helicopter ride might tip the scales of originality
that its variety and originality is impressive
Anti-Heroes have always fascinated our imaginations symbolizing, as many of them do, wayward lifestyles and manners in contrast with conventional customs (seemingly) common and lacking spontaneity and originality
The only originality that appears to be expressed here is the change of name
But was their singular point of seeming originality, their insistence upon a corrupted version of a much older name, one that the Hebrews dared not use for so long, really just another copy? EL and AL (ah) does seem close
Ultimately, if the meal hadn’t been one of such excitement, flavour and originality, I would have been left feeling a little resentment that my sister is nice is enough to edit this book and thus making me feel that I had to pay her! The cheek!
Not just the flavours of the food, but the originality and inventiveness of its presentation and ingredient combinations
If that man has musical talent, originality, and intelligence
(authors and popular leaders), they have not been distinguished for their originality or for their affect on the worldwide development of Socialism
innovation is a good way to attract news media because those medias are waiting for innovation, creativity and originality everyday
writing five or ten different endings, and really pour on the emotion, passion, originality, and Action (you can scrape out the maggots
Originality is hard to find these days
James Zebedee had asked, "Master, how shall we learn to see alike and thereby enjoy more harmony among ourselves?" When Jesus heard this question, he was stirred within his spirit, so much so that he replied: "James, James, when did I teach you that you should all see alike? I have come into the world to proclaim spiritual liberty to the end that mortals may be empowered to live individual lives of originality and freedom before God
I do not desire that social harmony and fraternal peace shall be purchased by the sacrifice of free personality and spiritual originality
Men were astonished at the originality and authoritativeness of his teaching
He exhorted his hearers to strive for originality while they shunned all tendency toward eccentricity
You need more variety and more outlets to express your innovations and originality
Originality and invention imply an ability to break barriers; every new discovery represents the toppling of an impediment to thought
and the power of perceptions and originality that has
Another constant in this kaleidoscope of mud were the storks, who showed an embarrassing lack of originality in migrating along the very same route we were travelling
It clearly lacked originality
Hebrews was the audacity and originality of the Hebrew God
As I pointed out earlier, the value of a preliterate story was never based on its ideas or originality, but on the way the story was told
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation
The man tagged along after others: he read about a murder and then decided he would do one too — no great originality there
For the correct analogy for the mind is not a vessel that needs filling but wood that needs igniting no more and then it motivates one towards originality and instils the desire for truth
The high and low degrees of originality together with other abilities are more or less consequences of the subconscious mind
No Asian developed a kick in science but marshal artdevelopes originality
It was better to just start afresh than to risk any gamut of originality
A top-secret organization of brilliant scientists and inventors were then employed to invent a translator-machine that not only replicated the voice of Johnny Guitar, but captured his essence and originality as well
There was originality, spontaneity in it
They may implement the results more quickly, favoring expedience over originality, file documents, control, check, review, and criticize (but not deeply and logically oppose!), overcome bureaucratic obstacles, produce, arrange, build, reconstruct
Originality of idea or sentiment wasnot of prime importance with him; his aim
lacked forceand originality and his works merely paved the way forthe greater triumph of the
They do not tell these students that people are fired the instant they show too much competence, or too much originality, or too much independence, or too much of anything
This is one effect of civilization had upon his creativity and originality
Then; instead of any groundbreaking originality, you get an endless re-hash of the past
They can only steal it in a thousandth of a second; and try to pretend that your originality is theirs
When she was very young, her vision kept its freshness and originality
the violent exploits in peculiarity that have been masquerading as originality lately
Originality is more concerned with sincerity than with peculiarity
The struggling and fretting after originality that one sees in modern art is certainly an evidence of vitality, but one is inclined to doubt whether anything really original was ever done in so forced a way
Originality is a quality over which an artist has as little influence as over the shape and distinction of his features
There are many different methods of drawing in line, and a student of any originality will find one that suits his temperament
Jordan rarely heard a President swear with as much energy or originality as what he heard in the next two minutes from President Quaid
originality in which the story swerves in surprising directions that challenge the next
against originality, and at last he reaches his decision
little originality on your part plus a break with old cooking and eating habits that have grown
prepare vegetables without butter or fat means that a little originality is required by the cook,
There are some natural touches of character about him, such as his mixture of irascibility and placability, and his curious affection for Sancho together with his impatience of the squire's loquacity and impertinence; but in the main, apart from his craze, he is little more than a thoughtful, cultured gentleman, with instinctive good taste and a great deal of shrewdness and originality of mind
There is a good deal of ingenuity and even originality in this work, and a most enlightened spirit pervades it
Which example did he adduce to induce Stephen to deduce that originality,
Wasp has her own unmistakable style and that was the first thing one of my guys said after he’d studied the breach: this is different from anything we’ve come across; it’s got a completely new threshold of originality
The dinner was a very merry one: Sergey Ivanovitch was in his happiest mood, and was much amused by Katavasov’s originality
