers of cotton and rice, and tobacco and indigo, in the whole world
But, acting in a public capacity, with the high responsibilities resulting from the great interests dependant upon my decision, I cannot yield to the wishes of lovesick patriots, or the visions of teeming enthusiasts; I must see the adequacy of means to their ends
Randolph) will not yield the palm of oppression to either
So far therefore as I represent an extensive and fertile farming district, I will not yield the palm of pressure to the cotton and tobacco country
If these views be correct, by annihilating our commerce, do we not yield the seas to her, and hold out an inducement to her forever to continue her orders in force? What prospect is there that the embargo will be removed? It cannot now be got rid of by a vote of this House
Nay, in so far as the great and prominent feature of war is coercion; in so far as war is always intended to make the adversary yield that which he will not yield voluntarily; in so far, are the embargo and the non-importation act WAR
Each was intended to coerce Great Britain to yield to us points which it had been ascertained she would not yield voluntarily
If the dam had not yielded where Roebuck stood guard, it must have yielded somewhere else, or might have gone all in one grand crash
” But to his astonishment Katherine did not yield to the arms that begged, did not pale to marble as she had the night before when he had brought the same influence to bear
Bonaparte had not yielded one inch to our Administration
Sir, I will not yield an inch of ground, when, by so doing, I destroy an essential right of my country—or sap the foundation of that independence cemented by the blood of our fathers
I ask gentlemen in opposition to lay aside party feelings, and reflect whether, if we now recede, points are not conceded to the enemy, which they would not yield if in power
The fact is certain, that the Orders in Council of 1807 and 1809, which our opponents have often said that England would not yield, as they made a part of her commercial system, are now no more