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    Use "pebbly" em uma frase

    pebbly frases de exemplo


    1. There was a rowboat pulled up on the pebbly beach across the road

    2. The ground was pebbly and it stretched as far as he could see in either direction

    3. In Nice we wandered the city for an hour, then lazed on the pebbly public beach before buying a dozen one-frank chips each and spending a couple of hours at the Casino

    4. The sprite-like halfling strode across the pebbly beach to the edge of the natural reservoir

    5. him but heard only the lip-lap-lap of small waves breaking on the pebbly shore

    6. 'By pebbly Hermus' shore he flees and rests not, and is not ashamed to be a coward

    7. A hundred gay and thoughtless young Frenchmen were drawing a net to the pebbly beach, within dangerous proximity to the sullen but silent cannon of the fort, while the eastern mountain was sending back the loud shouts and gay merriment that attended their sport

    8. Step by step, my eyes were on the sandy and pebbly trail, my feet sometimes slipping beneath me as I climbed up and switched back

    9. I passed under the ski lift and edged my way north and west around the shoulder of Mount Hood on a trail of what seemed to be demolished rock, worn down by the harsh winters into a pebbly sand

    10. The Froom waters were clear as the pure River of Life shown to the Evangelist, rapid as the shadow of a cloud, with pebbly shallows that prattled to the sky all day long

    11. There was a little cave (a wholesome one with a pebbly floor) at the foot of the steps and near the end of the stony ford

    12. I would drink deeper, fish in the sky, whose bottom is pebbly with stars

    13. That close-shaven turf, those pebbly paths, that chalk, those pools, those harsh monotonies of waste and fallow lands, the plants of early market-garden suddenly springing into sight in a bottom, that mixture of the savage and the citizen, those vast desert nooks where the garrison drums practise noisily, and produce a sort of lisping of battle, those hermits by day and cut-throats by night, that clumsy mill which turns in the wind, the hoisting-wheels of the quarries, the tea-gardens at the corners of the cemeteries; the mysterious charm of great, sombre walls squarely intersecting immense, vague stretches of land inundated with sunshine and full of butterflies,—all this attracted him

    14. They clung to the purple moors behind and around their dwelling—to the hollow vale into which the pebbly bridle-path leading from their gate descended, and which wound between fern-banks first, and then amongst a few of the wildest little pasture-fields that ever bordered a wilderness of heath, or gave sustenance to a flock of grey moorland sheep, with their little mossy-faced lambs:—they clung to this scene, I say, with a perfect enthusiasm of attachment

    15. The princess, hating the pebbly beach, which cut to pieces her high-heeled shoes, never watched the bathers, and Bernheim, who did not bathe—Somerset, prejudiced, declared that he did not even wash—remained in his bedroom till the hour of déjeuner

    16. It is interesting and peculiar to see in some of the old buildings erected with pebbly sandstone how the white quartz pebbles stand out from the surface like warts

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    Sinônimos para "pebbly"

    gravelly pebbly shingly