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    Use "paragraph" em uma frase

    paragraph frases de exemplo



    1. From the next paragraph we learn that "And the Lord

    2. could be found in this paragraph from “Thus Spoke

    3. adverts to the danger in following paragraph: “This one

    4. Why? At the beginning of this paragraph, I

    5. In connection with the last paragraph, I recal

    6. Then, do all the things suggested in the earlier paragraph, entitled “Need

    7. Create a pause with a new paragraph so they can consider the

    8. When I noticed that I had read the same paragraph several times over the past twenty minutes and still didn’t know what it was about, I pushed the textbook away from me

    9. The longest paragraph you should ever have is three or four

    10. Use one or two sentences in a paragraph; three short sentences at the

    11. The state of our North American colonies, and of the trade which they carried on with Great Britain, before the commencement of the present disturbances, {This paragraph was written in the year 1775

    12. First paragraph: Introduce myself briefly--remind Karen where we met before

    13. If you were required to write a paragraph consisting of letters, syllables, words and sentences and were requested to make use of a number of words that are evenly divisible by 7, most people would not see this as an issue and would agree that this can easily be achieved

    14. The following paragraph was not in the original book

    15. For some reason my American clients find this paragraph hilarious but they miss the point! For us who look towards the Land of the Free the view is much different

    16. Conal read the headline and first paragraph

    17. the last paragraph forgive yourself for allowing this situation to

    18. Wiesel shares with us, in a later paragraph, the extra-biblical source that aided him in making this interpretation

    19. ” In the opening paragraph, I asked “What might John’s understanding of near have been?”

    20. To resume, at that later date implied in the previous paragraph, having been drawn back once more to the quest by some unidentifiable feeling, my first attempt at having cast that wider net mentioned at the end of that earlier time, came up with little of additional value except that by AD 664 the Islamic Empire had reached its greatest expansion

    21. Again, in a following paragraph: “Against all the understanding derived from his senses that should convince Man of his singularity, somehow, he could never feel totally alone in the world

    22. I think this paragraph can elucidate the mechanism -some might say-, by which God´s information reaches first the writer and then the reader of the sacred text

    23. In this paragraph it is clear the intention to convey the idea, indication or teaching that -as plants are there for sustenance- man must protect and respect all animal life

    24. Why not read the paragraph and analyze it?

    25. This paragraph clearly shows the mercy of a loving father; even after such disobedience and the seriousness of these actions, God dresses them, gives them garments of skin -to replace the loincloth of leaves they had done

    26. One of the older members reads the Abnegation manifesto, which is a short paragraph about forgetting the self and the dangers of self-involvement

    27. He points to a paragraph in the middle of the page, and I read it

    28. It was the who, what, when, where and why rule, that allowed the reader to know the gist of the story in the first paragraph

    29. My brows furrowed as I read a paragraph where he talked about Jesse’s death and how he feels about its effect on our family and me

    30. Descriptive Paragraph: Participants described that part of being a woman in the

    31. Descriptive Paragraph: Participants expressed that part of being a woman in the

    32. Rather, this was a matter of interpreting paragraph (g), risk of loss, of the cost reimbursement Government Property clause

    33. Not paragraph, sentence

    34. Ultimately, what I mentioned in the last paragraph is the point of this entire article

    35. In the paragraph

    36. the conditions of paragraph 2 above are not met or if,

    37. under the provisions of paragraph 1 whether or not the conditions set out in

    38. paragraph 3 are being complied with

    39. treated in accordance with the requirements of Article 4, paragraph 2, and

    40. paragraph shall be examined at a multilateral consultation not less than two

    41. of paragraph 5 of Assembly

    42. The objective of paragraph 2 is twofold

    43. Paragraph 3 confirms the principle that parties to this Convention may, on the one

    44. The principle laid down in paragraph 2, that the keeper of an animal may not

    45. considered that their welfare was provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 4 and in Article

    46. The methods of killing which are to be prohibited are listed in paragraph 2, even if

    47. within the Council of Europe (see also paragraph 12 above)

    48. I was prepared as a writer and creative thinker, and quite unprepared to handle statistical formulas that would take up a paragraph in a New York Times editorial

    49. (2) The notice under Paragraph 1 shall be submitted at least 7 days prior to the

    50. (2) The prohibition under Paragraph 1 shall not apply to the species of the

    1. So, I draw a card at random for the category I need each time, I develop the respective item into one or more paragraphs, and I gradually form a full story

