Whether it was water on the kitchen floor, crayon scribbles on the walls, the dog put on the roof, or dead rats stinking up the pantry, Millie always had the same excuse: mermaids
Question: Last year we had moths growing in a cereal box in the pantry and they literally took over
We wiped everything off with warm water, threw away a lot of grains, disassembled the shelves and painted the pantry walls
Initially the moths disappeared, but later reappeared, not in the pantry but all over the house
I’m in the pantry fetching the cereal for them when I hear Liz say quietly
She took him into the pantry where the freezer was and she opened it up and took out several boxes of frozen cauliflower
Several of the older boys squeezed their way up thru the flooring and found the school pantry
Belle had taken Tania and Poly on a walk to gather certain plants and roots to restock her pantry and medicines chest
The pantry cabinet had been moved over just a bit and now tucked between it and the counter was an unfamiliar new wooden cabinet
When they walked to the nearby stream on washing days, or when they were due for a bathe, it was then she directed Harry how to gather the wild herbs and wildflowers for the medicine chest and pantry
Monica looked in the fridge and pantry
Both the fridge and the pantry were empty, save for some cobwebs
The pantry was so well stocked with crockery, they might never learn about it
A well-stocked pantry is also important
from the pantry, on his rounds, had stopped to watch the
and told the pantry man to release Pappi
“That would be perfect,” Kurt responded as Elizabeth went into the pantry off of the kitchen
“I think we have some cold beef left or maybe you would like some bread and cheese, no I know how about some bacon and eggs that will set you up” and she turned to go to the pantry
I left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen I took a bottle of beer from the pantry and unscrewed the top poring myself a glass and then I sat down at the table
The duties of a man are to provide his family with a good shelter over their head, a full pantry and secure country
Here, come to the pantry
Together they moved into the pantry
they're in the pantry there, you can fill up two or three good-sized bowls for the kids
“Good man,” Gareth said, sneaking into the pantry and coming out with a large plastic bag
She mumbled that she had only two more left in the pantry as she placed it on the table
tions from the food pantry that the church operated
knowing about it, went to the church’s food pantry, collected some
ladies would not be allowed to use the food in the pantry to help us
The pantry was open to al , but
people in charge of the pantry have never been in a similar situation
up the drinks as well as raid the pantry
Clow came with a glass of milk, Faith and Jerry and Carl sneaked off to the pantry, and John Meredith went into his study, where he sat in the darkness for a long time, alone with his bitter thoughts
checked the pantry and fridge for food
“Pat,” she called over her shoulder, “get them some food from the pantry
Do the same with the pudding, and put both dishes away in the pantry
decided on purchasing the bear proof pantry instead
pantry for dinner supplies
He found an apron hanging on the back of the pantry door
This one change will keep your pantry tidy and uncluttered – meaning you’re far less likely to waste food and far more likely to keep the pantry organised
“I will search the pantry for snacks and beverages as was suggested
mother’s pantry, and then pulling a teary and
” Exiting to pantry with what she deemed would be logical to bring she placed her find on the island countertop
He is escorted by his personal team of ex-athletes through a door behind the stage, through the pantry area where the kitchen staff wait to greet him as he passes through
"Of course this has to be on the top shelf," Zoe muttered as she stood in the walk-in pantry and looked up at the high shelf
Zoe put the flour on the nearest shelf she could reach and stuck her head out the pantry
"I do not," Henry responded and followed Zoe into the pantry
Inside the pantry, Zoe froze
Henry looked up at the ceiling of the pantry and quietly chuckled for a moment before he glanced down at Zoe, who was wagging her finger at him
"I was wondering why Zoe’s mood changed when we were in the pantry together
"You were in the pantry together?"
