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    open space frases de exemplo

    open space

    1. She would sit back, smoke a jay, enjoy the sunshine and the wide open space, but now there was a subtle difference

    2. On the next landing we walked through another set of identical utilitarian swing doors and into a large open space, a space that covered the entire width and length of the building

    3. Ten minutes or so later, we turn a corner in the track and come into a large open space; there are people all over the place, some standing in an attitude of contemplation, some talking quietly to their companions, others sitting and gazing at the Well, lost in thought

    4. To say the rooms were huge was not an exaggeration; the Ogatu liked big open spaces, it was reflected in the architecture of all the buildings and the rooms

    5. In many ways the entire island was covered with a single structure, but there were many open spaces within it

    6. of the street, and the narrow open space in between so crowded that

    7. and a circular open space on the summit

    8. an open space in the middle of the forest

    9. Wide open prairies and one horse towns require broad, open spaces and borderless, sun kissed imaginations, but this is England

    10. Desa knew the way to this clearing a lot better than Victoria did, but after leaving the logging track there was still an hour of steep climb thru the dense damp forest before they came out in the open space Alan had seen before

    11. " She commanded him, when he started to walk into the open space beyond the porch

    12. There was not enough room for the bodies in the open space even when they were stacked on top of one another next to the exits

    13. There was no open space anywhere, everything was piled with stuff that was now infested with things slimier than wevn and other small things that jumped and crawled and slithered over him

    14. functioned as an "open space" of it

    15. Vast open spaces rushed past

    16. Yeah, the rural scene, surrounded by vast open spaces, dirt or gravel roads, scarce traffic (mostly pickups and tractors), and almost no noise at all anywhere you turned, at least of the kind that was to be found in my home of the other nine months

    17. Behind the cockpit the cabin space widened considerably, providing an open space down the centre of the craft with a row of six seats along each side wall

    18. It was somehow a relief to be in a more open space

    19. The American lines advanced slowly, the attacking force dashing across open spaces and seizing every bit of available cover

    20. He hadn’t been taking his usual daily runs and was missing the wide open spaces of the Highlands

    21. They said that the Blue had wide open spaces

    22. At that moment, Stuart realised that turning himself in would be useless and the vast and open space before him offered his best path to freedom and working out a way to solve this mystery

    23. I knew I should make for the nearest open space, but could not tear myself from her

    24. What had been an empty, open space, was now covered in whirling dervishes, gymnasts, acrobats…when he felt the first hard elbow graze his rib cage it took a while to sink in

    25. The only real open space consisted of the small dance floor, where men took turns jitterbugging with the Red Cross girls

    26. As the Bees entered the open space, arrows and darts rained into them

    27. Planted irregularly in this open space were about 10 crosses, all made with hazel sticks

    28. He wanted a new, modern place with open space around

    29. Next on the right was housing for the priests, and on the left an open space where there had originally been the skull rack for the severed heads of sacrificial victims

    30. My father guided me to one of the buildings on the far side of the open space

    31. I found him waiting in the open space in front of his room

    32. There was a large open space in front of the palace

    33. There was a small hill on the north end of the open space in front of the fortress and a hill on the other side of the Tullumayo where we were able to place them to good effect

    34. The pilot gracefully accelerated us out of the bay and into open space

    35. hurtling through the open space and clattered noisily against the

    36. On the second floor, they found themselves in a large open space

    37. The wigwams were clustered around an open space and there were cultivated fields on the periphery

    38. The market, in an open space southeast of the city called Rimac Pampa, was huge, although still not as large as that in Tlatelolco, but very close to as large as the market in Tamalameque

    39. We were ushered inside, but then made to wait in a pleasant open space within the palace compound

    40. There was a broad open space about thirty li north of our hill and we waited in the forest south of the space

    41. From that opening I could see that there was a very large open space south of the river across from the camp of the easternmost Ordu

    42. Still, I felt we could make short work of the eastern camp before they could close and we could turn on the middle camp in the open space and do great harm to them before they could close with us

    43. He said the man approached him while they were exercising in the open space I had secured for them outside the city, but within the walls

    44. the city of Amarillo, open spaces still define the Texas Panhandle

    45. and expectations; it is like the happiness of open spaces, of

    46. The office credenza and wall cabinets only surrounded half of the room; the rest was a carpeted open space

    47. Now they had reached the flat of the valley floor, and there were many broad, open spaces between the trees, most of which were from one hundred and twenty to two hundred meters tall here

    48. “And it would have two rows of columns instead of this great open space

    49. Talia and the rest of their party laid hand and horn on the stone and swore the oath, then she led them to their place, the last open space of floor at the outer edge of the room, with two carpets for the unicorns and two chairs for Mark and Talia

    50. The basement was a massive open space that was interrupted only by rows of flared wooden columns from one to two meters thick beneath the structural walls of the floor above

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