    2. Most of it was just a long formal list of who got how much return on the graft that went into making up this expedition, but there were a few paragraphs near the end called the 'Haad Directives,' couched in dense theologian

    3. They made sure that he could cross-reference the relevant sections with his own briefing notes and that he could quote verbatim from all of the sections and paragraphs that would support the arguments he was to make in his speech

    4. sections and paragraphs that would support the arguments he was

    5. The guest stopped there and let his host wipe his eyes and note the last few paragraphs in his journal

    6. Interesting! From the paragraphs

    7. The sender's address, the recipient's address, the date and all new paragraphs begin at the left margin, like this:

    8. This are other, slightly different ways of formatting a business letter, where for example paragraphs are indented or the date is typed on the right hand side

    9. The following paragraphs may offend some readers and

    10. These rituals included counting of letters, words and paragraphs to avoid any errors from slipping in and even washing their hands every time they encountered a situation where they needed to write down the unpronounceable name of God

    11. I became wary as I read into the first two paragraphs of the article

    12. It seeks to adjust to new information and therefore its propositions are changeable, but as indicated in a following set of paragraphs: “Still, because of the uncertainty within these testings, it [science] offers no firm ground to build a system of belief upon, to explain those verities that seem not to have changed over the ages, as well as the questions that still have no apparent answers

    13. And within another few paragraphs: “Yet religion, systems of belief, exist primarily because Man has always felt that there was more to this world than the eye or mind alone can perceive

    14. alter Articles and Paragraphs that invalidate the Usuarist

    15. Reggie presses a button on the computer, and paragraphs of text appear under the “MicroScan” bar at the top of the screen

    16. I know that most people consider long letters to be inappropriate but maybe this can be the exception to the rule because of the care that’s behind it and because these truths are important and can’t be effectively summed up by a mere few paragraphs

    17. paragraphs and simple chapters including ideas and advice that are very

    18. I have, in writing these paragraphs, just experienced the newness that I have been trying to explain

    19. I have seen slides that fill the screen with text paragraphs

    20. The only true importance was the number of paragraphs in his letter

    21. These little indents and short paragraphs are cool

    22. Ok, hopefully you now have some opening paragraphs that you can practice

    23. Now one way of achieving this objective is to write short paragraphs, there’s

    24. that most of my paragraphs are three lines of text long, four lines of text is the

    25. product, and the paragraphs we have worked on so far

    26. The relevant paragraphs had also been highlighted in this copy,

    27. There were a few moments of silence while Gary read the highlighted paragraphs in his contract

    28. 3) Keep all paragraphs short and to the point

    29. All the paragraphs from your press release should be as simple as possible, with

    30. All paragraphs within the article should be short, punchy and to the point

    31. It is unfortunate because with detail comes alternatives, those tiny innuendos you might miss if you are interested solely in the grab and stab paragraphs

    32. paragraphs on the book based on reviews at any of the book sellers such as Amazon

    33. While the anecdote was just a few paragraphs

    34. paragraphs, then pages and then he’ll have you in his pocket

    35. He skipped all the long paragraphs and looked at the images, deciding to at least read the notes beneath each of them

    36. The reader is again reminded that what was described in the last several paragraphs

    37. dissecting your paragraphs one after the other

    38. I have other meanings for what those two letters represent and you can find them a few paragraphs down as well as in other books of mine

    39. On your first day at work, you’ll meet people with various backgrounds, as I mentioned two paragraphs ago

    40. * In these paragraphs, I’ll refer to God as “the Universe” since it’s my wish to speak of

    41. Building on the above paragraphs dealing with

    42. It was only three short paragraphs

    43. ” He wasn’t really surprised as he read the first couple of paragraphs

    44. Tomassi took the list presented by Ming and reviewed the paragraphs of concern with growing alarm, to finally looking up from the list with a haggard look

    45. Pham nodded his head at that and consulted his electronic tablet, reading the few paragraphs on Bruges that Ann Shelton had collated for his use

    46. The story Aaron told was but a few paragraphs of words, uttered, I

    47. We will include only the essential paragraphs of his statement:

    48. We had to wipe paragraphs from the dust in front of the beech stump

    49. “Sheriff! Deputy! Look!” Holland pointed at certain paragraphs and sentences

    50. In the opening paragraphs of this chapter, rationale was presented for

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    Sinônimos para "paragraph"

    paragraph group break arrange section partition subdivision passage item article note excerpt