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    Use "playful" em uma frase

    playful frases de exemplo


    1. some confusion is inevitable: Could he be a playful, elf-like man who comes down from the canyon at dawn to sprinkle dew over the ground before others awaken? Or simply a wonderfully unobtrusive groundskeeper who literally fades into the landscape while dutifully taking care of the foliage? Actually

    2. They passed the bottle again and began to get close, but playful

    3. Things got playful between us as we worked

    4. She was cheerful, attentive, solemn, at times playful, and absolutely determined that Harry should acknowledge his intentions of future companionship before she departed

    5. his days, but this was a bit too playful

    6. Following that we started to observe two playful cats dancing in the White Light and the lucid dream faded out

    7. She could not hold back a playful grin at his mention of a saber cat’s vitality while he rattled off the bottled benefits

    8. He stroked her brow between her eyes and she nuzzled closer, baring her lips at him in a playful gesture as if to bite him

    9. And she had a wily, mischievous look on her face, a devilish sparkle in her eyes, and a big, playful grin with long white teeth that gleamed in the sun

    10. ” She shot the young Tribune at her side a sarcastic yet playful smirk, which also was ignored

    11. However, Zen also has many of the playful aspects of Taoist philosophy

    12. The winds took a playful turn as she went along, causing pleasant shivers in the Breton

    13. The fact is - they are a very playful

    14. Though the sun peeked behind a playful cloud, and there was no snow this morning, it was still cold

    15. in a playful mood, he just couldn't be bothered to find something else to wear

    16. Her tone was still playful, not critical

    17. Shelagh playful poked her in the ribs

    18. Shelagh gave him a playful punch

    19. After the initial playful exchanges they quickly changed the subject and got down to some serious talking

    20. I did my best to be hers, too; always ready with a bit of string when she was playful or a chin rub when she wasn’t

    21. He could just make out the playful glint in her eyes

    22. He wished she was as she used to be when they were growing up, playful and mischievous but never this cruel

    23. To match his playful character he had a contagious laugh that complemented it and once he started laughing it was impossible not to laugh with him

    24. Then she pointed in a direction and gave me a playful slap on my bare bottom sending me off

    25. I needed this playful

    26. As we banked left and right, crisscrossing in the air along with the other extremely modified blackhawk (the modifications largely consisted of a relic bible attached to its nose, leather-bound and hand-written by a catholic Saint), it looked almost as if a couple of playful night-birds courting in the sweet, warm summer night

    27. The captain smiled, “Yes, that was one of those playful orcas

    28. When the sun sent its first playful rays through the windows of the Healers’ House, Elior and Enilia woke up

    29. Next, I walked up to Kid Mojo and he told me in his usual cocksure way, “We’ll mess anybody up!” That was how Kid Mojo usually was; arrogant, yet playful all at once - and he meant it

    30. ” I wish you could have heard the voice he used when he had said it; he used this very contrived playful tough guy voice while he powerfully slammed his hands together and making his mouth huge, “Anybody … we’ll mess anybody up

    31. Luring notes, happy and playful

    32. Soon more people gathered around them and the playful kitten that obligingly both bit and scratched any hand that was reached out to caress him

    33. With playful bites and kisses, he covered her breasts, then moved to her hips

    34. After their playful kidding around Gafar spoke up and said, “Okay, Vydor, how did you keep that hidden?” Gafar, being a master telepath was a bit put out by the fact even he had not known

    35. ” But he said it with more cheese for the effect; she knew he was in a playful mood today

    36. The laughing and playful giggling in Adrinius’ ear as he mentally selected the neck of his choice, the blood he’d devour, the restraint he must have found so difficult to impose till he was alone with his prey all proved too revolting for me

    37. capricious whim of a playful deity, but the expression of an ab-

    38. His eyes stare at the lower side of the car, and playful creases form on his forehead

    39. Lightly tousled brown hair and shirt cuffed at the forearms suggested an easy-going style while the playful glint in his golden brown eyes made Jesse think of a word her grandfather might have used, rascal

    40. “We’ll all marvel proudly at the growth of our young, and swap stories of the things they’ve broken around our homes in their playful antics, and laugh together like all young parents do when they gather with those of similar nature!”

    41. Day sessions are usually more playful, and tend to last about an hour

    42. Mark grinned as he nocked another arrow, and had opened his mouth to offer a playful retort, when Grakonexikaldoron Spoke

    43. With her name later being a reminder of an altercation that actually became a turning point for better days, Forbes grew up as a devoted, playful and trea

    44. “Men!” he called out over the playful noise, “the animals are going to end up getting away from us if we don’t get them back together!”

    45. the same laughter and playful joking Penn was hearing

    46. “Men!” he called out over the playful noise, “the animals are going to

    47. I could see that a playful grin had spread across his face

    48. of his hips and crossing his arms in a relaxed, almost playful

    49. and noticed that, at once, there was a light, playful mood in the

    50. the handle, a playful neon yellow, was almost glowing it was so

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    Sinônimos para "playful"

    playful amusing whimsical comical jocose droll jocund funny