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    Use "orator" em uma frase

    orator frases de exemplo


    1. Like the declamation of the actor, the harangue of the orator, or the tune of the musician, the work of all of them perishes in the very instant of its production

    2. Even the greatest orator, presenter or writer may find it hard to

    3. A great orator speaks from substance, with a vision to inspire the people of his country

    4. Obama, dour, deadpan, and soulless, with an arrogant tilt of the head, a great orator? Is stroking with soothing words those whose wonderful country he intends to drag down into sociofascist poverty quite the same thing? Is a wigwagging mist of rhetoric, soaring from alternate TelePrompTers, if seemingly enticing upon emission, but vaporizing when pursued for substance, great oratory? There must be another word for it

    5. Such is the power of a great orator

    6. Zoroastro was not a great orator; he lacked the necessary skills to be a good verbal architect and neither has he movement fluidity

    7. Every great orator has mastered this art and implemented it successfully

    8. Tar-filled lungs are no use to an orator

    9. Next to Peter, unless it was Matthew, James was the best public orator among the twelve

    10. He was a poet, grammarian, author, orator, physician, soldier, scientist, botanist, and astrologer

    11. The smile on the face of a young lady, the melody in music, the power in the emphatic utterances of an orator, the charm in the words of one’s own beloved wife—all these and many more have their origin in Prana

    12. Vajpayee had been the BJP’s supreme political orator

    13. A statesman or orator would have called up the memory of Pericles or Demosthenes

    14. Wearing a short-sleeved kurta and a red Rajasthani safa, Modi reverted to his success mantra in the 2014 elections—a masterful orator directly communicating with the voter

    15. Tiberius then took his seat and motioned for the Orator to begin

    16. The Orator continued, "This munus is quite a special one as it honors the death of a very important man!" He flung his hand into the direction of the large double doors on the floor of the right side of the arena from where all things entered the Amphitheater

    17. The Orator ignored them and continued speaking, "Join me, citizens of Lycania, in giving our respects to Lord Heron and his family!" The lower tiers began to laugh as the upper tiers grew angrier and shouted down at them

    18. As the animal trainers led the lions out of the arena, the Orator announced, "Now we will have a small intermission

    19. The crowd cheered incessantly as the Orator asked, "Do you yield, Golden Man?"

    20. The Orator turned around, slightly confused, "Yes, Your Majesty?"

    21. The Orator turned back to the crowd and announced, "I'm sorry, dear watchers, the Emperor himself now demands that the bout end in death!"

    22. " He motioned for the Orator to announce the new fight

    23. The Orator continued, "Cheer for your champion, Lycania! Choose your side! Bestial or Lycanian! Who will win? Although, I have a feeling that the certainty of this fight was written in the stars long ago!"

    24. He then went on to become Greece’s greatest orator

    25. Les Brown, the gifted orator, wrote:

    26. What I tell you is the simple truth — an orator would make much of it: I cannot

    27. the great orator, "my young friend, I have been thinking out that speech for

    28. Hitler was a skilled orator

    29. A thousand years hence some orator, speaking his praise upon the then crowded shores of the Pacific, may thus adapt Griffith's eulogy of Wolsey:

    30. „You poor cretin,' the great orator said sadly, but not without a smirking malice, „the

    31. One of them, a very curly-headed man with a red inflamed face, was standing in the pose of an orator, without his coat, with his legs wide apart to preserve his balance, and smiting himself on the breast

    32. The gift is to the giver, and comes back most to him--it cannot fail, The oration is to the orator, the acting is to the actor and actress not to the audience,

    33. Going back to the cradle of society, the orator painted those fierce times when men lived on acorns in the heart of woods

    34. Ferrars's views for you at present, Edward?" said she, when dinner was over and they had drawn round the fire; "are you still to be a great orator in spite of yourself?"

    35. Whether his dialogues were framed on the model of the lost dialogues of Aristotle, as he himself tells us, or of Plato, to which they bear many superficial resemblances, he is still the Roman orator; he is not conversing, but making speeches, and is never able to mould the intractable Latin to the grace and ease of the Greek Platonic dialogue

    36.  As an orator, Reagan is managed by the Washington Speakers Bureau and earns fifty thousand dollars per speech, minus a 20 percent agent commission

    37. However much his influence among his people had been impaired by his occasional and besetting weakness, as well as by his desertion of the tribe, his courage and his fame as an orator were undeniable

    38. The effect of such an harangue, delivered in the nervous language and with the emphatic manner of a Huron orator, could scarcely be mistaken

    39. The orator, or the politician, who can produce such a state of things, is commonly popular with his contemporaries, however he may be treated by posterity

    40. Such an extraordinary sign of confidence was received by the orator as a highly favorable omen; and though the animal retreated a little precipitately, he was lavish of his thanks and commendations

    41. The warriors in front stepped aside, opening the way to their most approved orator by the action; one who spoke all those languages that were cultivated among the northern aborigines

    42. demanded the orator of the Delawares

    43. Until such a one chose to make some movement, no deeds in arms, no natural gifts, nor any renown as an orator, would have justified the slightest interruption

    44. —It was the speech, mark you, the professor said, of a finished orator, full of courteous haughtiness and pouring in chastened diction I will not say the vials of his wrath but pouring the proud man's contumely upon the new movement

    45. About nine o'clock, Barrington was in a large Liberal crowd, listening to the same hired orator who had spoken a few evenings before on the hill - the man with the scar on his forehead

    46. There was an impressive silence; Morcerf alone knew not why such profound attention was given to an orator who was not always listened to with so much complacency

    47. pervaded the assembly, and immediately the closest attention was given to the orator as he The article having been read during the painful hush that followed, a universal shudder resumed his remarks

    48. The vivas of those nearest to the orator bursting out suddenly propagated themselves irregularly to the confines of the crowd, like flames running over dry grass, and expired in the opening of the streets

    49. In the intervals, over the swarming Plaza brooded a heavy silence, in which the mouth of the orator went on opening and shutting, and detached phrases—"The happiness of the people," "Sons of the country," "The entire world, el mundo entiero"—reached even the packed steps of the cathedral with a feeble clear ring, thin as the buzzing of a mosquito

    50. But the orator struck his breast; he seemed to prance between his two supporters

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    orator public speaker rhetorician speechifier speechmaker diplomat