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    prang up frases de exemplo

    prang up

    1. Luke: 8:8: And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bear fruit a hundredfold

    2. Old Ted, on the other hand, went from strength to strength, earning a small fortune from his globally syndicated television show and from a chain of franchised garden centres bearing his name that sprang up across the whole country

    3. strange that I sprang up on bed

    4. name that sprang up across the whole country

    5. the towns sprang up

    6. In the same instant Titania and Hipolyta sprang apart from where they had been clutching each other close; each hit the wall nearest her in a forward leap, pushed off the walls and sprang up over the remaining little crowd to land on the far side of them

    7. Then suddenly, he sprang up and walked to the porch railing

    8. Jervis sprang up and started to run but was cut down by a volley of fire before he had taken three steps

    9. First he went up to the Cyprian and wounded her in the hand near her wrist, and then he sprang upon me too as though he were a god

    10. ” The region of space to which she'd narrowed the search sprang up on the main screen, and she pointed

    11. From Rosie’s letters it seemed that she was doing her bit as well and I read that she had got a job making ammunition in one of the new armaments factories that had sprang up in the town

    12. “Its Rosie Billy Boy can I talk to you for a minute?” I sprang up from the bed and pulled the door open and there she was I gripped her in a fierce hug and tears coursed down my cheeks as she whispered

    13. “Right lads lets get in there before he manages to get that gun working again” and he sprang up followed by the others in his hole

    14. They looked back over the path they had trodden and saw no trace of their footsteps; a breeze sprang up and blew dust around their legs

    15. When he saw the poison had successfully done its work, he sprang up denouncing the dying woman

    16. Fires sprang up and died down just as quickly in a random pattern across the campus, puffs of different coloured smoke filled the air

    17. A sudden wind sprang up and swept down the street forming a whirlwind as it passed the two men, whisking the ashes up its funnel and away, then just as quickly it disappeared

    18. The brave Baquero was killed, vainly attempting to rally his men; and as the leading files of the almost exhausted Americans clambered over the ridge, and prepared for the crash of hand-to-hand conflict, a straggly line of pale blue rose against the sky, as the Spaniards sprang up from their trenches, evacuated their fort, and fled precipitately into the intervening valley before Santiago

    19. for him all over the land, he sprang up the chimney and was away in a

    20. A breeze sprang up

    21. “Watch behind and tell me what they do!” Sleep swept instantly from her, and Beth sprang up to look over the seat through the rear window

    22. Churches sprang up here, there and everywhere (Well, not quite everywhere

    23. Gauging the possible distance, Colling said a silent prayer as he continued to loudly plead, then he sprang up, his right arm outstretched, spinning completely around so that the stone smashed into Jalesow’s left temple

    24. He sprang up then and ran without aiming his gun

    25. Then he transitioned into a set of Atomic Flares and sprang up to his feet with the proclamation, “That’s just how I get loose gents, that’s just how I get loose,” then Kid Mojo smirked and walked away

    26. But Jem sprang up with a gay laugh

    27. ” He sprang up again and went through a red curtain that separated this room from another one off to the right

    28. 5 And he awoke and he slept again and he dreamed a second time and he saw and note seven ears of corn came up on one stalk rank and good and seven thin ears blasted with the east wind sprang up after them and the thin ears swallowed up the full ones and Pharaoh awoke out of his dream

    29. 5 Others fell on rocky ground where they didn't have much soil and immediately they sprang up because they had no depth of earth

    30. Other seed fell on the rock; others fell on the rocky ground where it had little soil and as soon as it grew immediately it sprang up because it had no depth of soil

    31. Inside a woman sprang up, gasping with fear, and Annyeke cursed her own stupidity for not taking a mind-view of the place before they entered

    32. A jumble of words sprang up in Simon’s mind, nonsensical, strange, the wild colours of them making him blink

    33. And other fell on the rocks and some where there was not much Earth; and straightway it sprang up because it had no depth in the Earth and when the sun rose it withered; and because it had no root it dried up; And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it; and it yielded no fruit; And other fell into excellent and good ground; and it came up and grew and brought out fruit some thirty and some sixty and some a hundred; And when he said that he cried he who has ears that hear let him hear; And when they were alone his disciples came and asked him and said to him What is this parablee and why speak you to them in parables? He answered and said to them to you is given the knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of God but it is not given to them that are outside it

    34. 1 And he set out to them another parable and said The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but when men slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went away; And when the blade sprang up and brought out fruit there were noticed the tares also; And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him Our Lord did you not sow good seed in your field? where are there tares in ite He said to them An enemy has done this

    35. The next round had not yet been notched in the launching bows when Yigal sprang upright and

    36. The image that sprang up first was the mind-cane

    37. That night they were relaxing in front of the fireplace, when Rick sprang up and opened a safe hidden behind a bookcase

    38. Skidoo! Cleo’s sensitive ears picked up the sound and she sprang up and crouched

    39. While Louella and Fred stood frozen in fear, I sprang up into the wheelhouse

    40. " The man indicated a formed piece of sheet metal that sprang up into the path of the bolt

    41. Magazines sprang up and folded a couple of months later, and those that stayed around for awhile were becoming awfully picky

    42. "What a stupid thing to say!" Reinhardt sprang up from his chair and backhanded her with his pistol

    43. The contagious melody that she started to sing from the very moment we stepped on the slope, removed the sadness from our hearts and laughs sprang up like the waters of a strong spring

    44. "Chocolate houses' sprang up everywhere

    45. Jonathan pressed down against her knees and sprang up

    46. Seeing the captain’s hand going to his holster, Javid sprang up on his feet

    47. Immediately a new agitation for Jesus' apprehension sprang up and grew so strong that the Master decided to retire into the cities of Samaria and the Decapolis

    48. He sprang up with frantic haste, swearing

    49. Conan sprang up with a curse

    50. Natala heard her groping in the dark, and then a light sprang up

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