Use "over again" em uma frase
over again frases de exemplo
over again
1. wil never believe she cannot do it – she falls over again and again
2. living that life is nothing more than creating goals, achieving those goals, and doing that over and over and over again
3. It could be last winter all over again
4. So the relationships we’ve had in our past lives keep repeating over and over again
5. At the point where the temp starts to drop that is the time to turn the pile over again
6. Start the process over again in bin #1
7. Day 8: Then the next day dump the contents of bin #2 into bin #3, turn bin #1 into bin #2 and start all over again with bin #1
8. I would repeat these verses through tears, over and over again,
9. His eyes began to mist over again
10. In his head he pieced together the letters of a name over and over again, trying to fit
11. I asked myself the same question over and over again
12. With every move the record of our days started all over again, and we could never be quite sure, once we arrived at a new place of incarceration, that we could remember the previous count at all accurately
13. Then he too broke the chains of captivity, and locked Menachem into his own arms so that they could start the dance all over again
14. "Those girls have come up on the side of facts over and over again," Alfred told them, "I think it would be intellectually lazy of us to ignore this warning
15. We read in 1 John over and over again about how those that have the love of the Father don’t act like the world
16. We turned over completely, then surfed down it on the hull, then over again and this time it held us down for a long time, shaking us underwater
17. ‘I gave up washing dishes by hand years ago though, from what you’ve been saying, I’m going to have to get used to it all over again!’
18. In his head he pieced together the letters of a name over and over again, trying to fit them together in any one of a thousand combinations, only one of which would form the shape of a man
19. And what is the devil’s power? We’ve expressed it over and over again
20. The human race had to start all over again
21. Over and over again the Scriptures indicate that God will cleanse Israel of her sins
22. “Ok, ok, this is the part I love to watch over and over again
23. “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed
24. Some of the kids were laughing at me too and it was school all over again
25. So while the other boys were deep into The Hobbit or Bruce Chatwin, I was reading the Iliad and the Odyssey over and over again, and gradually it became my obsession
26. Just as they had practiced in training over and over again, the precision of their arcs, and their flawless dives took out many dragons on that first pass
27. Another week went by, during which Tiffany called everyone that she knew over and over again
28. It could be like turn-over all over again
29. “Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!” she screamed over and over again as she emptied the pan of baked beans onto the keyboard and then turned her attention to the boy himself
30. At first I kept tripping and losing my balance by thinking too much about what I was doing, so I stopped for a moment until I was ready to start all over again
31. When the Soul Slayer taunts you, it doesn't tell you that you'll have to start your quit all over again
32. The trout can hover against the edge of the stream right where the friction causes the water to slow down, making the swimming easy
33. For the last few weeks he had shut out the sounds of life, preferring the solitude of personal contemplation to the banality of human contact, but here in the soft tawny light of the lounge bar at the Red Lion those trivial voices broke through on the back of an ethereal sub tone that slowly built up throughout the evening until, towards closing time, Ken realised that he was listening to the same song being played over and over again on the jukebox
34. continues to confirm over and over again that we are
35. If that was to happen, and she was to find a way out of here, it was the reunification all over again
36. that she knew over and over again
37. Could she be a copy, while her original self continued the argument with Thom and waited the five additional minutes, then claimed she couldn’t feel a thing after all? Might she have already shut that veron store down? Would going back make yet another copy that would have to fight her original for survival, the reunification all over again?
38. If I had it to do all over again, I wanted to share with you what I would do
39. extreme shock, Helen repeated over and over again by rote the
40. track over and over again and no matter how hard she tried to shut
41. his mind, over and over again, Flee! It was an hour before he finally came to his senses and stopped
42. He has watched nurses hurrying through doors for an hour, and he has asked and answered the same questions over and over again
43. And after that, why did she have to get attached to him all over again once they got here? Why did a simple peasant have to look so manly at the controls of that needleboat on that stupid ride? Why couldn’t Tdeshi’s hormones let her be unmoved by the line of his jaw, the ruffle of his hair in the breeze as they cruised the canals all the way to the north end of the burbs and back?
44. The melody repeats over and over again, worming through the verse towards the heart of the chorus
45. Carol is repeating her daughter's name over and over again, burying her head in Dave's shoulder as medical staff run checks and ask questions, moving Bex into the first stage of waking
46. She continued to kick the ship over and over again, hoping to find some secret entrance that she hadn't spotted yet
47. When it happened, that opened the wound all over again
48. Of course they got frustrated all over again that they weren’t down there with a lab
49. The imp begged for mercy, but Justice just picked up the nearby swing set, and pummeled the imp into the ground, then pulled the imp up again and tied the imp to the maypole, hitting the imp over and over again with a big, red dodge ball
50. He didn't even try to fight back; he just lay there and cried silently as they kicked him over and over again