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    per se frases de exemplo

    per se

    1. “Super sensitive, digital interference probes shoot out of the light

    2. One second it was thundering along chasing the sunset in the deepening darkness, the next it was accelerating at thirty-six feet per second per second from under her, its legs spread in all directions and at angles that looked pretty painful

    3. PCP includes the proper selection of the types of grasses for your area and the lawns use (are you going to play on it, walk on it a lot, or just enjoy its beauty)? Having a healthy lawn without harsh chemicals is really very easy to do

    4. We lounge on proper seats watching the landscape go past

    5. Wiesse, clearly with my next journey in mind, very sensibly reminds me that I shall need proper sea-going waterproofs; he suggests that I would be advised to locate some here in the fishing village

    6. It is some considerable time later before Joris appears, looking his usual dapper self – no sign of the exertions of yesterday showing anywhere

    7. They were still hurtling by these bodies at almost two thousand miles per second giving them millions of miles of berth so there was no way they could pick up a sample

    8. Super Sensory Anything which is not detected through a sense (such as

    9. Where it is that paper serpents are moving your

    10. per se did not exist at that time – indeed, it was these events that

    11. Not that Andy was overly familiar with the inside of police stations per se, but he sort of expected something shabbier, less up to date

    12. It is as it always has been, up to you to do something about it, and as with all things real: it begins with UN-doing more than any doing per se

    13. They ordered and coffee was poured, juices delivered with the morning edition of a 'recently local' newspaper set at the table within reach

    14. “Perhaps it wasn’t the place per se,” Tom interrupted, speaking

    15. But by this experiment I was made master of my business, and knew exactly when the proper season was to sow, and that I might expect two seed-times and two harvests every year

    16. Maybe it is time our Keeper set aside his other

    17. That four shillings, however, was not considered as the highest price to which barley might frequently rise in those times, and that these prices were only given as an example of the proportion which ought to be observed in all other prices, whether higher or lower, we may infer from the last words of the statute: " Et sic deinceps crescetur vel diminuetur per sex denarios

    18. All this is irrelevant per se

    19. All of these foods have more than 6 grams of fiber per serving

    20. It is worth paying the 5 cents per search, rather than over risking

    21. Executive function as defined by Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child is a combination of working memory (aka, those 700 neural connections per second), selective and focused attention on important tasks (or self control), and mental flexibility – being able to revise a course of action based on changes in the environment

    22. Without adding thoughts to our perceptions we can sense the deeper self

    23. There was no 'central command' per se and finally: they were absolutely piratical

    24. He seemed to gather his dignity and slowly approached his proper seat

    25. This policy opened, indeed, the trade of the colonies to all the natives of the mother country, provided they traded from the proper port, at the proper season, and in the proper vessels

    26. Having said that, there is nothing wrong with the accumulation of material wealth or attainment of popularity per se, for the idea of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ is subjective

    27. The weaknesses were that the machines could only communicate in one direction at a time and the transmission speed was very slow, only a few characters per second

    28. The sniper seemed to tumble as though in slow motion from the tree and I could swear that I heard the thud as he hit the ground though I knew he was too far off

    29. ” The Innkeeper seemed to be a compassionate man and his voice showed concern

    30. If taken out for exportation, to be duty-free; proper security being always given that they should be so exported

    31. As he produced a letter on snow white printing paper sealed, for some

    32. When delivered out for exportation, to go duty-free, upon proper security being given, that they should really be exported out of the empire

    33. The 9 Strategy Factors CR James Btw, if you read Super Seduction Power or Super Compliments, it's the same girl I talked about where I first discovered the power of Super Compliments who ended up practically raping me

    34. geese-girls when they were their proper selves, and their geese were

    35. Leaping onboard the longboat, Larkey carefully grabbed the rope and meted out a few feet of line per second, cautiously lowering the boat into the stormy seas below

    36. Wealth does not advance Self-Esteem (per se) but enhances, rather, Self-Esteem in the manner (that) Wealth was acquired

    37. Income disparities are not troubling per se, nor should they be, provided that increases in marginal family income(s) (based on performance) are comprehensive and that every (qualified) individual enjoys fair and equal access to market opportunities as they present themselves

    38. The phenomenon of public opinion, or its volatility, I should say, is rooted, in part, in the (composite) uncertainties of a society‘s moral, spiritual and intellectual positions that are often unclear, if not incomprehensible to individuals who have never been properly instructed to learn or to think critically about what they have learned or make proper sense out of what they have learned; whose

    39. The transitioning from one form of social and cultural expression to another may properly conclude a chapter in that society‘s historical progression however not the end of that society, per se, although it may very well mark the end of that society as it was formerly understood

    40. and 9 limits the number of simultaneous connections per server to 6

    41. Per se they caused havoc behind the lines and assisted in full scale conventional attacks where needed later in the war

    42. There is nothing per se wrong with black operations and understandably it plays a major role in the war on terrorism but history tells us that oversight is the key

    43. misinterpreting historical events, did not seek the annihilation of traditional (gender) arrangements per se, but sought to establish a leveler playing field that accorded full social and political rights to women; that is to say, that allowed women to enjoy the same opportunities and privileges historically restricted to men; requesting neither more nor less than what was rightly considered their 136

    44. Despair is not a revolt against God, per se, but rather a healing process that attempts to reconcile an awakening Conscience with a trust in God‘s Mercy

    45. There is a proper season for making attacks with fire, and special days for starting a conflagration

    46. The proper season is when the weather is very dry; the special days are those when the moon is in the constellations of the Sieve, the Wall, the Wing or the Cross-bar; for these four are all days of rising wind

    47. component of (innate) intelligence, per se, although as a rule, most intelligent individuals read and communicate well

    48. reduce spending are understood within the framework of broadened parameters designed to ―limit‖ growth rates but not spending, per se

    49. The elven doctor turned her arm to expose her elbow and produced a syringe and bottle from the black bag he carried, measuring out the proper sedation antagonist and injecting it straight into her vein

    50. Now most exchanges are done online faster than any human could, at times millions of trades per second

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