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    Use "open-minded" em uma frase

    open-minded frases de exemplo


    1. To be impartial means to be objective, open-minded, without prejudice,

    2. Be open-minded in all situations

    3. open-minded enough to accept the changing conditions as they

    4. Let us hope, however, that whatever judgments the future may one day see fit to render, will be tempered by gratitude for others who, having participated in history, made it possible for them to critically examine its failures as well as its accomplishments in an open-minded manner that will hopefully provide objective standards of measurement

    5. These appeasing designs (cloaked as open-mindedness) are being advanced from a position of weakness that will (inevitably) strengthen the morale of our ideological enemies while proportionately weakening our nation‘s resolve to defend itself from further attacks

    6. I have been open-minded and I have friends that my dad would call ‘proles,’ but does that mean that I am a socialist? I believe that everyone has something to offer if they are given a chance

    7. During the first few channeled sessions, I remember my doubts about the channeled stories that sounded odd to me as a kid, even though I was mature and open-minded for my age

    8. If everyone can be open-minded, to improve their own

    9. The section is written with an open-minded view by a writer that is willing to consider the possibility of rebirths

    10. open-minded and are willing to understand and accept the truth about

    11. expected to come from me, though I didn't often rejoice in her open-mindedness

    12. Blake is still open-minded as he is brave

    13. He was open-minded but still asked the hard questions and required me to provide the complete solution backed by sensible ideas and facts

    14. that he is simultaneously all-knowing and open-minded at the same

    15. By exposing students to the diverse business practices in different parts of the world, says Oslund, international trips help keep students more open-minded about opportunities and increase their knowledge about possibilities for business that they might not otherwise have understood

    16. Open-mindedly the travel days sandwiched into a partial blame system said vaguely on the state of affairs

    17. Drive to meet my mother and sisters, all of whom were pleasantly open-minded about me

    18. Those open-minded, friendly people really have it easy

    19. Another quality most essential for the aspirant is open-mindedness and

    20. -We believe that flexibility and open-mindedness are

    21. He personally didn’t object to such an unlikely affection: he was open-minded enough to accept that it could be based simply on mutual friendship and also knew how tolerant and compassionate Laplante had been

    22. Then I thought about how Nancy Laplante, who was no lover of Nazis, accepted and protected me, showing a degree of open-mindedness I would not have been capable of before

    23. He was open-minded about so many things that I knew he

    24. The wind blew briskly though not as forcefully as the previous night, bending the sea oats atop the dunes only slightly and rattling the palm trees gracing the premises, creating a subtle but rhythmic and soothing melody to any listener open-minded enough to hear the earth’s natural sounds

    25. Maxwell proved to be for Ingrid an agreeable surprise, being both a competent, decisive and open-minded senior officer with plenty of experience as an aviator and administrator

    26. You have all been asked here to participate in this experiment, I believe that is a good term, because you all knew the Underwoods, though slightly in most cases, and you all appear to be relatively receptive and open-minded which will be greatly beneficial in successfully conducting this

    27. “Of course,” she continued once she was satisfied with the effects of her remarks, “it isn’t necessary to have one of these passages between worlds, as a medium can sometimes make contact merely with the assistance of open-minded, willing individuals who participate in a séance, 317

    28. � In fact, I find her tolerance and open-mindedness quite refreshing compared to the hypocrisy I encounter so often

    29. � The 25 year-old officer had also proven to be a caring and open-minded man

    30. She had expected Hodge to explode on hearing her opinion, but he had proved more open-minded than expected

    31. I would like on your side that you choose some open-minded senior officers who will then rewrite the military regulations along the lines of my executive order

    32. According to Jean, Count Raymond is a reasonable, honest and open-minded man who cares for his people, all things that are a plus for us

    33. ‘’My personal impression of him is that of an intelligent, open-minded man who, while holding power of life and death over his citizens, actually cares for them, contrary to many other nobles and rulers in this century

    34. (Thank goodness I have open-minded friends

    35. Pierre and Susan prided themselves in being open-minded, tolerant people, but the way their daughter’s career as a field agent of the Time Patrol was turning was not much to their liking

    36. Their individualism manifests as a naive intellectual curiosity which inspires others with its unpretentious open-mindedness

    37. Like any other minority in that they inspired a great deal of curiosity, mystery and open-mindedness in their quest not to conform

    38. They swear by open-mindedness but what they mean by that is selective openness if an idea appears archaic and exotic they cringe and cower to the depths of misconstruction

    39. So it amazes me that the El Mundo men don’t react very open-mindedly to Pedro’s declaration

    40. Khan, an Indian from ISKCON (and he is not the only practising Muslim associated with ISKCON), who explains elaborately to an open-minded Pakistani Muslim how it is possible to practise Islam and Hinduism simultaneously[121], and there is also actually a minority of Pakistani Muslims who practise Hinduism alongside Islam[122],

    41. I hope it helped to clarify some misconceptions and also change the outlook of some open-minded readers, aside from giving impartial and humanistic people some more solid arguments to advance

    42. open-minded enough to take Anne’s wishes into consideration

    43. “When a country's news transforms from information into fear mongering, an open-minded curiosity is malformed into a xenophobic bigotry

    44. If we remain open-minded throughout, perhaps we’ll each broaden our perspective in the process

    45. As open-minded as I tried to be, I simply couldn’t handle who he was

    46. She told me the staff is very open-minded and invited me to call for an appointment

    47. In present-day America, especially the New York City area, the Readers’ community is more open-minded

    48. “And this is supposed to be more open-minded than Russia?”

    49. Even the open-minded soldiers with extensive

    50. We’re energetic, liberal, open-minded and progressive

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    Sinônimos para "open-minded"

    big large liberal tolerant