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now and then frases de exemplo
now and then
1. Vinnie was sliding the glove around the door in small circular motions, every now and then he would tap one of the fingers of the glove against the door in alternating rhythms
2. The kid was really a good boy, a bit of mischief now and then and horny since his gonads started up a few years ago
3. BigThree bobbed his now and then, but only eyes three and four were up for quite awhile
4. Every now and then, when she thinks no-one is looking, it pops out … am I being a fool? Or even worse, an interfering old bag? I hope not
5. Every now and then one or other of us will point out something we can see … I spot a deer in the distance at one point but it disappears before Stephen can see it
6. She'd dial something else during breakfast now and then
7. "They still steal now and then, but when you get right down to it," Ava said, "There's no way to explain it other than admit that the wizards of the Kassikan have changed human nature
8. ‘Tell me about your father, Kate, you mention him every now and then
9. By the way: The computer I work on has been upgraded too many times and, as a result, it breaks down every now and then: Sometimes the screen turns black, or the program fails, or the printer doesn't work properly and so on
10. She had the patience to stop and explain a word now and then, but Klowee would often beat her to the answer, and in a way a three year old was likely to understand
11. We still write now and then, he's into theoretical cosmology these days
12. She was on duty, at least her avatar was, by now that was just about a copy of herself, interrupting her real self for further information now and then
13. They'd learn a lot more than having you out here sending up a few messages now and then
14. My Now and then the people are always in need of great friends we are now an independent nation and our destiny leaders who show the way forward in action and know what is henceforward in our own hands
15. "We should share affection with other people now and then, there's nothing wrong with that
16. "Live as a partner with one and go out with a few now and then
17. It's not like I don't tip a cup myself now and then
18. The data for this transmission was mostly 5's with some clumps of other numbers now and then
19. May I be a pleasant one of her friends for you to dally with now and then
20. He would look over at her every now and then and smile
21. Other than having some fun now and then, what was life about?
22. What was it Auntie Agnes had said? Every now and then get up out of your seat and have a good stretch? Trouble was I'd only just sat down and now I was far too embarrassed to make a fuss
23. They figured the place must have been one of the cattle towns on the ancient map, seeing as the main businesses are what they are, but most residents were eating from their plot and helping the others out now and then for some cash
24. Each did one day a week, switching days now and then
25. From all his travelling Pantelis must have known that every now and then we stumble into a Shangri-la and find such ease and serenity it must be a sin to breathe about it to another living soul
26. Desa had wanted Alan to find a little variety now and then and let her do likewise, she hadn't expected him to spend half of himself on another
27. She noticed he would look around the room every now and then, as though he were scanning for someone
28. Okay, so every now and then I see something familiar and it hits me … but overall I’m okay
29. Every now and then, I had seen Ish watch the men in
30. Every now and then Lady Killian would ask him a question and his whole world would turn upside down with the sound of her voice
31. Now and then, I’ve
32. I still participate now and then, but I don’t draw the tribute I used to
33. It was also still stuck in three-d reality, but it was a fun place to play with cherubs, and a few female members of the crew who came by now and then
34. He had to turn and use his left hand now and then
35. Would she do more than set her bag somewhere now and then? She didn’t have the bag with her on the needleboat where she was found, she would certainly have brought more than one address, an almost new notepad and some handouts to the Yakhan for a year
36. The pair of warblers she had seen before sang from the safety of their bush as the sun shone down, its rays catching the blades of the shovels every now and then and making them glint
37. Sitting morosely at the table where they waited, casting anxious glances at Ozzie every now and then almost as though he expected the man to explode or something equally irrational
38. From George's original deposit of two hundred gold coins in 1864--- converted to US dollars---his twenty years of interest on that initial investment, with a bit taken out now and then, amounted to: $16,700
39. The man appeared to have a cold and sniffed every now and then
40. They picked up their staffs and began following him down the road, every now and then 'switching sides' at a moment of their own choosing and with a flourish of new precision
41. Every now and then he could hear a brief shuffling
42. But how would he report in with her around? Maybe they could get separated now and then, he could pretend to get lost or something
43. "You may have some visual problems now and then," Caro told him, "Especially if you're not used to this stuff and you're new around here
44. Believe it or not, a little 19-month-old can get on your nerves every now and then and they're curious and can tear tissues into 1 million pieces, take your books from the bookshelf and throw them all over the floor etc
45. A tear from your eyes now and then
46. He was at ease with her having an encounter now and then for entertainment, and was at ease having them himself
47. She still tried hard enough to work up a rough coughing fit now and then
48. Every now and then a car would speed past in the empty
49. Jean stopped now and then to
50. Every now and then Alec came to his senses and pushed Nathalia away, forcing her to rent out her own quarters at the Wayward Inn