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    on ramp frases de exemplo

    on ramp

    1. Rising up from behind a wall of sound, standing tall on ramparts of abuse, the comic spots the boy and goes for the obvious put downs

    2. more awareness than the others as to what was happening, was half-way down the wagon ramp

    3. when driving drunk and hitting some transformer protection ramp

    4. He walks to the 101 North on ramp and raises his thumb

    5. intersections and freeways on ramps

    6. " In his mind he envisioned that havoc that could otherwise be caused by three million rampaging slaves

    7. Once that was in place, everyone obeyed their govt as they had before the democratic chaos of splintered political factions all fighting each other, with chaos in the streets and starvation rampant; the Nazis were welcomed because in the beginning they put an end to all the violence, chaos and poverty

    8. Only professional brainwashed armies: drugged robots: dehumanized monsters, goons, gangsters, criminals, the lowest human scum on earth ever go on rampages of mindless pointless killing

    9. For millions of years: these foul things went on rampage after rampage… destroying LIFE, with utter abandon… drunk on their secret hidden ‘powers’…Perfectly smug and at ease

    10. Meade summed up the civilian point of view on the matter, one warm May evening on the veranda of Aunt Pitty’s house, when he said that Atlanta had nothing to fear, for heard him with varying emotions, for all who sat there rocking quietly in the fading General Johnston was standing in the mountains like an iron rampart

    11. You ladies need have no alarm about the proximity of the Yankees, for General Johnston and his army stands there in the mountains like an iron rampart

    12. Yes, an iron rampart,” he repeated, relishing his phrase

    13. and if he said General Johnston was an iron rampart, he must be one

    14. Johnston did stand like an iron rampart in the mountains above Dalton, one hundred miles away

    15. That coat of arms above the gate? A lion rampant with a broken back

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