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    opposer frases de exemplo


    1. So the vicious spirit of the opposer becomes his immaterial fire which inflames and burns him

    2. What a great difference between a negligent opposer whose deeds are filled with evil and injury, and a close believer whose purpose of his deeds is but lending a helping hand to the whole creatures wishing for God’s satisfaction!

    3. What a low grade of the opposer comparing with that of the close believer whose age is full of good and whose life is filled with humanity!

    4. Therefore, He drew our attention to the opposer so as to watch his bad actions and his misery, as He drew our attention to the illuminated believer who is near to God so as to notice his kindness with the creatures and his happiness in his life

    5. It serves: You, man! Look at the bad treatment of the opposer and his mean conduct, then notice his unhappiness in his life and what he suffers of distress and misery, thus you can perceive what distance entails of suffering for the far unbeliever and what harm and injury, it causes to people

    6. Had that opposer adopted their conduct, he would not have incurred misery and wretchedness

    7. Finally, God draws our attention to the opposer who only turned away from Him

    8. After the examples which God cited for us to show the state of the believer near to Him concerning his manners and his happiness, and that of the opposer concerning his harming and misey, He reminded that opposer saying:

    9. Through this noble verse, the Almighty wanted to blame the opposer for his depreciation of that donation and that Godly Care

    10. The Almighty drove to us one story that shows the end of the opposer and the outcomes of his evil works and what they shall draw to him

    11. The vicious spirit of the opposer turns into their own immaterial fire which inflames and burns them

    12. Finally, God draws our attention to the opposer who turned away from Him

    13. ((Let him beware!)) that is, ((this manner you have adopted, opposer, is not advantageous for you, and your actions do not lead to your gladness or what is good for you

    14. Therefore, God warned the opposer of that horrible moment when the angels of death will come to them in order to pull out their soul

    15. 7- Why has the holy Qur’an called the spirit of the opposer a ((Forelock)) ?

    16. Now, can an opposer, after all of that, object and disparage this noble messenger or impute to Al'lah what he imputes of cruelty toward man? Truly, He the Almighty, always tries to return His obedient to the right way: "…Yet, the unbelievers wrangle about Al'lah though He tries a lot with them

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    Sinônimos para "opposer"

    adversary antagonist opponent opposer resister