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    peculate frases de exemplo


    1. German archaeologists and historians have long speculated over a large amount of deaths in the area dated from the 12th century

    2. "I'm only human," Ava said, "I only speculated on the nature of intelligence, the self and the soul

    3. I speculated on the civil wars and religious factionalism and its effects on young minds

    4. And when it comes to Sabrina, I can merely speculate as to what her thoughts could be

    5. We speculated on possible locations: Oxford, Reading, Bristol or Bath

    6. Steve mentioned how cool the evening it was and Kate speculated that winter would come early this year

    7. we speculate on the heads

    8. Remembering the Queen’s promise, the older riders all speculated and waited for the news

    9. This was where he would be forced to speculate on what sort of device or being was performing all this quantum state changing

    10. He made only a couple small tweaks and wanted to speculate about nanites and quantum computing

    11. "That's an inflammatory way to put it," he said, studying her face for a reason she wanted to get him to speculate so wildly

    12. He told Heymon what they knew so far and said, "We were about to speculate where she might be hosted

    13. She’s not a bitch generally, just not terribly bright and it’s fashionable to gossip and speculate

    14. By the time we got to the apartment, I was beginning to speculate on what sort of dilapidated state the place would be in, but I was wrong

    15. I would speculate that our cryo-slicing technique has taken the brain, and therefore the soul, before their decay bacteria could spread thruout the brain and get a read out

    16. speculated idly that it would be making its way up the overgrown

    17. He had speculated on this very topic more than once over

    18. Kulai was glad to sit and speculate with him on shonggot and Kassikan politics, but when he got to his finances Kulai accused him of interrogation

    19. She got to hear a little more conversation as these people speculated about what they called a 'flying camera'

    20. The Kassikan had plundered Dempala's ruins for centuries before a Karadarzin potentate would speculate on a voyage that far

    21. We speculated on life with such a disability

    22. "Maybe I should go have a chat with Klarrain to see what he knows about the situation?" Klowa speculated

    23. Katrina could speculate on the atrocities LeCynic had inflicted on the elven sisters, atrocities which had driven them to suicide, though she tried not to bring such dark thoughts into her mind

    24. What Catholic Church fructified – maybe speculated is

    25. not! Both speculate people’s sentiments

    26. Herold’s Patience was exhausted by speculated notions of 72

    27. this mentality is speculated today

    28. What it all meant, she could only speculate

    29. Mercer’s whereabouts were, as per usual, somewhat murkier to speculate about

    30. Although he too was intrigued by the question of the doer’s identity, he dared not vocally speculate

    31. Won’t speculate on that bit, but needless to say the circumstances will be altogether different next time

    32. Can you elaborate?’ ‘I can speculate

    33. We can only speculate

    34. Many scholars today dispute this fact and speculate that the Torah was written by various different people and that it could not have been written by Moses alone

    35. All this makes Governor Rick Perry interesting to speculate about concerning a 2012 presidential run

    36. For my American readers, this fellow kidnapped a lot of children and kept them prisoner at his house for things which I refuse to speculate on as being hurtful to the parents

    37. And so we came up with one idea after another and speculated as to the living conditions, the people and the weather in Lesotho

    38. Well, would the second week end at close of business on Friday afternoon? Or, would we be split up and delivered on Saturday morning? Would they consider the weekend part of the week so that we stayed as a class of four until sometime Sunday afternoon, or would arrangements take a while so that we would stay in our hut until our new owners collected us Tuesday or even next Wednesday? We had no power, but we could speculate, and as that was all we could do, we did

    39. The Union almost lost a top general because of it with consequences we can just speculate on like losing the Civil War

    40. Of course the West kept quiet and could not be bothered and we have to ask why? Was it because it was black on black violence as speculated here in Africa? If so it means that black lives are simply not that important in deeds to the West

    41. The true Nature of Things is perceived by ―eternal eyes‖ (only) that sees what lies hidden or beyond what our limited senses (may) otherwise speculate at best

    42. While foul play cannot be ruled out, police speculate that the professor wandered off the beaten path, perhaps suffering a stroke or heart attack

    43. At some point they must have speculated about me

    44. Some speculated his willingness to order two invasions was an attempt to overcome the wimp image, but there is little evidence for that

    45. He also refused to comment on whether more human remains have been found, and could not speculate as to the source of the rumour

    46. Looking back on it, she speculated that living in isolation too long had driven her temporarily insane

    47. He didn’t care to speculate as to what that price would be

    48. “He says he should be here in a couple of hours, maybe less,” he speculated, eyes screwed up in contemplative frown

    49. The Army had managed to distribute turkeys to the troops, and Thanksgiving dinner was done up in traditional style, with all the trimmings, including cranberry sauce made by the cooks from cranberries that everyone speculated must have been flown in from the States

    50. A police spokesman speculated that the death of the Nicaraguan embassy employee represented the killing of a murderer within the notorious Tweety-Bird gang – and, through it all, Gordon Edward was portrayed as virtually a national hero

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