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    occur to frases de exemplo

    occur to

    1. The possibility that there might be an external source of the echo simply did not occur to me

    2. George then continued to Harry, “Titania and Hipolyta will be added as signatories as they reach adulthood, so that should anything unforeseen occur to your mother or me, you each will be provided for directly

    3. The reality was probably slightly different but that did not occur to me until I was older

    4. did it ever occur to you that I didn't want to be found?"

    5. occur to Jean just how lonely the poor wretch had been

    6. came in a few hours ago, it didn’t occur to me that she

    7. the hope that nothing bad would occur to him, or,

    8. What of it, girl? Did it ever occur to you that he was staring at the men? When they raised their tunics to poke you, his direct view would have been their loins

    9. His research uncovered that these things always occur together

    10. "Ah Snickerty, old fellow!" said Mr Pinscher with such evident surprise, that it did not occur to him to stop eating as he spoke

    11. It probably didn't even occur to him to knock, as if her privacy was of no importance

    12. Or, he’d be with a group of friends, and a happy thought would occur to him

    13. The fact that they might have been in love, or that no other country in the world saw anything illegal in their actions did not occur to anyone

    14. questions that occur to you when someone hands you a job to do

    15. It didn’t occur to Vernon that he’d lose his position

    16. No beasts were coming through tonight, he could relax; no fighting would occur tonight

    17. “Well, the same thing began to, increasingly, occur to me as the memory became more distant of how the flurry of ideas was virtually instantaneously given to me

    18. adhesions of organizations have to occur to

    19. organizations have to occur to do part of

    20. What was it with these women? It did occur to me that they had not had a lot of contact with our mother over the years, was that it? I decided to hold my own counsel and went on about sorting what was left of Ma‘s possessions

    21. Fear didn’t occur to me then

    22. Boil it they did; but as it did not occur to them to soak it beforehand it was too salty to eat

    23. Does not occur to the earth,

    24. this may not occur today, but might occur in future

    25. He seems to look forward to this with much pleasure and anticipation; it does not occur to him that a human life was taken

    26. never occur to you that we were using the girl as bait?”

    27. It does not and never will occur to these ZM’s (and DJ's) that perhaps some of

    28. It did not occur to him to wonder how it was, why it was, that she was here now

    29. NDEs from non-Western countries are also incredibly similar to those that occur to

    30. so much more, but just don’t seem to have the motivation to get there? How often does it occur to you that

    31. It doesn't occur to you on a daily basis that when you

    32. occur to me to chat him up

    33. and Nyla hoped that it would not occur to Norman to take them

    34. Apparently, it didn’t occur to the EEOC that male waiters

    35. Once I was pregnant, it didn't occur to

    36. Side note: it didn't even occur to me until years later that this

    37. which was a lot of planning for me, but it didn’t occur to me until

    38. the years that followed - it did not occur to me that I should, or even

    39. During the three years I spent in New Jersey at the Lawrenceville School (although the thought did occur to me it was a way to simply eliminate me as an encumbrance to my parent’s travels), I did miss home

    40. It would occur to her at this time that she should

    41. did not occur to her that when announcing one’s

    42. Although it didn’t occur to me at the time, it is ironic that I had honed in on an advertising agency situation that was almost identical to the one that had brought my father to Ithaca and led to his first big break

    43. It did not even occur to her that she

    44. For some are punished with losses others with want others with sicknesses of various kinds and others with all kinds of disOrder and confusion; others are insulted by unworthy persons and exposed to suffering in many other ways: for many becoming unstable in their plans try many things and none of them at all succeed and they say they are not prosperous in their undertakings; and it does not occur to their minds that they have done evil deeds but they blame the Lord

    45. Then he dropped this great wisdom on me, “Did it ever occur to you that you were just more familiar with the way these things went by the third time you had done it and the girls were responding to your groups’ energy and anticipation?”

    46. As Dave talked, I had a thought occur to me that he would be someone who would

    47. Because the two offenses are so closely related and often occur together, this should probably come as no surprise

    48. " Now it did not occur to his mother how important was the giving of this parting message to his followers, neither did she know that his address was likely to be terminated any moment by the arrival of his apprehenders

    49. that occur to me at this time--affect a female listener? This one simple sentence brings up points concerning the physical, the intrapsychic, the interpersonal, the existential, and the cultural, all imbued with the evaluative

    50. She knew that Conan was not within call, and it did not occur to her that any in Tecuhltli would oppose their prince

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