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    Use "obsolescence" em uma frase

    obsolescence frases de exemplo


    1. “I don't know about programmed obsolescence or anything, but I definitely have buttons that can be pushed, and I just go

    2. degrades, due to the obsolescence of

    3. Another compounding of obsolescence, like a kick in the teeth for those early pioneers, mused Scott

    4. Because science, suffering through the wounded pride of the non-acceptance of its well-intended discoveries, has built battlements of intellect with which to nullify the answers of old, and with which some of its participants attempt to seek to discharge their senior partner with the cry of obsolescence, we have a fratricide, reminiscent of the biblical Cain and Abel, that could lead to the unintended demise of one or both

    5. The obsolescence of the ship was reflected, unfortunately, in the lacerations of the wood which composed it; dirty, black, rotten and wet wood that threatened to capsize the boat at the smallest provocation; the old musty smell and oxide stains were everywhere in sight

    6.  Minimizes the risk of inventory obsolescence, because

    7. Corporations, like General Motors, no longer sat on inventions that would cut into their profits and interfere with their schedules of planned obsolescence, but rather became involved in exploring new vistas and depending less on non-renewable resources such as oil and forests

    8. Industry has reduced planned obsolescence and new inventions have been released for public consumption, but no longer is the acquisition of goods the measure of the man

    9. dedicated to battling the "look and feel" lawsuits reinforced that obsolescence in the eyes of some observers

    10. I talked about the obsolescence of the slide

    11. It appears as though “planned obsolescence” had reared its ugly head

    12. It appears that “planned obsolescence

    13. We all know about planned obsolescence

    14. Planned obsolescence is great for the corporations, but hell on the planet

    15. Have I mentioned that the motorcars weren’t without flaws and the environment wasn’t too happy about all those cars moving around everywhere? Ford also was responsible for a kind of planned obsolescence with so many vehicles being created year after year

    16. obsolescence cycles moved from around 2 years to 6 months and margins started dropping

    17. deferment can lead to obsolescence because a firm can only compete with the newest

    18. renewable and unrenewable resources, product obsolescence, production-usage-disposal pollution, energy, labor, and lives

    19. In the golden days of guilt-free consumption, rapturous disposability, and market growing built-in obsolescence, it used to be status climbing keeping up with the Jones', your class-limited neighbor, was adequate competition

    20. From self-regulation to built-in obsolescence to accelerated safety testing to cost savings through pollution offsets, we have witnessed a wiggly piggish haste to profit

    21. I guess that's why they invented Mission I'mpossible self-destructing clothing, just another insidious obsolescence that ends in terminator seeds

    22. Here, in the gut of a GameWorld's distribution center rotted by obsolescence, indifference, and a time expired popularity, ASers and GOGs had spontaneously assembled seeking an escape from the zombification that ensues when collapsed States are replaced by local franchises of Bubble Totalitarianism

    23. In this phase, society eliminates obsolescence and strives towards maintenance and upgrade

    24. Chines want to be sustainable and not threatened by human wastefulness and wantonness; your lifestyles even threaten the disposable machines you made to threaten society with obsolescence

    25. convinced us that in today’s world of planned obsolescence and

    26. (If such a thing were possible, which given the in built hidden files and dynamic obsolescence I personally doubt) Not only did this prove useful in his new job at the council but also became an interest, which he developed at every opportunity

    27. because of Planned Obsolescence,

    28. about the rip-off Planned Obsolescence, but it's sick-

    29. Since tools were first developed: their cycles of obsolescence have been constantly accelerating until today; perfectly good computers are being thrown away after less than four years of use because of obsolescence

    30. Now this over-accumulation has developed into something called planned obsolescence

    31. Planned obsolescence comes from the need to make a profit

    32. The same principle of planned incompetence and obsolescence applies just as much to the Health Industry as it does to the Automotive Industry

    33. But we do know that, over time, obsolescence is inevitable and, therefore, concentration risk should be reduced

    34. Some of that tension and anger was probably making it into their performance of “Suit of Lights,” a song that was all about bitterness and obsolescence

    35. The new-era concepts had their root first of all in the obsolescence of the old-established standards

    36. The merchandise inventories have to be replaced, are hard to value, and are subject to markdowns, obsolescence, shrinkage, seasonality, and mislocation

    37. In the case of a retail chain, which is a going concern, inventories usually are a fixed asset of the worst sort—subject to markdowns, shrinkage, obsolescence, and misplacement

    38. Unless the business is destined for obsolescence or rattled in debt, the lender and borrower typically adjust the covenants or refinance the obligations

    39. If because of the threat of technological obsolescence I'm uncertain about a company's cash flows several years out, I'll put a big discount on those cash flows and conclude they're not worth much

    40. The next category involves technological obsolescence

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