Katavasov, feeling his originality was appreciated and understood, made the most of it
Mercy on us! What literary or scientific man does not begin by some originality of conduct! My wife and I have the greatest respect for literature, in my wife it's a genuine passion! Literature and art! If only a man is a gentleman, all the rest can be gained by talents, learning, good sense, genius
"You are a poem—and that is to be the best part of a poet—what makes up the poet's consciousness in his best moods," said Will, showing such originality as we all share with the morning and the spring-time and other endless renewals
The boys were not able to remember that their remarks had possessed weight before; but now their sayings were treasured and repeated; everything they did seemed somehow to be regarded as remarkable; they had evidently lost the power of doing and saying commonplace things; moreover, their past history was raked up and discovered to bear marks of conspicuous originality
In an indifferent case we recognize in it more individuality, originality, and independence
I had not, it seems, the originality to chalk out a new road to shame and destruction, but trode the old track with stupid exactness not to deviate an inch from the beaten centre
It is occasionally possible for a tortoise, content to assimilate proven insights of his best predecessors, to outrun hares which seek originality or don't wish to be left out of some crowd folly which ignores the best work of the past
Only through imitation do we develop toward originality
” / Bakhtin explicitly acknowledges here that this ‘in no way reduces the independence and originality of each of these books’
Man, or at least criminal man, has lost all enterprise and originality
But to distinguish beauty of soul and personal originality there is needed far more independence and freedom than is possessed by our women, especially by our younger ladies
"Yet there is not the least originality in your words
This restlessness, which, if it did not come to the surface, was still unmistakable; those vague hopes of the poor creatures which existed in spite of themselves, hopes so ill-founded that they were more like the promptings of incipient insanity than aught else; all this stamped the place with a character, an originality, peculiarly its own
The prince found out afterwards that this gentleman made it his business to amaze people with his originality and wit, but that it did not as a rule “come off
In fifteen years people will say, ‘Look, that’s Ivolgin, the king of the Jews!’ You say that I have no originality
Now mark this, prince—there is nothing so offensive to a man of our time and race than to be told that he is wanting in originality, that he is weak in character, has no particular talent, and is, in short, an ordinary person
Nastasia Philipovna, who loved originality and drollery of all kinds, was apparently very fond of this old man, and rang the bell for more tea to stop his coughing
Such a woman could make anyone forget all reason—everything! Even that moujik, Rogojin, you saw, brought her a hundred thousand roubles! Of course, all that happened tonight was ephemeral, fantastic, unseemly—yet it lacked neither colour nor originality
It was not that they distinguished themselves as a family by any particular originality, or that their excursions off the track led to any breach of the proprieties
Another time she had—it was most unusual—a dream with a spark of originality in it
No doubt she also belonged to the category of ordinary people who dream of being original, but she soon discovered that she had not a grain of true originality, and she did not let it trouble her too much
The poor woman became at once the sport of conflicting influences, while fully persuaded of her own originality
That is a force! And whose work is it, whose precious achievement is it, that not one idea of their own is left in their heads! They think originality a disgrace
All their woman question is only lack of originality
She was eminent, even among her well-dressed sisters, for special elegance of costume, and for a certain originality about the make-up of her abundant hair
It is strange that you should have been described to me as a man of some originality
When he considered it necessary to curtail his needs, wore an old coat and gave up wine-drinking, everybody considered it eccentric and vain originality; but when he spent large sums in organizing a chase, or building an unusual, luxurious cabinet, everybody praised his taste and sent him valuable gifts
Both, moreover, were quite lacking in naïveté, sincerity, and simplicity, and both overflowed with artificiality, forced originality and self-assurance
"The powerful personality of the author, the startling originality of his views, grip the reader and carry him, though his deepest convictions be outraged, protesting through the book
Many spoke eloquently and with originality
In general discussions, however, in which I could take part I sought to atone for my late silence by exhibiting that extraordinary cleverness and originality to which I felt compelled by my University uniform
Accordingly, imagining that classical music was easier (as well as, partly, for the sake of originality), I suddenly came to the conclusion that I loved abstruse German music
Lubotshka told me that, up to the time of Woloda’s and my arrival from Moscow, there had been daily meetings with the Epifanovs, and that things had been very lively, since Papa, who had a genius for arranging, everything with a touch of originality and wit, as well as in a simple and refined manner, had devised shooting and fishing parties and fireworks for the Epifanovs’ benefit
"I always say a person hasn't a spark of originality that will go and live in a coop just like hundreds of others, all cut to the same pattern
The author, while, of course, he could not deny that the elegance of the diction was only equaled by the originality of the sentiment, yet felt a slight uneasiness that his hero should adopt so defiant a tone with those who were indeed to be the arbiters of his existence
We are taking away nothing but a remembrance of a singularly interesting hour, and an admiring impression of the originality, the ingenuity, the industry, and the independence of one of our own sex
These remarkable water-colors alone would suffice to show the genius of Barye, for they are full of the same qualities of truth and originality of expression which we see in his bronzes
Jee Gam, the first convert, and now employed by the courts as an interpreter, read an address on "The Congregational Association of Christian Chinese," of such merit in thought and language, that some doubted its originality, which, however, was vouched for by Dr