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    place to stay frases de exemplo

    place to stay

    1. She didn’t really have any place to stay, she had let the room in that little inn where she stayed with Jorma lapse last week

    2. I’ve found a place to stay and work for accommodation and food

    3. “If my man wins, you will work for me for two weeks without pay, though I will see to it that you are fed and have a place to stay

    4. William felt fortunate that the man who stopped to offer him a ride had also offered him a place to stay and a job while he contemplated how he would return to his family

    5. Krazinsky have a safe place to stay while he proceeds about his business

    6. Colling reminded him that they needed a less conspicuous place to stay while they arranged for passage across the Baltic, and Elizabeth agreed

    7. When he started to look for a suitable place to stay in that

    8. face boy? You need a place to stay?” The woman took her hand and touched

    9. When he leaned forward and asked the driver for recommendations for another place to stay, preferably a single dwelling on the beach, the driver smiled broadly

    10. My family and i didn’t have any furniture or a place to stay

    11. The children had to be cared for, and they needed a place to stay where there were no germs, and where they could get a good night‘s sleep

    12. We passed through Brig and Sierre, the scenery becoming ever more spectacular, and decided to look for a place to stay somewhere in the small town of Leytron

    13. The other bedroom was used by Tim, a teenage girl who cooked and cleaned for Papa Gord in exchange for a place to stay while she finished her studies at the local high school

    14. Neconis confirmed that this had been a yam, the only place to stay in the area before the city was built

    15. I secured horses and a place to stay for the night

    16. He said it was the safest place to stay at night and would give us the opportunity to pray for our safe journey

    17. It is an ideal place to stay and

    18. “Well my apartment was being renovated so he offered me a place to stay in the meantime, you know before we started dating,” I said, surprisingly convincing

    19. there so I could find a place to stay

    20. They were living together all loved up, then Kate’s on my doorstep asking for a place to stay

    21. Henrique invited Tony to live with them until he found a place to stay

    22. casino city, it is a much more laid back type of town, a nice place to stay over a

    23. I finished with, “But now, thanks to you, I have a safe place to stay

    24. But he decided not to hurry his look for a better place to stay

    25. I pointed the car east, and hopped to find a place to stay for the night

    26. We went through the city, and then looked for the place to stay

    27. with, a job to do, and a place to stay

    28. He had given her a place to stay, and he had cared for her during those long months when she just wanted to lie in bed and refused to move at all

    29. " you’re not alone anymore you have a place to stay"

    30. apartment, and has no place to stay

    31. Those who were not looking for a place to stay ran up towards the pier ready to watch the

    32. Generally, I would recommend it as an excellent place to stay away from, if you ever get invited

    33. find a place to stay

    34. The girls looked up at the buzzing sign and then looked at Shamu, who quickly asked if they needed a place to stay

    35. I paused for a few seconds thinking of how hungry I was and not having a place to stay, so I blurted out the first thing that came to mind


    37. No point in getting up his nose, she warned herself, I need a place to stay

    38. Half way through the night, I was not so sure my bundle was worth the trouble, my shoulder where the strap had rubbed was beginning to bleed and I breathed a sigh of relief when the hairy one stopped to drink and eat the food he had taken from the two warriors, he had food, I had trophies, I had a lot to learn from this strange ally, after sharing the food, my moon skinned friend picked up my bundle and effortlessly threw it on to his shoulder, we marched on through the rest of the night and as the false dawn shed its light, we began to scout around for, hopefully, our last hideaway in enemy country, the day passed without incident and when evening came we again set off to the east and in the false dawn as I scanned the horizon looking for a glimpse of the Hill of Setvic my hairy companion began to scout around for a place to stay, the land had sloped for the last two nights and we followed the incline and eventually reached the plateau, two nights later before we lay down to rest I thought the lie of the ground had a familiar look to it, the next evening before the sun went down I looked around and my heart leapt, the Hill of Setvic was there in the distance, tomorrow we would be on Toltec land, but we were not safe yet we had to survive the night, oh, what a cruel fate if we were to fail with the prize in sight, that night I was followed by demons, jumping in alarm at every noise, every animal call, when the morning star appeared I dropped to the ground, totally overcome by the sight of the outline of the Hill of Setvic in the near distance, a sight I never thought I would see again, my friend, misunderstanding, rushed up and stood astride me, his shiny sticks in his hands, I started to laugh and laugh, uncontrollably; he bent and shook me, I leapt up and hugged him whirling around and around, he put his hand over my mouth, the terror and permanent vigilance of the last few weeks seemed to roll from my back like a worn tattered cloak, I stopped my antics and tried with signs to make him understand that we were safe, not knowing if he understood or not, I walked towards home and he followed

    39. Theo left the Faramdoula’s house and moved in with the Damaras brothers who offered him a place to stay in Dar-es-Salaam while an alternative future was further plotted

    40. Nidan needed a place to stay – to better organize his operation – and, he

    41. They gave him a place to stay and made sure he had everything

    42. I don’t have any other place to stay

    43. If people have no means of supporting themselves, and no friends or families to care for them, the working people of America should only provide the disabled with a place to stay, food to eat, and necessary medical attention

    44. And I will require a place to stay and a consistent supply of nourishment

    45. I have a stroke patient who was promised a place to stay at his sibling’s house after his mother passed away so that the mother’s house can be sold and the proceeds divided by the siblings

    46. He offered James a place to stay which James politely refused, and asked where the ships ported, instead

    47. warmed her up, fed her, and gave her a safe place to stay

    48. The only safe place to stay is the new city, and we don’t have enough

    49. Nor could we find a decent place to stay

    50. In LA, all he has left is his sister's house and his mama's house; the thought of either as a place to stay too far removed from the familiar hippie life

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