Use "opportunity" em uma frase
opportunity frases de exemplo
1. Herndon was still on the opposite step and used the opportunity to go use the digester can
2. I’m asking for an opportunity to work for you because I am passionate about what you do
3. The opportunity to enjoy them, spend time with them, teach them your values and beliefs, play with them, show them how much you love them, that opportunity is happening
4. opportunity pass you by
5. They may come back again, you might have a second opportunity, but you will never have that first opportunity again
6. realizing it, if they were given the opportunity to sin
7. David had an opportunity to kill Saul
8. other people’s lives with every opportunity He has given
9. about you, that will be your opportunity to share how
10. This is your opportunity to live your greatest promise, highest self
11. She loved to flaunt her skill and never missed an opportunity to do it
12. She continued to cling to the wall, her feet and one hand used to hold her up, she still had her other sword strapped to her back, waiting for the opportunity to use it but feeling helpless without both weapons in her possession
13. The aim of the counseling is to provide an opportunity for the client to live a more satisfying life
14. She could use this opportunity to set out across the lake and get back to Kulai, it was less than ten hours across to Dromedia wide open, he might stay out that long
15. They are passing close enough to the planet to use its gravity, so they will have an excellent opportunity to witness a major impact on a terrestrial planet
16. He had had the opportunity to have several made recently on assignment in Hong Kong
17. ‘If he is convicted of the murder, and I know Ditton is working flat out trying to establish motive and opportunity, it will hit Liz hard, Mum
18. an opportunity to do both him and his aged aunt a mutual favour
19. When she died he neither embraced the opportunity nor
20. It also gave her a killer body and the opportunity to use some of her more interesting covert martial arts moves when opponents got nasty
21. It is the opportunity to return what you call unattainable, into
22. the slave opportunity to discuss the work of the local congregation and have an equal say in Ch
23. The list in my head was endless, but right now, presented with a golden opportunity to ask anything of this young man, I could think of nothing sensibly momentous or important
24. During my stay in the asram I also had the opportunity to improve my relationship with Maria Glenos, with whom I shared the tent
25. Anyway, at a moment he found a black pen and the opportunity to smudge two of the three pages of my published story! When I saw that, I flew off the handle! The little monster managed to stain the only success I've had in my life insofar!
26. But he knew one thing, if this crowd gave him an opportunity to slip out of this horizon, he was going to take it and get as deep into the cracks of their logic as he could
27. It is in this moment of pain and bereavement that we have the opportunity to find God in a powerful way or to reject Him in a powerful way
28. The closer we walk according to the Spirit, and the less we allow ourselves the opportunity to walk according to the flesh, the closer we are drawn into the light – which is to say into God’s presence
29. Turn those problems that arise into gifts of opportunity
30. When she died he neither embraced the opportunity nor did he slaughter himself in her memory so that he could be with her always
31. Not all stalls are bad, they give us the opportunity to check in
32. catalyst for you to manifest a new opportunity that does
33. In the four days since she'd talked with Alan there hadn't been a good opportunity to continue what they started back in week Zawmathii and her desire had only grown since then in spite of her worry about Alan
34. Torbold had maintained a close watch on the cottage, reporting after dark when it was safe, and also taking advantage of the opportunity to use the bathroom facilities
35. ‘I believe there is a possible opportunity coming your way, Karalintze
36. for his youth and the memory of lost opportunity,
37. were pleased to have had the opportunity to see the ducks
38. David had opportunity to put to death that which was threatening and intimidating
39. What manner of a man is this? Too many of us would have taken that opportunity to kill Saul and relieve self from oppression
40. One of those men that killed this family sought out a Christian missionary when he had opportunity
41. It’s important in the process of achieving your goal to do a reality check from time to time, to give yourself the opportunity to consider the goal realistically and honestly
42. Becky knew that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity
43. He had gone to his knees and said a prayer of thanks for the opportunity to start again
44. Climbing the Acropolis and visiting The Parthenon has been an ambition ever since I was at school and now the irony; that with the opportunity so close, I'm too tired
45. finding a friend or lover, it makes sense to grab the opportunity with both hands – or rather, the click of a mouse!
46. He would have to be careful, but he wasn't going to turn this opportunity down, especially if she could lighten his sentence
47. Anyway, I brought a load of 'em back with me and sold the lot in one morning down Brick Lane so now, whenever we get the opportunity, we buy a load more and do a nice line for as long as they last
48. statements and give them the opportunity to affirm or negate your interpretation of their
49. city and take the opportunity to visit local restaurants and shops you are bound to notice that
50. Travel, whether it is domestic or international is a wonderful opportunity for a couple to enjoy a romantic weekend adventure