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    Use "paranoia" em uma frase

    paranoia frases de exemplo


    1. “Your father, I think, was one of those inflicted with paranoia and delusions

    2. However, Micah’s paranoia reached the point where he claimed even the bread and water were contaminated

    3. She expected the possessiveness, but she didn’t expect the paranoia

    4. genuine concern to be found in his paranoia

    5. “Just because one was found by the natives and excited Kelvin’s paranoia

    6. Of the one you care for as reverse paranoia

    7. I have a new name," Roycen looked around in paranoia

    8. ‘Is there really evidence for that?’ She refused to allow herself to be caught up in his paranoia

    9. He fumbled around the room again after being struck by the terrible paranoia that maybe a previous inmate had died in here and they hadn’t cleaned the body away

    10. I passed it off as paranoia, and continued my walk

    11. I had gotten myself into a state of paranoia that I now believed that nothing was happening unless I was right there present before anything could happen

    12. The NRA, acting for the gun industry, has pushed a lot of false ideas, with the intent of spreading paranoia and thus gun sales

    13. Who can this anti-Communist hysteria, paranoia, and persecution of anything even vaguely suspicious be ascribed to? The architect of this fear mongering was at the very top

    14. When he thought of Pop, sitting there hour after hour, day after day, watching the Cable News, with its litany of death and disaster, its obsession with terrorism, work-place and high school shootings; he guessed no one was immune from the paranoia

    15. still it scares him to unknown distal cause of paranoia thinking that she

    16. His failure to stop his Attorney General's disastrous raid on the Branch Davidians led to a wave of paranoia and recruitment by right extremists

    17. The combination of intense pain and withdrawal from crack cocaine lifted simple paranoia to dizzying new heights

    18. It’s paranoia, nothing more

    19. More paranoia, I hoped, but I gave my keys over

    20. Isolation, a kind of paranoia

    21. More of the Old Man’s security paranoia

    22. One of the prices is a deep and abiding paranoia—the paranoia that someone somewhere will find out

    23. A little girl who is stressed out to the point of paranoia

    24. But he swallowed down his paranoia

    25. console her, but she could not, knowing that her sister’s fear wasn’t just a result of paranoia

    26. miles of real estate in the Siberian wilderness to which hundreds of thousands of Russians were sent, including dissidents, those “in-the-know,” widows and orphans of the purged, peasants and anyone who fell within Stalin’s ever-expanding paranoia, for labor and

    27. She’d always kept a healthy paranoia

    28. For a moment she wondered if this was Obeah at work, but then dismissed the thought as just paranoia

    29. He grew up on the paranoia that comes with living in a commie state

    30. But I’m also willing to consider that John grew up in a culture that preached suspicion and fostered paranoia

    31. I was more concerned with bugs than bombs, considering Koflanovich’s propensity for paranoia and sudden need for my endorsement

    32. His hatred and paranoia grew and festered, until he contemplated suicide on a nightly basis

    33. Would that make it not paranoia

    34. her mother’s overbearing paranoia about Joseph’s safety

    35. husband was doing, felt that his paranoia was

    36. He’d protected Calvin thus far, so Calvin suppressed his paranoia and tried to focus completely on what he had to do next

    37. The mental illness, depression and paranoia caused her to hear voices and see ghosts

    38. Zayn was confused at where this paranoia was coming from

    39. Maybe it was for someone else and you are with these machinations and paranoia, thinking that the matter is with you

    40. Did the paranoia finally fully come in? This is a bad look, the thought is an instant migraine

    41. Aquana was getting real tired of Raekwon’s paranoia

    42. As simple as this gesture was, my mother had some sense of paranoia

    43. The others started to mutter along with him, letting their fear and paranoia set in

    44. With him, the question was always: how could a fair and just America do that to its loyal Japanese-American citizens? Of course, Pearl Harbor and the ensuing hysteria and paranoia were the obvious answers, but Bob still couldn’t reconcile those things and often talked to me about them

    45. Paranoia mixed with education leads to a long life

    46. What is consciousness? What is humor? What is paranoia? The archetypes of the urban jungle are stranger when looked on from the objective, omniscient, perspective

    47. It was only her paranoia that made Greta think he was

    48. Childhood fears matured at university into a paranoia that, together with reclusive belligerence, earned him no friends and few acquaintances apart from fellow devotees of Old Testament dogma

    49. I accept that I need to leave and I fucking understand your paranoia but leave Ruth out of this

    50. And tonight, Jonathan saw the glass wall of optimism Philip spent so many years rebuilding shattered by a woman who deceived them in ways Jonathan had only imagined during fits of paranoia

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    Sinônimos para "paranoia"

    paranoia insanity delusion mania derangement dementia obsession suspicion anxiety apprehension fear uneasiness mistrust dread