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    Use "nutrition" em uma frase

    nutrition frases de exemplo


    1. Your nutrition is a primary source of

    2. Of course if your nutrition is better and you’re losing weight and you start to feel healthier, that is going to have a drastic affect on your self-confidence

    3. being honest with myself about my nutrition

    4. The greater the stress the less nutrition is available

    5. Less nutrition increases stress! To put it in an easier way to understand; Energy can be of either a low or high energy

    6. Poor health and high stress of plants are due to improper nutrition

    7. In animals, this balance is maintained through proper nutrition, proper elimination and proper exercise

    8. Proper nutrition is the KEY to natural pest control

    9. Also Foliar feeding them will provide for them the fastest source of food and energy therefore it is important that you only feed them nutrition that relieves stress; and not causes it

    10. fact that good nutrition is, indeed, an important factor in having a good complexion and

    11. But wait, there’s hope! With proper nutrition, proper care and maintenance, you can help

    12. But the one that springs to mind is lack of proper nutrition … there is a lot of hunger in these areas

    13. “Seeing as it’s now late in the day, I would be glad to help you in that cause by providing a little nutrition

    14. "Well Vic, please think of it this way, I'm trying to estimate his chances of receiving adequate nutrition if he has reached the native city

    15. Everyone wants a healthier diet, but with all of the conflicting nutrition information in the media it is hard to determine what type of diet is healthy

    16. They say that variety is important for both nutrition and psychological reasons

    17. Recent experiments by nutrition experts in the U

    18. He could no longer eat but still needed the nutrition from food for his brain, for which he had to use a nutrient extractor box – an outboard digester, in essence

    19. Before her incarceration walking that distance would have been effortless, but after the months of inactivity and a lack of nutrition it felt like a challenge; the few items in her bag a burden

    20. nutrition from darkness, even if they know it not

    21. plenty of rest and luids and that your nutrition is on

    22. Another aspect of the athlete’s sports nutrition is protein

    23. From a sports nutrition stand point, fat is used to burn as energy

    24. When it comes to fat and sports nutrition, it is something that you really do need to monitor

    25. Some confusion surrounds fruit in sports nutrition

    26. digest and will provide the necessary nutrition

    27. When it comes to sports nutrition, there are few things that are a given

    28. Dedication to your sports nutrition is the one of the basic cornerstones of everything that goes into being an athlete

    29. It’s amazing how much nutrition influences our health!

    30. The most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted proves that less

    31. The nutrition in our food has been slowly declining over the decades, because of the

    32. Poor nutrition, the presence of predators or other

    33. The German manager, Herr Braun, a ruddy-cheeked rotund individual whose access to the factory’s output had undoubtedly helped him avoid the decline in nutrition experienced by others in the population in the preceding years, reacted cagily to Colling’s inquiry

    34. They fit, even though they were slightly loose, but he had noticed that five years of limited nutrition had resulted in most people in Poland having clothes that were too large for them

    35. I often find beautiful flowers popping up in my garden which have had only nature’s encouragement and nutrition to grow

    36. With obesity caused by diet, nutrition surplus and diet causes of obesity

    37. To this end, keep your body as healthy and strong as possible by paying attention to nutrition and physical fitness

    38. An interest in nutrition, a desire to

    39. She began to study nutrition in

    40. to the store, AdVite Nutrition supplements

    41. There are other factors to PMS than nutrition, hormones and genes!

    42. as nutrition, and the amount of edible to inedible, pumpkins were

    43. guessed that as the family became weak from lack of nutrition, they

    44. surrenders much nutrition to the nursing child

    45. Foodnet, Nutrition for the Elderly in Tompkins County, Inc

    46. nutrition stores as it helps to promote cardiovascular health

    47. We'll not that the page title of this webpage is "Healthy Nutrition with Herbalife Products -

    48. com is "Healthy Nutrition with Herbalife Products - Recommended Links”

    49. nutrition although her parents, realizing recovery was impossible, wanted

    50. In the 1930s, which surely is only 'yesterday,' over 25 million Americans had no income whatsoever; only 1% of UK homes had a telephone; only 50% had electricity and nutrition was so poor that six out of ten men who applied for the army failed their basic "if you can stagger, you're in"

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    nutrition aliment alimentation nourishment nutriment sustenance victuals fare food menu board diet