You slide open the back door into the dry pantry and walk into the kitchen
You go back to the pantry for bread to toast
I looked in the pantry and found a green
She was standing on a stool, trying to reach the green beans on the top shelf of her pantry when he came in
He went to the pantry and looked
He put the wet cloths in the pantry and went in to see his mom
“Sure we do, we have two cans in the pantry
Solid food is in the pantry
have a pantry full of food and a refrigerator that’s stocked to
‘Yeah, but who? The butler was polishing silverware in the pantry
Soaking from the rain, without saying a word, they searched the house room by room, closet by closet, from parlor to pantry
Time passed in that way with the Colossus of Rhodes and snake charmers until his wife told him that there were only three pounds of dried meat and a sack of rice left in the pantry
” And while the urgencies of the pantry grew greater, Fernanda’s indig-nation also grew, until her eventual protests, her infre-quent outbursts came forth in an uncontained, unchained torrent that begin one morning like the monotonous drone of a guitar and as the day advanced rose in pitch, richer and more splendid
Systematically, serenely, in the same parsimonious way in which he had papered the house with banknotes, he then set about smashing the Bohemian crystal ware against the walls, the hand-painted vases, the pictures of maidens in flow-er-laden boats, the mirrors in their gilded frames, every-thing that was breakable, from parlor to pantry, and he finished with the large earthen jar in the kitchen, which exploded in the middle of the courtyard with a hollow boom
Amaranta Úrsula and Aureliano would take her in and out of the bedroom, they would lay her on the altar to see if she was any larger than the Christ child, and one afternoon they hid her in a closet in the Pantry where the rats could have eaten her
Only in a house like that was it conceiv-able for her always to sleep on a mat she laid out on the pantry floor in the midst of the nocturnal noise of the rats, and without telling anyone that one night she had awakened with the frightened feeling that someone was looking at her in the darkness and that it was a poi-sonous snake crawling over her stomach
The cup-board in the dining room was filled with fruit preserves, hams, and pickles, and the unused pantry was opened again for the storage of wines and liqueurs which José Arcadio himself brought from the railroad station in crates marked with his name
Amaranta Úrsula’s shrieks, her songs of agony would break out the same at two in the afternoon on the dining-room table as at two in the morning in the pantry
I finally figured out what the rotten smell was: before Harry cut up the poultry, he removed the internal organs and instead of throwing them in the garbage, he put them in the kitchen pantry
While well equipped, there was precious little food in evidence in the kitchen and the pantry of the orphanage
Leaving a few of the groceries out so that Julia could prepare supper, they stored away the rest either in the pantry or inside the bulky, limited capacity refrigerator present in the kitchen
their way into kitchen, where the range was well lit, and into the pantry
a lot, but they don’t take up any more space in my pantry than the chips, pretzels,
The rest of the west wing on this level contains a pantry, a laundry room, six guest rooms or suites and a bathroom
Looking at the fat burners you have in your pantry, I am sure we can al say the same thing about the fat burners
In the pantry he found a box of items wrapped in foil
Before you leave the house check your pantry and do a swift inventory so that you can see precisely what you need
Nevertheless, she finished what little food she could make out of the dry food and tinned goods in the pantry
" Nord shoved the wheel of cheese, the loaves of bread, and some of the rolls into the pantry
They entered the pantry room and scurried through it, maneuvering around crates, baskets, and boxes
Unni, who had recently been dubbed the best housewife in Bergendal, kept a neatly filled supply of linens and washcloths inside the wood pantry
Nevertheless, here’s the pantry and storage room and of course—” she waved them to continue to follow her, “—here is the main room
for perfection and what you don’t use please put them in the pantry for
Could I drag Cam into the pantry without anyone noticing?
When we made our way back up to the theatre, our arms were filled with paper-wrapped packages, which included not only the groceries we required for the next few days, but several little bags of secret treats which would never grace the shelf in the pantry
My stomach gurgled and I made my way to the pantry, seeking out any bread Jackie might have left, and the ham I had bought a few days before
because we have fleeced the pantry
“Bye,” she hung up and walked out of the pantry, Gabriel was standing there
He tells Cass, “That’s about the only thing in the food pantry of any use
Jen grabbed some paper plates from the pantry and put three around the table, though just now Bobby was watching television in the other room
When he ran out of food in his own pantry, he walked down the mountain to Mrs
Leaving the door ajar, he moved his way behind an empty pantry door, drew the captain’s revolver, and pointed it through the one-inch opening
Not expecting anyone in the house, he walked toward the pantry door
There’s some white cheddar in there, and I have crackers in the pantry
I’d never met her, but I knew at once she was the woman who now stared up at Damon Wilcox with the expression of someone who’d found a particularly disgusting species of cockroach infesting her pantry
There was, however, what seemed to be a little pantry at the other end, and to this Kennedy deftly led the wires and then plugged them in on the other oaken box
She put her finger on the dividing line and thought, the chapel was originally two large walk in closets, a pantry for the kitchen and a closet for the study
Jamie rose from his chair, picked up the brandy snifter and wandered out to the butler's pantry where the liquor was kept