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    Use "peephole" em uma frase

    peephole frases de exemplo


    1. The peephole as Johnson and the rest of the agents called it was a small

    2. peephole showed what was in the next room

    3. With one more glance out the little peephole, she watched as he prepared to get to work

    4. stronger than the second story door and had a peephole, unlike the second story

    5. He got up off the couch and looked in the peephole

    6. He had the gun in his hand when he looked through the peephole

    7. door without looking through the peephole first

    8. The word from Mr bitch was that these guys always checked the peephole and only let in current customers

    9. Once at the door he looks through the peephole and sees

    10. Through the peephole, I expected to see Andy with a 12-pack of something cheap, but instead, I saw Lizzie

    11. the peephole to ensure it was his expected visitor

    12. � The soldier looked through the peephole of each door, checking the number of occupants against a list he held in one hand

    13. � Most of the prisoners were already asleep and the soldier had to use his flashlight pointed through the peephole to check on them

    14. Looking through the peephole of her door, she felt her heart jump in her chest: it was none other than Doctor Reginald Jones, the scientific counselor of Prime Minister Winston Churchill

    15. Now tense as a bar, Michel watched the recording as Lyudmila was seen, wearing her night gown, going to the door of her room and speak through it after looking through the peephole

    16. At any moment, I expected to see army boots through the peephole I had to see through

    17. ” Whispering, the words came out as if through a peephole

    18. Through a peephole in the frosted glass he could see the LED of the answering machine, blinking because of his messages, but the hallway was otherwise gloomy

    19. ” Greg let his peephole crack in the blinds close

    20. Dragging herself up, she looked through the peephole and her shoulders sagged in relief

    21. He knew who was there but still looked through the peephole

    22. Suddenly, there is a loud knock at his front door! He puts his glass of juice down and hurries towards his front door! As he approaches his front door, the knock becomes louder and faster as if someone is desperately trying to get inside his apartment! He looks through his peephole and quickly opens the front door! Kathy comes bursting inside his apartment! She is all sweating and hysterical! She is breathing very heavy! She is scared! Raymond shouts, "WHAT HAPPENED KATHY? WHAT'S WRONG? WHAT'S THE MATTER?"

    23. Through my peephole and the open front door, I could see Charley Elliot’s car ease up to the front of the church

    24. Momentarily Godwyn wondered how Philemon had come across this peephole, and guessed he might have hidden something in the gap

    25. A dark eye stared through the peephole

    26. There were sounds behind the door, a peephole sliding, a chain coming off a track, a bolt unracking

    27. A crimson dime-sized peephole above his right eye

    28. “A peephole in a closet,” said Joe

    29. There was another peephole at the back of the closet and it went right through the wall

    30. I couldn’t stop thinking about that second peephole

    31. My mind did pretzel loops around that peephole as I tried on every possibility

    32. I showed her the faint painted-over outline of the peephole in the door and the still-visible crescent where Joe’s thumbnail had left its impression in the wood filler

    33. I showed her the second peephole in the back wall

    34. Aimed it at the peephole in the door

    35. Hugo ran to the foyer and, ignoring the peephole above his head, opened the door

    36. He gauged his position relative to the peephole in the door

    37. The writer smiled at the peephole with total confidence

    38. and there was a peephole

    39. the button to close the peephole and scampered back to my

    40. memories helped me locate and open the peephole into

    41. After they left, I shut the peephole

    42. The arrival of a second fighting-machine drove us from our peephole into the scullery, for we feared that from his elevation the Martian might see down upon us behind our barrier

    43. After a long time I ventured back to the peephole, to find that the new-comers had been reinforced by the occupants of no fewer than three of the fighting-machines

    44. The Martians had taken away the excavating-machine, and, save for a fighting-machine that stood in the remoter bank of the pit and a handling-machine that was buried out of my sight in a corner of the pit immediately beneath my peephole, the place was deserted by them

    45. For a long while I lay close to the peephole, but not daring to move aside the red plants that obscured it

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