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    Use "one after the other" em uma frase

    one after the other frases de exemplo

    one after the other

    1. moments, one after the other

    2. I watch him as for and against thoughts chase themselves through his head one after the other

    3. Harvesters rarely hit twice like this in two locations so close together and so soon one after the other

    4. He repeated the words in slow whispers, one after the other, until he grasped the full weight and meaning of each one, then his mouth fell open

    5. Poly and Tania danced in little circle holding hands and chanting one after the other, “You're adorable

    6. They uttered no words, all the while they merely gritted their teeth at the obstacle before them and struck, one after the other

    7. You see, the ones in Fallhalt and Waterchester happened one after the other, and the ones in Axfield and Rockbury all happened after them

    8. One after the other of the mining installations began going kablooey! It appeared that a full scale worker's revolt was underway and our ship showed up as the curtain went up on the first act

    9. Then of course the Huntress could neutralize the rest of them one after the other, track the remainder to the yet undiscovered 'rest' of the Naud on the frontier and still comply with the terms of their contract

    10. The black cloud jolted violently as the hundreds of millions of volts hit one after the other

    11. ” Helen had finished her sentence and Kate was trembling and rifling off a series of questions, one after the other

    12. My vigil was rewarded by the sight of three planes, one after the other; casting their shadows on the hillside and tents

    13. The two Germans were questioned separately, one after the other

    14. She threw down her small sack first, and then carefully placed her feet on the steps one after the other; her large belly giving her a little bit of trouble

    15. Rail-thin addicts queued on a nearby corner and trailed into the alley one after the other, but Herminia was not among them, nor was there one willing to be questioned

    16. He gave a thumbs up; the engines of the Rovers roared into life one after the other

    17. From the first accidental fire turning into two, with reports of others in the Pentagon and elsewhere, tiny figures appearing to leap out into nothingness, the towers coming down one after the other, and hundreds running from the choking billowing clouds of dust and debris

    18. Through it all the ridiculous thought reiterated as the unbelievable scenes followed one after the other

    19. She stood with Mevarn, Ebira, the brothers and all her other friends and saw one after the other walk through the Gate

    20. It can’t be that easy!!! But I can physically feel my mind quieting; it feels like thousands of loud washing machines progressively stopping one after the other

    21. They used their shields to see the reflections of the gorgons and hunted them one after the other

    22. My first million was banked by the time I was twenty one, and the others followed one after the other

    23. Both my machetes slice through different attackers, and Anup sinks his canines into one after the other

    24. White wine bottles poured one after the other, and yet the seat next to Zachary is still vacant

    25. I smile as he inserts them into my ears, one after the other

    26. With a flurry of hummed notes and gestures, Yazadril began casting and loosing many different information-seeking and analyzing spells, one after the other, for six minutes or more

    27. “Did I interrupt you two?” I asked as I looked at them one after the other

    28. I looked at them, one after the other

    29. rounds touched off more ammunition, one after the other

    30. “Watch the stake!” Marah cautioned as one after the other the poles were released

    31. The early morning frags had been canceled one after the other as the rain storms persisted

    32. The twenty airplanes taxied to the arming area, one after the other, twenty engines blowing gas that could tumble a man at 100 feet, struts chattering and walking back and forth under 26 tons of bombs and fuel and airplane

    33. They circle once more and land next to the largest of the oak trees, one after the other, a manoeuvre perfectly timed and executed

    34. He reappeared with a fish in each hand, propelling them my way one after the other

    35. children, one after the other without giving her body any time to rest, her body was worn and

    36. By elimination of these (mental) processes, one after the other, the only entity that ultimately remains, will be the Spirit, free and isolated in its total and absolute purity

    37. We did not keep a log, and as we camped in Alaska one other time for several months, the many places we visited have turned into a blur of wonderful experiences one after the other

    38. The reflecting glass surrounded me, each image speaking, one after the other

    39. Amos blasted the monsters one after the other, but they just kept

    40. The cockpit instruments went quiet one after the other as the pilots shut down all the non-

    41. home one after the other

    42. continuously one after the other

    43. one after the other, as if decorating the view, anyhow, I can envision the sea; I

    44. hog is forced to endure several fights; one after the other

    45. After what seemed like half an hour I saw lights being turned on in the house, one after the other

    46. He stood up unhurriedly, as if he only intended to stretch, and with a perfectly regulated and methodical fury he grabbed the pots with the begonias one after the other, those with the ferns, the oregano, and one after the other he smashed them onto the floor

    47. Their strength of spirit in the face of ruins of the gaming tables, the fritter stands, the shooting galleries, and the alley where they interpreted dreams and predicted the future made Aureliano Segundo ask them with his usual informality what mysterious re-sources they had relied upon so as not to have gone awash in the storm, what the devil they had done so as not to drown, and one after the other, from door to door, they returned a crafty smile and a dreamy look, and without any previous consultation they all gave the answer:

    48. ‘’He was going to throw them inside the barrack, one after the other, which is why he was using his teeth to pull out their safety pins

    49. each file, one after the other in the order specified on the command line

    50. They were then mostly silent as the plane prepared for departure, with the two jet engines started one after the other a few minutes later

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